Article V PROVINCIAL. ← Page 7 of 9 →
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V Provincial.
A Lodge of Emergency was held on the 16 th of March , when Mr . Oliver Powell ( barrister , ) was initiated into the mysteries of the Order by the W . M ., Bro . W . G . Si Thomas , in a particularly impressive manner ; and Bro . W . Morris was passed to the 2 nd Degree by Bro . W . H . Cole . There was a very full Lodge on the occasion , and on a letter being read from the G . S . informing the Brethren of the appointment of Bro . John Jo lines as R . W . Prov . G . M . for the Western Division of South Wales , the Secretary was unanimously requested to write to that Brother congratulating him on his
Llandilo . — St . Teilo Lodge ( No . 996 ) . —The Warrant of Constitution has been granted by the M . W . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland , for this Lodge , and Bro . Johnes , R . W . Prov . G . M . has promised to open it in person , assisted by Bro . F . D . Michael , P . M ., and Prov . Gr Dir . of Cer . for the Eastern Division of South Wales . Every endeavour has been made to open it with eclat , and " a large gathering of Brethren is expected . We intend giving a full account of the opening in our next .
Pembroke Dock . — Loyal Welsh Lodge ( No . 525 ) . —The affairs of this Lodge are in a most flourishing condition . A great number of candidates have been initiated during the past year , and everything goes on prosperously . The landlord of the . Victoria Hotel , where the Lodge has long been held , is providing a capacious Lodge-room in the additions he is making to his premises ; and when nnished , new regalia will be provided , for which the funds are ample . On the recent St . John ' s day , the Brethren , as has been their custom for many years ,
dined together , the new Master , Bro . Captain Gillies , presiding , supported by Bro . Harries as S . W ., and Bro . Warlow , J . W ., the whole of the arrangements being under the especial superintendence of Bro . Dr . Thomas , Prov . G . Dir . of Cer . ( under whose able direction every public ceremony in the county for the last twenty years has been effected ) , and who conducted the business in the most efficient manner imaginable . The dinner took place at six p . m ., and the Brethren enjoyed themselves exceedingly , breaking up , it being Saturday night , just before the moon had reached
" Of Heaven ' s high arch—the Icey-stane , ' singing , at the instigation of Bro . P . M . Sturband , one verse of the national anthem . Among the members present , besides those above named , were Bros . P . M . Llewhelling , B . M . McLean , Hatchings , Chappel , Captain Reese , James , Rollings , Ben , Teeadale , J . Thomas , Cargill , Braine , and many others .
SUSSEX . Chichester . —Lodge of Union ( No . 45 ) . —At the monthly meeting of this Lodge , held on Thursday , March 12 , the W . M ., Bro . James Powell , jun ., P . M . No . 45 , in the chair , about thirty members of the Lodge were present , and the following visiting Brethren : —Bros . Bast rick , P . M . No . 428 ; Kirton , No . 717 : Capt . Topham , 4 th Light Dragoons , No . 246 ; Capt . Dashwood , 20 th Regiment , No . 437 ; Capt . Hawkins , 20 th Begiment , No . 437 ; and Lieut . Thomas Peach , 20 th Begiment . Mr . Charles Henry Adames and Mr . George Holmes were balloted for and accepted as candidates for initiation . Bro . Halsted proposed , in a few appropriate remarks , that , a donation of Ten Guineas be given from the Lodge funds to the West Sussex , East Hants , and Chichester Infirmary , which
was seconded by Bro . George Smith , S . W ., and carried unanimously . On the motion of Bro . Gambling , P . M ., a committee wss appointed to take the necessary steps to secure , if possible , the election of Bro . Simmons , P . M . No . 45 , to an annuity in May next . Messrs . C . H . Adames and G . Holmes were then severally initiated . By command of the W . M ., the Junior Warden explained the tools of an E . A . A . ; and Bro . 'Halsted , late S . W ., and W . M . in esse , delivered the charge with due emphasis and discretion . Bros . Murless and C , Adames were then passed
to the degree of Fellow Craft ; and Bros . Bawet and Iloblyn were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason . The Lodge closed in harmony . TOL . HI . 2 3
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V Provincial.
A Lodge of Emergency was held on the 16 th of March , when Mr . Oliver Powell ( barrister , ) was initiated into the mysteries of the Order by the W . M ., Bro . W . G . Si Thomas , in a particularly impressive manner ; and Bro . W . Morris was passed to the 2 nd Degree by Bro . W . H . Cole . There was a very full Lodge on the occasion , and on a letter being read from the G . S . informing the Brethren of the appointment of Bro . John Jo lines as R . W . Prov . G . M . for the Western Division of South Wales , the Secretary was unanimously requested to write to that Brother congratulating him on his
Llandilo . — St . Teilo Lodge ( No . 996 ) . —The Warrant of Constitution has been granted by the M . W . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland , for this Lodge , and Bro . Johnes , R . W . Prov . G . M . has promised to open it in person , assisted by Bro . F . D . Michael , P . M ., and Prov . Gr Dir . of Cer . for the Eastern Division of South Wales . Every endeavour has been made to open it with eclat , and " a large gathering of Brethren is expected . We intend giving a full account of the opening in our next .
Pembroke Dock . — Loyal Welsh Lodge ( No . 525 ) . —The affairs of this Lodge are in a most flourishing condition . A great number of candidates have been initiated during the past year , and everything goes on prosperously . The landlord of the . Victoria Hotel , where the Lodge has long been held , is providing a capacious Lodge-room in the additions he is making to his premises ; and when nnished , new regalia will be provided , for which the funds are ample . On the recent St . John ' s day , the Brethren , as has been their custom for many years ,
dined together , the new Master , Bro . Captain Gillies , presiding , supported by Bro . Harries as S . W ., and Bro . Warlow , J . W ., the whole of the arrangements being under the especial superintendence of Bro . Dr . Thomas , Prov . G . Dir . of Cer . ( under whose able direction every public ceremony in the county for the last twenty years has been effected ) , and who conducted the business in the most efficient manner imaginable . The dinner took place at six p . m ., and the Brethren enjoyed themselves exceedingly , breaking up , it being Saturday night , just before the moon had reached
" Of Heaven ' s high arch—the Icey-stane , ' singing , at the instigation of Bro . P . M . Sturband , one verse of the national anthem . Among the members present , besides those above named , were Bros . P . M . Llewhelling , B . M . McLean , Hatchings , Chappel , Captain Reese , James , Rollings , Ben , Teeadale , J . Thomas , Cargill , Braine , and many others .
SUSSEX . Chichester . —Lodge of Union ( No . 45 ) . —At the monthly meeting of this Lodge , held on Thursday , March 12 , the W . M ., Bro . James Powell , jun ., P . M . No . 45 , in the chair , about thirty members of the Lodge were present , and the following visiting Brethren : —Bros . Bast rick , P . M . No . 428 ; Kirton , No . 717 : Capt . Topham , 4 th Light Dragoons , No . 246 ; Capt . Dashwood , 20 th Regiment , No . 437 ; Capt . Hawkins , 20 th Begiment , No . 437 ; and Lieut . Thomas Peach , 20 th Begiment . Mr . Charles Henry Adames and Mr . George Holmes were balloted for and accepted as candidates for initiation . Bro . Halsted proposed , in a few appropriate remarks , that , a donation of Ten Guineas be given from the Lodge funds to the West Sussex , East Hants , and Chichester Infirmary , which
was seconded by Bro . George Smith , S . W ., and carried unanimously . On the motion of Bro . Gambling , P . M ., a committee wss appointed to take the necessary steps to secure , if possible , the election of Bro . Simmons , P . M . No . 45 , to an annuity in May next . Messrs . C . H . Adames and G . Holmes were then severally initiated . By command of the W . M ., the Junior Warden explained the tools of an E . A . A . ; and Bro . 'Halsted , late S . W ., and W . M . in esse , delivered the charge with due emphasis and discretion . Bros . Murless and C , Adames were then passed
to the degree of Fellow Craft ; and Bros . Bawet and Iloblyn were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason . The Lodge closed in harmony . TOL . HI . 2 3