Article V PROVINCIAL. ← Page 8 of 9 →
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V Provincial.
WAKWICKSHIRE . Birmingham . —Howe Lodge ( No . 857 ) . ~^ A numerous meeting of the members of this Lodged was held in their rooms , Newhall-street , Birmingham , on Monday , March 9 , under the presidency of the W . M . Bro . IC . Marshall , when Bros , Lindner and Johnston were raised to the 3 rd Degree , and three gentlemen accepted for initiation , This Lodge has taken another step in the right direction , having commenced the formation of a library , so that when the candidate is
req [ iiested to make the liberal arts and sciences his study , the means will be at his disposal . The Secretary Bro . Bfoughton , presented to the Lodge a very handsomely bound complete set of the Freemasons' Magazine , ^ nd the Penny Encyelopmdia and Supplement . Several Brethren also promised presents of books . The Secretary stated , that as the rooms were unfinished , it would be well to read a statement of accounts , showing how the money had been raised and
expended , and concluded by-doing so ; and in the most generous manner presented his forty shares of £ 5 each in the building to the Lodge . At the con * elusion of the business , the usual collection for benevolent purposes was made by the Treas . Bro . J , W , Lloyd , P . M ,, in a very elegant box , presented by him to the Lodge for that purpose . The Brethren then separated in harmony and brotherly love ,
WORCESTEBSHIBE . Dudley . —Harmonic Lodge ( No . Slfy , Freemasons' Tavern . —T ^ by his Officers , opened Lodge on Tuesday , the 3 rd , at the customary hour of half-past six , p . m . Soon afterwards , the Bight Worshipful Brother , H . C . "Vernon , the Prov . G . M ., was announced , together with Bro . the Rev . A . G . Davies , M . A . ( P . M . No . 730 , and W . M . No . 819 ) , his Prov . G . Chaplain ; Bro . M . Masefield ( P . M . ) , Prov . G . Treas . ; Bro . the Bev . EH . A . Gwynne , M . A ., Prov . G .
Chaplain of Staffordshire ( P . M . No . 435 , and Chap , to No . 819 ); and Bro . W . Howells , Prov . G . S . of Works . Staffordshire . The Right Worshipful Prov . Grand Master was received with the customary honours , and welcomed with the greatest cordiality and delight by the Brethren present , although they were taken unawares . The W . M . then proceeded with the business upon the circular , and initiated a gentleman into the mysteries of the Craft . The charge being delivered by the
immediate P . M ., great attention was paid to the working by the R . W . Brother , who corrected one or two little irregularities in the working ( though most universally committed ) , and proved by the observations addressed to the Brethren , his own proficiency and efficiency in the science . Lodge being closed , the Brethren adjourned to banquet , at which the Bight Worshipful the P . G . M . most ably presided . The other visitors present were Bro . J . Williscroft , P . M . No . 838 , and J . Davies ( M . R . C . S . ) , J . D . No . 435 , and S . W . No . 960 .
Royal Standard Lodge ( No . 730 ) . —At the March meeting of this Lodge at the Dudley Arms Hotel , two gentlemen were initiated into the mysteries and privileges of the 1 st Degree . There were many visitors present , and a fair muster of Brethren . The Vernon Lodge ( No . 819 ) . —The meeting of this Lodge took place at the Old Town Hall , Dudley , on Wednesday , 18 th March , the ceremonies being performed by the Rev . W . M ., an initiation and a passing .
Perseverance . Lodge ( No . 838 ) . —At the meeting of this Lodge on 25 th March , two Brethren were initiated , and other business transacted . It was expected that Bro . Sheridan , the candidate for Dudley , and who has since been elected , would have attended , but an important meeting prevented him . Woecebter . — Worcester Lodge ( No . 349 ) . — At the usual March banquet of this Lodge , held at the Bell Hotel , on Wednesday , the 1 . 1 th March , a pleasing testimonial of the esteem entertained by the Brethren of that Lodge for the zealous Services rendered for so many years by Bro . Joseph Bennett , P . M ., was presented by Bro . P . M . Griffiths , in the shape of a portrait of that gentleman , in an en-
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V Provincial.
WAKWICKSHIRE . Birmingham . —Howe Lodge ( No . 857 ) . ~^ A numerous meeting of the members of this Lodged was held in their rooms , Newhall-street , Birmingham , on Monday , March 9 , under the presidency of the W . M . Bro . IC . Marshall , when Bros , Lindner and Johnston were raised to the 3 rd Degree , and three gentlemen accepted for initiation , This Lodge has taken another step in the right direction , having commenced the formation of a library , so that when the candidate is
req [ iiested to make the liberal arts and sciences his study , the means will be at his disposal . The Secretary Bro . Bfoughton , presented to the Lodge a very handsomely bound complete set of the Freemasons' Magazine , ^ nd the Penny Encyelopmdia and Supplement . Several Brethren also promised presents of books . The Secretary stated , that as the rooms were unfinished , it would be well to read a statement of accounts , showing how the money had been raised and
expended , and concluded by-doing so ; and in the most generous manner presented his forty shares of £ 5 each in the building to the Lodge . At the con * elusion of the business , the usual collection for benevolent purposes was made by the Treas . Bro . J , W , Lloyd , P . M ,, in a very elegant box , presented by him to the Lodge for that purpose . The Brethren then separated in harmony and brotherly love ,
WORCESTEBSHIBE . Dudley . —Harmonic Lodge ( No . Slfy , Freemasons' Tavern . —T ^ by his Officers , opened Lodge on Tuesday , the 3 rd , at the customary hour of half-past six , p . m . Soon afterwards , the Bight Worshipful Brother , H . C . "Vernon , the Prov . G . M ., was announced , together with Bro . the Rev . A . G . Davies , M . A . ( P . M . No . 730 , and W . M . No . 819 ) , his Prov . G . Chaplain ; Bro . M . Masefield ( P . M . ) , Prov . G . Treas . ; Bro . the Bev . EH . A . Gwynne , M . A ., Prov . G .
Chaplain of Staffordshire ( P . M . No . 435 , and Chap , to No . 819 ); and Bro . W . Howells , Prov . G . S . of Works . Staffordshire . The Right Worshipful Prov . Grand Master was received with the customary honours , and welcomed with the greatest cordiality and delight by the Brethren present , although they were taken unawares . The W . M . then proceeded with the business upon the circular , and initiated a gentleman into the mysteries of the Craft . The charge being delivered by the
immediate P . M ., great attention was paid to the working by the R . W . Brother , who corrected one or two little irregularities in the working ( though most universally committed ) , and proved by the observations addressed to the Brethren , his own proficiency and efficiency in the science . Lodge being closed , the Brethren adjourned to banquet , at which the Bight Worshipful the P . G . M . most ably presided . The other visitors present were Bro . J . Williscroft , P . M . No . 838 , and J . Davies ( M . R . C . S . ) , J . D . No . 435 , and S . W . No . 960 .
Royal Standard Lodge ( No . 730 ) . —At the March meeting of this Lodge at the Dudley Arms Hotel , two gentlemen were initiated into the mysteries and privileges of the 1 st Degree . There were many visitors present , and a fair muster of Brethren . The Vernon Lodge ( No . 819 ) . —The meeting of this Lodge took place at the Old Town Hall , Dudley , on Wednesday , 18 th March , the ceremonies being performed by the Rev . W . M ., an initiation and a passing .
Perseverance . Lodge ( No . 838 ) . —At the meeting of this Lodge on 25 th March , two Brethren were initiated , and other business transacted . It was expected that Bro . Sheridan , the candidate for Dudley , and who has since been elected , would have attended , but an important meeting prevented him . Woecebter . — Worcester Lodge ( No . 349 ) . — At the usual March banquet of this Lodge , held at the Bell Hotel , on Wednesday , the 1 . 1 th March , a pleasing testimonial of the esteem entertained by the Brethren of that Lodge for the zealous Services rendered for so many years by Bro . Joseph Bennett , P . M ., was presented by Bro . P . M . Griffiths , in the shape of a portrait of that gentleman , in an en-