Article KNIGHTS TEMPIAK. ← Page 5 of 6 →
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Knights Tempiak.
The Grand Conclave of Knight Templars will meet in Freemasons' Hall , on Tuesday , the 12 th of May , when a numerous attendance is expected . Cross of Cheist EN"OAMPMENT .---At the quarterly meeting held at Radley ' s Hotel , on the 20 th of March , Sir Knight Samuel Rawsoii , Prov . CM . and Grand Superintendent for China , was installed with all due solemnity as E . G . by Past Com . Sir Knight B . Costa , assisted by Sir Knight J . Masson , Grand
co-labourers in our endeavours to shed light over a subject now shrouded in darkness , the elucidation of which is well worthy of the most strenuous efforts of every true Templar . We have the honour to remain , in the bonds of the Order , Yours fraternally ,
THEO . S . GOHRDIN , Com ' r of South Carolina , Com y No . 1 , Charlestown , S . C PHILIP C . TUCKER , Dep . G ^ d Master of pie Grand Encampment at Vermont , ¦ . ' ¦¦ "¦ . ; ' ' . - . Vergennes , "Vt .
WM . TRACY GOULD , Past Dep . Qen . ( M . Master Augusta , Ga , EEBRTJARY 1 , 1857 .
Chancellor , and the venerable Sir Knight J . H ; Goldsworthy . The E . G . appointed the following Officers : —Sir Knight B . A . Kent , 1 st Capt . ; Sir Knight A . M . Moore , 2 nd Capt . ; Sir Knight the Ifcev . J . E . Cox , Prelate ; Sir Knight It . Spence , Reg . We hear it reported this Encampment is about changing its name ; if so , we hope many new banners will be unfurled at the future meetings of this old and influential Encampment .
Bolton . —St . James of Jerusalem Encampment . —The annual conclave of this Encampment was held on Eriday , the 13 th March ; Sir Knight G . P . Brockbank , E . G . Comp . Sinclair , of Chapter of Concord , No . 44 , was balloted for as a candidate for installation and approved . The E . C . elect , Sir Knight John Butler Parkinson , was duly installed into Office by Sir Knight W . H .
Wright , the Dir . of Cer . for the province of Lancashire . The following Sir Knights were appointed to the respective Offices : —W . B . Birch , 1 st Capt . ; R . Mitchell , 2 nd Capt . ; W . H . Wright , Prelate ; T . Higson , Expert ; W . Redick , Almoner ; L . Winstanley , Capt . of Lines ; Musgrave and Smith , Standard Bearers . Knight Equerry banquet was celebrated at seven o ' clock , and a most agreeable evening passed .
Newcastle . —Royal Kent Encampment . —The Conclave met on Eriday , the 13 th of March , for the election of M . E . Com . for the ensuing year , and M . W . for the higher Degrees attached to this field of encampment . The Conclave was regularly opened by P . M . E . Com . E . D . Davis , assisted by P . E . Corns . W . L . Jobling , W . Punsheon , W . Dalgish , Win . Berkley , P . 1 st Capt ., John Barker , 2 nd Capt .,
Henry Holborn , Treas ., Ered . P . Jones , and other Sir Knts . and Eraters . The ballot having been taken for M . E . Com . and Treas ., the present M . E . Com . declared the suffrages as follows : —Past 1 st Capt . John Barker , as M . E . C . and M . W . ; Past M . E . Com . Ered . P . Jonn , as Treas . ; and Com . John Trotter , as Equery without . There being no further business , the Encampment adjourned to Good Friday , the 10 th of April , for installation of the M . E . Com . elect and Officers for the ensuing year .
Somebsetshire .- —On the 5 th of March , a new Encampment was consecrated in the town of Taunton . On this occasion there was a large gathering of Knights , many coming from great distances , desirous of paying their respects to tho Y . G . M . of the Order , Colonel Charles Keniys Kemys Tynte , whose name the Encampment bears . The Most Eminent and Supreme G . M . attended , and , in . a most feeling and beautiful speech , gave his reasons for consenting to the petition
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Knights Tempiak.
The Grand Conclave of Knight Templars will meet in Freemasons' Hall , on Tuesday , the 12 th of May , when a numerous attendance is expected . Cross of Cheist EN"OAMPMENT .---At the quarterly meeting held at Radley ' s Hotel , on the 20 th of March , Sir Knight Samuel Rawsoii , Prov . CM . and Grand Superintendent for China , was installed with all due solemnity as E . G . by Past Com . Sir Knight B . Costa , assisted by Sir Knight J . Masson , Grand
co-labourers in our endeavours to shed light over a subject now shrouded in darkness , the elucidation of which is well worthy of the most strenuous efforts of every true Templar . We have the honour to remain , in the bonds of the Order , Yours fraternally ,
THEO . S . GOHRDIN , Com ' r of South Carolina , Com y No . 1 , Charlestown , S . C PHILIP C . TUCKER , Dep . G ^ d Master of pie Grand Encampment at Vermont , ¦ . ' ¦¦ "¦ . ; ' ' . - . Vergennes , "Vt .
WM . TRACY GOULD , Past Dep . Qen . ( M . Master Augusta , Ga , EEBRTJARY 1 , 1857 .
Chancellor , and the venerable Sir Knight J . H ; Goldsworthy . The E . G . appointed the following Officers : —Sir Knight B . A . Kent , 1 st Capt . ; Sir Knight A . M . Moore , 2 nd Capt . ; Sir Knight the Ifcev . J . E . Cox , Prelate ; Sir Knight It . Spence , Reg . We hear it reported this Encampment is about changing its name ; if so , we hope many new banners will be unfurled at the future meetings of this old and influential Encampment .
Bolton . —St . James of Jerusalem Encampment . —The annual conclave of this Encampment was held on Eriday , the 13 th March ; Sir Knight G . P . Brockbank , E . G . Comp . Sinclair , of Chapter of Concord , No . 44 , was balloted for as a candidate for installation and approved . The E . C . elect , Sir Knight John Butler Parkinson , was duly installed into Office by Sir Knight W . H .
Wright , the Dir . of Cer . for the province of Lancashire . The following Sir Knights were appointed to the respective Offices : —W . B . Birch , 1 st Capt . ; R . Mitchell , 2 nd Capt . ; W . H . Wright , Prelate ; T . Higson , Expert ; W . Redick , Almoner ; L . Winstanley , Capt . of Lines ; Musgrave and Smith , Standard Bearers . Knight Equerry banquet was celebrated at seven o ' clock , and a most agreeable evening passed .
Newcastle . —Royal Kent Encampment . —The Conclave met on Eriday , the 13 th of March , for the election of M . E . Com . for the ensuing year , and M . W . for the higher Degrees attached to this field of encampment . The Conclave was regularly opened by P . M . E . Com . E . D . Davis , assisted by P . E . Corns . W . L . Jobling , W . Punsheon , W . Dalgish , Win . Berkley , P . 1 st Capt ., John Barker , 2 nd Capt .,
Henry Holborn , Treas ., Ered . P . Jones , and other Sir Knts . and Eraters . The ballot having been taken for M . E . Com . and Treas ., the present M . E . Com . declared the suffrages as follows : —Past 1 st Capt . John Barker , as M . E . C . and M . W . ; Past M . E . Com . Ered . P . Jonn , as Treas . ; and Com . John Trotter , as Equery without . There being no further business , the Encampment adjourned to Good Friday , the 10 th of April , for installation of the M . E . Com . elect and Officers for the ensuing year .
Somebsetshire .- —On the 5 th of March , a new Encampment was consecrated in the town of Taunton . On this occasion there was a large gathering of Knights , many coming from great distances , desirous of paying their respects to tho Y . G . M . of the Order , Colonel Charles Keniys Kemys Tynte , whose name the Encampment bears . The Most Eminent and Supreme G . M . attended , and , in . a most feeling and beautiful speech , gave his reasons for consenting to the petition