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Grand Master or Sovereign of the Cosmopolite body , while a Masonic Knight can get a Diploma from the Master of his langue ( whether known as c Grand Commander , Vor ^ Grand Master / or ¦¦ ' Grand Prior' ); or a certificate from the Grand Secretary of that country . This principle , with some of the details requisite to carry it out in practice , was submitted to the Chapter General on 11 th
March , 1856 , and met with so favourable a reception , as tending to do away with all doubt ancl jealousy in future , that a series of Statutes founded thereon was permitted to be laid on the table , and ordered to be taken into consideration on the 1 st April , to which day the Chapter General was adjourned . At this last meeting they were fully discussed and finally agreed to , and amongst them it is declared that every one received into the Order must be previously a regular Royal Arch Mason . "
; - : AIJSTRALIA . Melbourne . —i ? a $£ Collingwood Bridge ^ N oYembev 7 th was a day which will be long remembered by th e residents of East Colling wood , for there could not have been less than 3 , 000 persons , chiefly local residents , assembled to witness the ceremony of laying the foundation-stone , with Masonic honours , of the new bridge to be carried over the Yarra , in the line of Johnston Street . The procession formed in Gertrude Street , and included
The Masonic Brethren , in Eull Costume ( Seniors Last ) .
Scotland : Australasian Kilwinning Lodge , No . 337 Ireland : "Washington Lodge . Hiram Lodge , No . 349 . England : The Collingwood Lodge , The Hobson ' s Bay Lodge .
The St . Kilda Lodge , No . 917-The Australasia Lodge , No . 773 . The Australia Eelix Lodge , No . 697 . The Worshipful Master of the Collingwood Lodge , bearing the Mallet \ The Worshipful Master of the Washington Lodge , bearing the Trowel ;
The Worshipful Master of the Hobson ' s Bay Lodge , bearing the Inscription Scroll for the Foundation Stone ; The Worshipful Master of the St . Kilda Lodge , No . 917 , bearing a Phial containing the Coins to be deposited in the Stone ; The Worshipful Master of the Lodge of Australasia , No . 773 , bearing tho
Square , Level , and Plumb . Scotland : The Eight Worshipful Master of the Lodge Australasia , Kilwinning , No . 337 , bearing a Ewer with Wine .
Ixieland : ( Senior Local blank , ) The Worshipful Master of the Lodge of Hiram , No . 349 , bearing a Cornucopia with Corn .
Eng-land : The Worshipful Master of the Australia Eelix Lodge , No . 697 , bearing a Ewer with Oil ; Provincial Grand Lodge for Yictoria , under the Grand Lodge of Ireland . P . G . Tyler . V . W . Provincial Grand Officers ,
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Grand Master or Sovereign of the Cosmopolite body , while a Masonic Knight can get a Diploma from the Master of his langue ( whether known as c Grand Commander , Vor ^ Grand Master / or ¦¦ ' Grand Prior' ); or a certificate from the Grand Secretary of that country . This principle , with some of the details requisite to carry it out in practice , was submitted to the Chapter General on 11 th
March , 1856 , and met with so favourable a reception , as tending to do away with all doubt ancl jealousy in future , that a series of Statutes founded thereon was permitted to be laid on the table , and ordered to be taken into consideration on the 1 st April , to which day the Chapter General was adjourned . At this last meeting they were fully discussed and finally agreed to , and amongst them it is declared that every one received into the Order must be previously a regular Royal Arch Mason . "
; - : AIJSTRALIA . Melbourne . —i ? a $£ Collingwood Bridge ^ N oYembev 7 th was a day which will be long remembered by th e residents of East Colling wood , for there could not have been less than 3 , 000 persons , chiefly local residents , assembled to witness the ceremony of laying the foundation-stone , with Masonic honours , of the new bridge to be carried over the Yarra , in the line of Johnston Street . The procession formed in Gertrude Street , and included
The Masonic Brethren , in Eull Costume ( Seniors Last ) .
Scotland : Australasian Kilwinning Lodge , No . 337 Ireland : "Washington Lodge . Hiram Lodge , No . 349 . England : The Collingwood Lodge , The Hobson ' s Bay Lodge .
The St . Kilda Lodge , No . 917-The Australasia Lodge , No . 773 . The Australia Eelix Lodge , No . 697 . The Worshipful Master of the Collingwood Lodge , bearing the Mallet \ The Worshipful Master of the Washington Lodge , bearing the Trowel ;
The Worshipful Master of the Hobson ' s Bay Lodge , bearing the Inscription Scroll for the Foundation Stone ; The Worshipful Master of the St . Kilda Lodge , No . 917 , bearing a Phial containing the Coins to be deposited in the Stone ; The Worshipful Master of the Lodge of Australasia , No . 773 , bearing tho
Square , Level , and Plumb . Scotland : The Eight Worshipful Master of the Lodge Australasia , Kilwinning , No . 337 , bearing a Ewer with Wine .
Ixieland : ( Senior Local blank , ) The Worshipful Master of the Lodge of Hiram , No . 349 , bearing a Cornucopia with Corn .
Eng-land : The Worshipful Master of the Australia Eelix Lodge , No . 697 , bearing a Ewer with Oil ; Provincial Grand Lodge for Yictoria , under the Grand Lodge of Ireland . P . G . Tyler . V . W . Provincial Grand Officers ,