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Fragments And Documents Relating To Eeee...
( "" fThe Wall of Chika is one of these Eastern Pieces of Magnificence which makes a Figure even in a Map of the World . Although an ' Account of it would have been thought fabulous were not the Wall itself ' extant '¦"' We are obliged to Devotion for the noblest Buildings that have ' adorn'd the several Countries of the World . It is this which has set
c Men at Work on Temples and Public Places of Worship , not only that 6 they might by the Magnificence of the Building invite the Deity to reside 6 there \ \ hut that such Stupendous Works might at the same Time open i the Mind to vast conceptions , and : fit it to converse with the Divinity of 5 place . ' " Thps far our Author ; and I am persuaded you have not thought
me tedious in giving you so much of the Works of that Great Man instead of my own . From what he has said , the great Antiquity of the Art of Building or Masonry may be easily deduc ed . For without running up to SetWs Pillars or the Tower of Babel for Proofs , the Temple of ^ fe ^ alone , or the Walls of Babilon , of both which the learned Dr . Prideauw has given ample accounts , which were built 4000 Years ago , and 1000 before the Buiidi ^ are sufficient Testimonies , or at least give great Reason to Conjecture , that three Parts in four of the whole Earth might then be divided into . 0—1 ;^ C ' . ^' ^^^ *
"Now , it is morally impossible but Geometry , that noble and useful Science must have begun and gone Hand in Hand with Masonry ; for without it , those Stupendous and Enormous Structures could never have been erected . And though we have not the Names of any great Proficients so early as Bahilon , yet we have a Pythagoras , an Euclid , an Archimedes ., flourishing in very remote Ages , whose Works have ever since been , and are at present the Basis , on which the Learned have built , at different Times , so many noble Superstructures .
"But I must not trespass too much on your Patience , and shall therefore , though unwillingly , pass over the Building of Solomon's Temple , a Building where God himself was the Architect , and which to all Masons is so very Particular , that it is almost unpardonable to neglect it . " But that with the Repairs of it by Josiah , rebuilding by Zerrubbabel and Herod , to the final Destruction by Titus Vespatian ; together with the History of the Grecian and Roman * Orders and Architects , the Gothick
Intrusion over all , and its late Resurection and present growing Greatness , may be Subjects sufficient for several Discourses ; which , since I have ventur ed to break the Ice , I hope some abler Hand will carry on . " I shall now by way of Conclusion beg leave to subjoyn some Observations , and apply them more particularly to our ancient Lodge , and to our present Meeting at this Solemnity . And here I know you'll excuse me from unveiling our Mysteries tho' I am speaking to my Brethren , when you see the Reason I dare not plain in my Hand .
(( Crwnr , « r . "U «« 1-. ^_ „ »/ l TT _~ C < ' i ~ i . __ l .-. 1 ,. 1 , i ' . l ' L " Since , as has been said , Human Society has always been so useful , it cannot be wondered at that this of ours should have so very ancient an Original . I have already shewn you that Masonry is the oldest Science the World has produced ; the first , the earliest Ages employ'd their whole Study and Industry upon ; and for this Reason the fundainental Rules of this Art have been handed down from Age to Age , and very justly thought
fit to be made a Mystery on . A Mystery however that has something in it apparent to the whole World , and which alone is sufficient to answer all the Objections that Malice or Ignorance can throw , or has urged against us ; of which , to mention no more , our three Grand Principles of Brotherly Love , Relief , and Truth to one another , are very shining Instances . A Foundation laid in virtue by the strictest Geometrical Rules , is a point of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Fragments And Documents Relating To Eeee...
( "" fThe Wall of Chika is one of these Eastern Pieces of Magnificence which makes a Figure even in a Map of the World . Although an ' Account of it would have been thought fabulous were not the Wall itself ' extant '¦"' We are obliged to Devotion for the noblest Buildings that have ' adorn'd the several Countries of the World . It is this which has set
c Men at Work on Temples and Public Places of Worship , not only that 6 they might by the Magnificence of the Building invite the Deity to reside 6 there \ \ hut that such Stupendous Works might at the same Time open i the Mind to vast conceptions , and : fit it to converse with the Divinity of 5 place . ' " Thps far our Author ; and I am persuaded you have not thought
me tedious in giving you so much of the Works of that Great Man instead of my own . From what he has said , the great Antiquity of the Art of Building or Masonry may be easily deduc ed . For without running up to SetWs Pillars or the Tower of Babel for Proofs , the Temple of ^ fe ^ alone , or the Walls of Babilon , of both which the learned Dr . Prideauw has given ample accounts , which were built 4000 Years ago , and 1000 before the Buiidi ^ are sufficient Testimonies , or at least give great Reason to Conjecture , that three Parts in four of the whole Earth might then be divided into . 0—1 ;^ C ' . ^' ^^^ *
"Now , it is morally impossible but Geometry , that noble and useful Science must have begun and gone Hand in Hand with Masonry ; for without it , those Stupendous and Enormous Structures could never have been erected . And though we have not the Names of any great Proficients so early as Bahilon , yet we have a Pythagoras , an Euclid , an Archimedes ., flourishing in very remote Ages , whose Works have ever since been , and are at present the Basis , on which the Learned have built , at different Times , so many noble Superstructures .
"But I must not trespass too much on your Patience , and shall therefore , though unwillingly , pass over the Building of Solomon's Temple , a Building where God himself was the Architect , and which to all Masons is so very Particular , that it is almost unpardonable to neglect it . " But that with the Repairs of it by Josiah , rebuilding by Zerrubbabel and Herod , to the final Destruction by Titus Vespatian ; together with the History of the Grecian and Roman * Orders and Architects , the Gothick
Intrusion over all , and its late Resurection and present growing Greatness , may be Subjects sufficient for several Discourses ; which , since I have ventur ed to break the Ice , I hope some abler Hand will carry on . " I shall now by way of Conclusion beg leave to subjoyn some Observations , and apply them more particularly to our ancient Lodge , and to our present Meeting at this Solemnity . And here I know you'll excuse me from unveiling our Mysteries tho' I am speaking to my Brethren , when you see the Reason I dare not plain in my Hand .
(( Crwnr , « r . "U «« 1-. ^_ „ »/ l TT _~ C < ' i ~ i . __ l .-. 1 ,. 1 , i ' . l ' L " Since , as has been said , Human Society has always been so useful , it cannot be wondered at that this of ours should have so very ancient an Original . I have already shewn you that Masonry is the oldest Science the World has produced ; the first , the earliest Ages employ'd their whole Study and Industry upon ; and for this Reason the fundainental Rules of this Art have been handed down from Age to Age , and very justly thought
fit to be made a Mystery on . A Mystery however that has something in it apparent to the whole World , and which alone is sufficient to answer all the Objections that Malice or Ignorance can throw , or has urged against us ; of which , to mention no more , our three Grand Principles of Brotherly Love , Relief , and Truth to one another , are very shining Instances . A Foundation laid in virtue by the strictest Geometrical Rules , is a point of