Article PBOGEESSION. ← Page 2 of 2
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leetual researches , ^ he visible and invisible world are open to his desires and aspirations , if he will only investigate studiously and earnestly . To penetrate the arcana of God ' s mysteries- ~ to know wherefore man exists—his future relation to his God---to the angel hosts in the invisible world—the chain which links the souls of the
departed to those which exist on earth- ~ the finale of the drama of this life with the hopes , fears , cares , affections , desires , aspirations and dreams of the being made in the image of the Creator , thsse are all legitimate objects of intellectual investigation , and within the province of the soul to attain a knowledge of .
Man ' s observations ought not to be circumscribed within the sphere of nature ' s operations . The science of nature and the laws which govern the physical world are proper subjects of inquiry and investigation , and it is through a knowledge of these we may by analogy resolve the problem which connects the future with the present . It is not su ^
we exist for , and what will be the ul ^ over , and earth and its glories are no more for ns , ought to be the proper study of man . If there is a life beyond the grave , it oug ^ be the highest aspiration of man to know what that life will be ^ and endeavour , while here , to attain the highest position among the angelic hosts . The soul of man constantly arid unceasingly yearns to remove the veil which hides the invisible from his finite observation ;
but the pleasures of life , the gratification of the animal senses , the desire for wealth , position , power , and the constant absorption of the intellectual faculties in the endeavour to obtain and realize these aspirations of an earthly nature , leave man no time and take away the inclination to dwell upon those important subjects which regard his future as well as his present well-being .
Progression is God ' s law . It is established m the world of nature It governs the intellect of man , but it must be cultivated in order to develop itself . Man cannot move in harmony with the music of the spheres , he cannot unfold the beauties of intellectual existence—the spirit world of this life and of the invisible , will be closed to his vision—if he does not in communion with his soul strive for higher
and still higher approximation to the source and fount of all light . To learn and know the duties which pertain to this life , ought to be the chief study of man . This study will , in its comprehensive co-relations , open wide the portals of his mental vision and enable him to discern the relations which , as an immortal being , he bears to his God and to his fellow-man , and influence him to the promotion of that inillenium which is to result in the establishment of the brotherhood of man * — JSFew York Mirror and Keystone .
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leetual researches , ^ he visible and invisible world are open to his desires and aspirations , if he will only investigate studiously and earnestly . To penetrate the arcana of God ' s mysteries- ~ to know wherefore man exists—his future relation to his God---to the angel hosts in the invisible world—the chain which links the souls of the
departed to those which exist on earth- ~ the finale of the drama of this life with the hopes , fears , cares , affections , desires , aspirations and dreams of the being made in the image of the Creator , thsse are all legitimate objects of intellectual investigation , and within the province of the soul to attain a knowledge of .
Man ' s observations ought not to be circumscribed within the sphere of nature ' s operations . The science of nature and the laws which govern the physical world are proper subjects of inquiry and investigation , and it is through a knowledge of these we may by analogy resolve the problem which connects the future with the present . It is not su ^
we exist for , and what will be the ul ^ over , and earth and its glories are no more for ns , ought to be the proper study of man . If there is a life beyond the grave , it oug ^ be the highest aspiration of man to know what that life will be ^ and endeavour , while here , to attain the highest position among the angelic hosts . The soul of man constantly arid unceasingly yearns to remove the veil which hides the invisible from his finite observation ;
but the pleasures of life , the gratification of the animal senses , the desire for wealth , position , power , and the constant absorption of the intellectual faculties in the endeavour to obtain and realize these aspirations of an earthly nature , leave man no time and take away the inclination to dwell upon those important subjects which regard his future as well as his present well-being .
Progression is God ' s law . It is established m the world of nature It governs the intellect of man , but it must be cultivated in order to develop itself . Man cannot move in harmony with the music of the spheres , he cannot unfold the beauties of intellectual existence—the spirit world of this life and of the invisible , will be closed to his vision—if he does not in communion with his soul strive for higher
and still higher approximation to the source and fount of all light . To learn and know the duties which pertain to this life , ought to be the chief study of man . This study will , in its comprehensive co-relations , open wide the portals of his mental vision and enable him to discern the relations which , as an immortal being , he bears to his God and to his fellow-man , and influence him to the promotion of that inillenium which is to result in the establishment of the brotherhood of man * — JSFew York Mirror and Keystone .