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Tidings From The Craft In The United States.
( Prepared for the Freemasons' Magazine , by the R . W . Bro . Rob Morris , of Lodgeton , Kentucky , author of " A Code of Masonic Laws , " and various other Masonic works . ) The fact that the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island has recently petitioned the legislature of that state for an Act of Incorporation to enable them to build a Grand Masonic Hall , is one of uncommon interest in connection
with the Masonic history of that Grand Lodge . During the distress that pervaded the Fraternity in this country , and especially the older states , some thirty years since , growing out of the so-called Morgan xxffmr , the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island had neariy succum subordinate Lodges maintained an ^ were hurled at it , such as fequiringlts office
to Masonic obligations ,, instituting statutes prohibiting extrajudicial oaths , & c . & c , and public sentiment was brought in ev e ^ against it . Novv ^^ ^ f ^^ initiated ; and at a Mason last , there were present as guests all the ^ ^^ s ndthihg found wanting that could m ^
Your correspondent himself saw the governor of Massachusetts made a Knight Templar at Boston in June last year , and can testify that the highest officers in many of our states are Freem ^ A hew Lodge (^ organized at Providence , Rhode Island , F ' ebruary 2 nd , 1858 , gave occasion for public ceremonies of an imposing character . The dedication by the Grand Chaplain was in these words : — To the memory of Holy Saint John we dedicate this
Lodge . May every Brother revere his character and imitate his virtues . " the Grand Master declared— - " In the name of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge I now constitute and form you , my good Brethren , into a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons . From henceforth I empower you to act as a regular Lodge constituted in conformity with the rights of our Order , and the charges of our ancient and honourable Fraternity ; and may the Supreme Architect of the Universe prosper , direct , and control you in all your doings . "
In the way of Masonic literature , we have " Proceedings on the occasion of the Centennial Celebration of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 1 , of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York ; including an Address by Most Worshipful William H . Milnor , Past Grand Master , and an Historical Sketch by Right Worshipful Bro . F . G Tisdall , Master , & c . Monday evening , December 7 th , a . l . 5857 . New York : F , G . Tisdall , Universal Masonic Agency . 1858 . ' * 8 vo . pp . 62 .
The " Historical Sketch" is one of the most valuable documents afforded the Craft in this generation , and a grateful debt is due to Bro . Tisdall for his labour in the preparation . Bro . Milnor ' s address is worthy the interesting occasion that called it forth . At the last sessions of the Grand Lodge of Kansas the recognition of
the Grand Lodge of Canada ( of which Bro . Wm . Mercer Wilson is Grand Master ) was resolved upon , in these words : — " Resolved that we cordially recognize the Independent Grand Lodge of Canada , and extend to that Grand Lodge the hand of fellowship . " An earnest recommendation to the subordinate Lodges to pursue the study of Masonry was adopted by YO £ . IV , 3 B
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Tidings From The Craft In The United States.
( Prepared for the Freemasons' Magazine , by the R . W . Bro . Rob Morris , of Lodgeton , Kentucky , author of " A Code of Masonic Laws , " and various other Masonic works . ) The fact that the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island has recently petitioned the legislature of that state for an Act of Incorporation to enable them to build a Grand Masonic Hall , is one of uncommon interest in connection
with the Masonic history of that Grand Lodge . During the distress that pervaded the Fraternity in this country , and especially the older states , some thirty years since , growing out of the so-called Morgan xxffmr , the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island had neariy succum subordinate Lodges maintained an ^ were hurled at it , such as fequiringlts office
to Masonic obligations ,, instituting statutes prohibiting extrajudicial oaths , & c . & c , and public sentiment was brought in ev e ^ against it . Novv ^^ ^ f ^^ initiated ; and at a Mason last , there were present as guests all the ^ ^^ s ndthihg found wanting that could m ^
Your correspondent himself saw the governor of Massachusetts made a Knight Templar at Boston in June last year , and can testify that the highest officers in many of our states are Freem ^ A hew Lodge (^ organized at Providence , Rhode Island , F ' ebruary 2 nd , 1858 , gave occasion for public ceremonies of an imposing character . The dedication by the Grand Chaplain was in these words : — To the memory of Holy Saint John we dedicate this
Lodge . May every Brother revere his character and imitate his virtues . " the Grand Master declared— - " In the name of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge I now constitute and form you , my good Brethren , into a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons . From henceforth I empower you to act as a regular Lodge constituted in conformity with the rights of our Order , and the charges of our ancient and honourable Fraternity ; and may the Supreme Architect of the Universe prosper , direct , and control you in all your doings . "
In the way of Masonic literature , we have " Proceedings on the occasion of the Centennial Celebration of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 1 , of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York ; including an Address by Most Worshipful William H . Milnor , Past Grand Master , and an Historical Sketch by Right Worshipful Bro . F . G Tisdall , Master , & c . Monday evening , December 7 th , a . l . 5857 . New York : F , G . Tisdall , Universal Masonic Agency . 1858 . ' * 8 vo . pp . 62 .
The " Historical Sketch" is one of the most valuable documents afforded the Craft in this generation , and a grateful debt is due to Bro . Tisdall for his labour in the preparation . Bro . Milnor ' s address is worthy the interesting occasion that called it forth . At the last sessions of the Grand Lodge of Kansas the recognition of
the Grand Lodge of Canada ( of which Bro . Wm . Mercer Wilson is Grand Master ) was resolved upon , in these words : — " Resolved that we cordially recognize the Independent Grand Lodge of Canada , and extend to that Grand Lodge the hand of fellowship . " An earnest recommendation to the subordinate Lodges to pursue the study of Masonry was adopted by YO £ . IV , 3 B