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Tidings From The Craft In The United Sta...
that Grand Lodge , 4 s was the representative system between Grand Lodges generally . We have just received the " Letter from the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , . 'Sj / WV Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England , 011 the question of Masonic
Independence in Canada ; and Reply by Bro . Thomas Douglas Harington , Prov . G . M ., <^ respondent , Bro . Harington . Nothing yet published upon this interesting question , involving so many points of la ^ v and usage , has thrown so mucn ^ light upon it . The manliness of the of his utterance , and the evident sincerity with which he presses his arguments home npoii the Grand Master , stamp him as a writer of whom we American ^ M There has been too m ness with too little knowledge brought to bear ^ future of this question it is to derate over the former defects One result can scarcely fail to follow the
decision of ^ Grand Lodges which have p question of acknowledgment of the Independent Grand Lodge will defer H all hope and pray fo Grand Lodges in Canada . Am I wrong in deeming ^ swerable production of Bro . Ha
I have before me a documeht which , as it exhibits the American style of Masonic obsequ entire : — " Programme of a Lodge of Sorrow to he held at Hickman , Kentucky , on Sunday , November 29 th , 1857 , under the nnited patronage of the
Freemasons of Kentucky , Tennessee , and Missouri , in memory of Jess ^ Edmohston , late Worshipful Master of ^ ^ M patriarch of Masonry in Western Kentucky j likewise of Bro . George Sheeks , Past Senior Warden , and Bro . Wm . Harrison , a member of said Lodge .
" The Sorrow Lodge will be opened in the Masonic Hall at half-past nine , a . m ., in the 3 rd Degree of Masonry , R . W . Bro . Rob Morris , D . G . M ., presiding . " The ceremonies will proceed as follows : —Reading the Scriptures ;
Ode—' Thou art gone to the grave ; ' Exordium by M . E . Solomon W . Cochran , P . Grand High Priest of Tennessee . The procession will be formed at half-past ten , a . m ., by W . Bro . Wm . M . Ellison , Chief Marshal , assisted by the following aids , —Bros , Joshua H . Dodds , R . C . Prather , J . H . Craig , Samuel Landrum , Wm . Robinson , J . H . Davis , and G . F . Bard .
" Opening Prayer at the Methodist Church , by the Chaplain , Rev . F . E Roberts . Music by the band . Reading the Scriptures .
" hymn ( composed for the occasion ) " Teach us , O Lord , our days to sum , That we to wisdom may incline ; What steps of life are yet to come , What gloomy steps of pain and sin .
"'Tis ours to know that we must die ; Oh ! teach us , Lord , how test to live ; Thy love with greater power display— . Thy grace in larger measure give .
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Tidings From The Craft In The United Sta...
that Grand Lodge , 4 s was the representative system between Grand Lodges generally . We have just received the " Letter from the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , . 'Sj / WV Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England , 011 the question of Masonic
Independence in Canada ; and Reply by Bro . Thomas Douglas Harington , Prov . G . M ., <^ respondent , Bro . Harington . Nothing yet published upon this interesting question , involving so many points of la ^ v and usage , has thrown so mucn ^ light upon it . The manliness of the of his utterance , and the evident sincerity with which he presses his arguments home npoii the Grand Master , stamp him as a writer of whom we American ^ M There has been too m ness with too little knowledge brought to bear ^ future of this question it is to derate over the former defects One result can scarcely fail to follow the
decision of ^ Grand Lodges which have p question of acknowledgment of the Independent Grand Lodge will defer H all hope and pray fo Grand Lodges in Canada . Am I wrong in deeming ^ swerable production of Bro . Ha
I have before me a documeht which , as it exhibits the American style of Masonic obsequ entire : — " Programme of a Lodge of Sorrow to he held at Hickman , Kentucky , on Sunday , November 29 th , 1857 , under the nnited patronage of the
Freemasons of Kentucky , Tennessee , and Missouri , in memory of Jess ^ Edmohston , late Worshipful Master of ^ ^ M patriarch of Masonry in Western Kentucky j likewise of Bro . George Sheeks , Past Senior Warden , and Bro . Wm . Harrison , a member of said Lodge .
" The Sorrow Lodge will be opened in the Masonic Hall at half-past nine , a . m ., in the 3 rd Degree of Masonry , R . W . Bro . Rob Morris , D . G . M ., presiding . " The ceremonies will proceed as follows : —Reading the Scriptures ;
Ode—' Thou art gone to the grave ; ' Exordium by M . E . Solomon W . Cochran , P . Grand High Priest of Tennessee . The procession will be formed at half-past ten , a . m ., by W . Bro . Wm . M . Ellison , Chief Marshal , assisted by the following aids , —Bros , Joshua H . Dodds , R . C . Prather , J . H . Craig , Samuel Landrum , Wm . Robinson , J . H . Davis , and G . F . Bard .
" Opening Prayer at the Methodist Church , by the Chaplain , Rev . F . E Roberts . Music by the band . Reading the Scriptures .
" hymn ( composed for the occasion ) " Teach us , O Lord , our days to sum , That we to wisdom may incline ; What steps of life are yet to come , What gloomy steps of pain and sin .
"'Tis ours to know that we must die ; Oh ! teach us , Lord , how test to live ; Thy love with greater power display— . Thy grace in larger measure give .