Article THE MMOMC MI1E01 ← Page 7 of 8 →
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The Mmomc Mi1e01
Bro . Samuel Hill , in a very able and impressive manner . A banquet befitting the Lodge and its visitors was afterwards partaken of , at the conclusion of which the W . M ., in a few words replete with kindness , tendered , in the name of the Lodge , to Bro . Bohn a very handsome time-piece , from the manufactory of Bro . Baab , of Gerrard-street , Soho , bearing the followinginscription :-- ~ Presented by the Canonbury Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons , No . 955 , to Bro . Thomas
Bohn , P . M . and founder of the Lodge , in testimony of their fraternal regard and in acknowledgment of his services to the Lodge . April 8 th , 1855 . " Bro . Bohn , in returning thanks for the testimonial presented to him , mueh regretted his inability , at that moment , adequately to express his feelings of gratification , arising from the twofold cause of extreme weariness , he having only one hour back returned from the Continent , where he had been closely engaged in business for some days past , and partly from intensity of feeling that he should be held in such high
estimation by his brother members . The testimonial was to him one beyond price , as not only tending to prove that his conduct in life hitherto had met with his fellow man ' s approbation , but the peculiar character of the compliment , he hoped , would teach him more highly to appreciate the value of time , and amid all its pleasures , pains , and difficulties he trusted he should never forget the kindness of those who had that evening done him so much honour . He was pleased to find that his shortcomings had been forgiven , and he believed forgotten , at all events
by those who had contributed to the testimonial then before him . It pointed out , also , to him days yet to come , and he sincerely wished that what he had done amiss in time past he should be able to amend in those days which were yet in store for him . In his endeavours to do good as a Mason and a citizep he might equal but never excel his exertions of previous years , for he had always been guided by a sincere desire to benefit those for whom or on whose behalf he acted , or who needed his services , and more he could scarce anticipate the power of
accomplishing . Bro . Bohn then assured the members present of his determination to continue to the utmost of his ability to advance the cause of Freemasonry in general and of the Canonbury Lodge in particular , and concluded with a peroration highly pleasing to the members present . As an instance of Masonic constancy we may mention the large attendance of members notwithstanding the tempestuous and deluging state of the weather , the Lodge being closed in the presence of upwards of forty members and visitors . We are happy moreover to add , that whilst the social glass was circulating , and pure fellowship beamed from
each happy countenance , that most inestimable of all virtues , Charity , was not forgotten , its cause being not only ably supported , but nobly responded to . One Brother , who would not otherwise have known where to lay his head , was relieved and enabled to go on his way rejoicing . The evening ' s entertainment was well diversified by wit and song , the Lodge being honoured by the presence of several visitors , including Bros . Baab , P . M . No . 7 ; J . Shepheard , P . M . No . 29 ; M . Ballard , P . M . No . 321 ; and W . Gordon , No . 81 , who all expressed themselves proud of their acquaintance with the Canonbury Lodge .
TVestboubnb Lodge ( No . 1 , 035 ) . —A meeting of this Lodge was held on the 15 th instant , when seven Brethren were raised to the 3 rd Degree—viz ., Bros . Samuel Bailey , David Little , James Richards , Henry Solomon , J . Renner , G . Neimke , and Henry Govier . Bros . G . Nichols , J . Turner , and Tobias Cohen , were severally passed to the Fellow Craft's Degree ; and Bros . Edward John Eraser , of No , 3 , James Taylor , of No . 168 , and Richard Lyne , of No . 185 , were
admitted as joining members . Bro . A . D . Loewenstark , the first W . M . of the Lodge , performed all the duties of the chair , and we scarcely know which most to admire—his excellent working or the training of the candidates , over whom very great care had been bestowed to render them qualified for advancement . The Westbonrne Lodge is anxious that its name should be as creditably maintained as it has been inaugurated , and has determined on establishing a Lodge of Instruction .
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The Mmomc Mi1e01
Bro . Samuel Hill , in a very able and impressive manner . A banquet befitting the Lodge and its visitors was afterwards partaken of , at the conclusion of which the W . M ., in a few words replete with kindness , tendered , in the name of the Lodge , to Bro . Bohn a very handsome time-piece , from the manufactory of Bro . Baab , of Gerrard-street , Soho , bearing the followinginscription :-- ~ Presented by the Canonbury Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons , No . 955 , to Bro . Thomas
Bohn , P . M . and founder of the Lodge , in testimony of their fraternal regard and in acknowledgment of his services to the Lodge . April 8 th , 1855 . " Bro . Bohn , in returning thanks for the testimonial presented to him , mueh regretted his inability , at that moment , adequately to express his feelings of gratification , arising from the twofold cause of extreme weariness , he having only one hour back returned from the Continent , where he had been closely engaged in business for some days past , and partly from intensity of feeling that he should be held in such high
estimation by his brother members . The testimonial was to him one beyond price , as not only tending to prove that his conduct in life hitherto had met with his fellow man ' s approbation , but the peculiar character of the compliment , he hoped , would teach him more highly to appreciate the value of time , and amid all its pleasures , pains , and difficulties he trusted he should never forget the kindness of those who had that evening done him so much honour . He was pleased to find that his shortcomings had been forgiven , and he believed forgotten , at all events
by those who had contributed to the testimonial then before him . It pointed out , also , to him days yet to come , and he sincerely wished that what he had done amiss in time past he should be able to amend in those days which were yet in store for him . In his endeavours to do good as a Mason and a citizep he might equal but never excel his exertions of previous years , for he had always been guided by a sincere desire to benefit those for whom or on whose behalf he acted , or who needed his services , and more he could scarce anticipate the power of
accomplishing . Bro . Bohn then assured the members present of his determination to continue to the utmost of his ability to advance the cause of Freemasonry in general and of the Canonbury Lodge in particular , and concluded with a peroration highly pleasing to the members present . As an instance of Masonic constancy we may mention the large attendance of members notwithstanding the tempestuous and deluging state of the weather , the Lodge being closed in the presence of upwards of forty members and visitors . We are happy moreover to add , that whilst the social glass was circulating , and pure fellowship beamed from
each happy countenance , that most inestimable of all virtues , Charity , was not forgotten , its cause being not only ably supported , but nobly responded to . One Brother , who would not otherwise have known where to lay his head , was relieved and enabled to go on his way rejoicing . The evening ' s entertainment was well diversified by wit and song , the Lodge being honoured by the presence of several visitors , including Bros . Baab , P . M . No . 7 ; J . Shepheard , P . M . No . 29 ; M . Ballard , P . M . No . 321 ; and W . Gordon , No . 81 , who all expressed themselves proud of their acquaintance with the Canonbury Lodge .
TVestboubnb Lodge ( No . 1 , 035 ) . —A meeting of this Lodge was held on the 15 th instant , when seven Brethren were raised to the 3 rd Degree—viz ., Bros . Samuel Bailey , David Little , James Richards , Henry Solomon , J . Renner , G . Neimke , and Henry Govier . Bros . G . Nichols , J . Turner , and Tobias Cohen , were severally passed to the Fellow Craft's Degree ; and Bros . Edward John Eraser , of No , 3 , James Taylor , of No . 168 , and Richard Lyne , of No . 185 , were
admitted as joining members . Bro . A . D . Loewenstark , the first W . M . of the Lodge , performed all the duties of the chair , and we scarcely know which most to admire—his excellent working or the training of the candidates , over whom very great care had been bestowed to render them qualified for advancement . The Westbonrne Lodge is anxious that its name should be as creditably maintained as it has been inaugurated , and has determined on establishing a Lodge of Instruction .