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as those asEJociations were dovetailed with the principles of Masonry , tending to do much good to the Fraternity and society ; individually he would promote the interests of Freem ^ mmently bringing his name before the meetings and also for the honour in accepting him as a member of the Crewe Lodge > numbering such distinguished Masons , and to return his grateful acknowledgment for proposing his health . The W . M . then
gave ^ the toast of the newly appointed Deputy Prov . G . M . and W . M . elect for the ensuing year , Bro . G . C . Antrobus . He was proud he had accepted office , for no one ever presided over the Lodge with moredignity and kindness than he did oh a former occasion ; no one , he believed , was more dear to the members of the Lodge , and equally so to the Craft throughout the province , as a good , active , and consistent Mason . Bro . G . 0 . Antrobus , in returning thanks , said he felt highly
complimented by being elevated to the dignity of D . Prov . G . M ., conjoined with their proposition and re-election of that day as W . M . of 403 . H-is best wishes and inclinations were with with the Craft , and his abilities and services at all times at their command , to inculcate and carry out the principles of the Order . The health of the " Provincial Officers , " proposed in complimentary language , for services rendered in the province , was proposed by Bro . Wadsworth . Bro . Bland , P . G . Treas ., observed that , at all times to him it was a pleasure and a pride to
hold office under Viscount Oornbermere- —under so good , so excellent , and esteemed a Masonic general . If he had any other exultation and delight , it was when this Lodge moved an address to the R . W . Prov . G . Master , setting forth whatpleasure it would afford the members of No . 403- —the lodge of the province- —and with what delight it would be received by the Craft in Cheshire ^ that their worthy , excellent , and eminent Brother , G . C . Antrobus , esteemed by all for his Masonic qualifications , as a country gentleman , a magistrate , and a friend ) should be
elevated to the dignity of D . Prov . G . M . As Treasurer , he was happy to inform them , that the finances were in a satisfactory state ; and for the honour in connecting his name to reply to the toast , he begged to thank them . Bros . Cruttenden , Twiss , and E . H . Griffiths , as Past Officers , addressed the meeting ; and after Bro . Smith had replied in a neat Masonic and suitable speech to his health being proposed , one of the most delightful reunions held for some time was brought to a close .
Chester .- — Qesirian Lodge ( No . 615 . )—The members of this Lodge held their monthly meeting on Wednesday , March 31 , at the Lodge-rooms , Royal Hotel , being a fortnight earlier than usual , in order to give their learned Brethren of the Bar on the Chester circuit ( many of whom are subscribing members of the Cestrian ) an opportunity of attending the duties of the Lodge . Previous to the regular Lodge being opened , a Lodge of Emergency had been summoned to ballot for and initiate into Masonry two gentlemen from a neighbouring county .
The Lodge was opened by Bro . J . H , Leche , W . M ., of Garden Park , assisted by Bro . Willoiighby , P . M . A strong muster of the Craft was present , including the worthy Recorder ( Bro . Welsby ) , and several other learned Brethren ; Dr . Cummin , Captain Hunter , of the Pensioners' Staff , and several officers of the "West Norfolk Militia , now stationed in Chester , with other distinguished visitors from a distance . The initiations having taken place and the Lodge of Emergency been closed , the regular Lodge was opened , when it was unanimously agreed that a
letter of sympathy be sent to Bro . Sir W . W . Wynn , Bart ., on his late irreparable loss by fire of the family residence of Wynnstay . ( The letter has since been forwarded to the worthy baronet , signed by all the Brethren present . ) During the Masonic business of the day , Bro . Dutton , P . Prov . G . S . Deacon , by command of the Prov . G . M . invested Bro . Willqughby , P . M ., with the jewel of Prov . J . G . W ., to which office he has been recently appointed in the room of Bro , Col .
Cotton , now advanced to the office of Prov . S . G . W . The Lodge being called from labour , the Brethren ( upwards of forty ) sat down to a sumptuous banquet , the W . M . Bro . Leche presiding . On the removal of the cloth , benediction was pronounced by the Rev . Chaplain to the Lodge ( Bro . Brake , of Malpas ) , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were delivered from the chair , interspersed with some capital singing by Bro . Cuzner . A most agreeahle evening having been
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as those asEJociations were dovetailed with the principles of Masonry , tending to do much good to the Fraternity and society ; individually he would promote the interests of Freem ^ mmently bringing his name before the meetings and also for the honour in accepting him as a member of the Crewe Lodge > numbering such distinguished Masons , and to return his grateful acknowledgment for proposing his health . The W . M . then
gave ^ the toast of the newly appointed Deputy Prov . G . M . and W . M . elect for the ensuing year , Bro . G . C . Antrobus . He was proud he had accepted office , for no one ever presided over the Lodge with moredignity and kindness than he did oh a former occasion ; no one , he believed , was more dear to the members of the Lodge , and equally so to the Craft throughout the province , as a good , active , and consistent Mason . Bro . G . 0 . Antrobus , in returning thanks , said he felt highly
complimented by being elevated to the dignity of D . Prov . G . M ., conjoined with their proposition and re-election of that day as W . M . of 403 . H-is best wishes and inclinations were with with the Craft , and his abilities and services at all times at their command , to inculcate and carry out the principles of the Order . The health of the " Provincial Officers , " proposed in complimentary language , for services rendered in the province , was proposed by Bro . Wadsworth . Bro . Bland , P . G . Treas ., observed that , at all times to him it was a pleasure and a pride to
hold office under Viscount Oornbermere- —under so good , so excellent , and esteemed a Masonic general . If he had any other exultation and delight , it was when this Lodge moved an address to the R . W . Prov . G . Master , setting forth whatpleasure it would afford the members of No . 403- —the lodge of the province- —and with what delight it would be received by the Craft in Cheshire ^ that their worthy , excellent , and eminent Brother , G . C . Antrobus , esteemed by all for his Masonic qualifications , as a country gentleman , a magistrate , and a friend ) should be
elevated to the dignity of D . Prov . G . M . As Treasurer , he was happy to inform them , that the finances were in a satisfactory state ; and for the honour in connecting his name to reply to the toast , he begged to thank them . Bros . Cruttenden , Twiss , and E . H . Griffiths , as Past Officers , addressed the meeting ; and after Bro . Smith had replied in a neat Masonic and suitable speech to his health being proposed , one of the most delightful reunions held for some time was brought to a close .
Chester .- — Qesirian Lodge ( No . 615 . )—The members of this Lodge held their monthly meeting on Wednesday , March 31 , at the Lodge-rooms , Royal Hotel , being a fortnight earlier than usual , in order to give their learned Brethren of the Bar on the Chester circuit ( many of whom are subscribing members of the Cestrian ) an opportunity of attending the duties of the Lodge . Previous to the regular Lodge being opened , a Lodge of Emergency had been summoned to ballot for and initiate into Masonry two gentlemen from a neighbouring county .
The Lodge was opened by Bro . J . H , Leche , W . M ., of Garden Park , assisted by Bro . Willoiighby , P . M . A strong muster of the Craft was present , including the worthy Recorder ( Bro . Welsby ) , and several other learned Brethren ; Dr . Cummin , Captain Hunter , of the Pensioners' Staff , and several officers of the "West Norfolk Militia , now stationed in Chester , with other distinguished visitors from a distance . The initiations having taken place and the Lodge of Emergency been closed , the regular Lodge was opened , when it was unanimously agreed that a
letter of sympathy be sent to Bro . Sir W . W . Wynn , Bart ., on his late irreparable loss by fire of the family residence of Wynnstay . ( The letter has since been forwarded to the worthy baronet , signed by all the Brethren present . ) During the Masonic business of the day , Bro . Dutton , P . Prov . G . S . Deacon , by command of the Prov . G . M . invested Bro . Willqughby , P . M ., with the jewel of Prov . J . G . W ., to which office he has been recently appointed in the room of Bro , Col .
Cotton , now advanced to the office of Prov . S . G . W . The Lodge being called from labour , the Brethren ( upwards of forty ) sat down to a sumptuous banquet , the W . M . Bro . Leche presiding . On the removal of the cloth , benediction was pronounced by the Rev . Chaplain to the Lodge ( Bro . Brake , of Malpas ) , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were delivered from the chair , interspersed with some capital singing by Bro . Cuzner . A most agreeahle evening having been