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Royal Arch
HI ) YAL AEtli ,
METEGPOLITAN CHAPTER . Jerusalem : Chapter ( No . 218 ) . —This Chapter held its last regular meeting of the season at Dick's Cofiee-house , Fleet-street , on Tuesday , April 13 th , when Comp . Sheen , M . E . Z ., who had been re-elected , was inducted into the chair , and proceeded to install Comp . Burton in the third chair . We regret to state that the Comp . M'Culloch , who had been elected Second Principal , was too ill to be present to receive the benefit of installation . Comps . Patten , P . Z . and P . G . S . B ., was
invested as Treas . ; Manico , P . Z ., as ScribeE . ; Shepherd asN . ; Walls as P . S . ; and Arliss and Boutcher as Assistants . ; Comp ; Smith was elected Janitor . Notice of motion was given to alter the amount of subscription , and all fc ended , the Chapter was closed . The , Companions sat down to an excellent bahcjuet , which reflected great credit on ffi host . The visitors comprised : — Comps . Stephen Barton Wilson , P . Z . and G . S . B . ; Carpenter , Z . No . 25 and P . Z . No . 91 ; Watson , P . Z . No . 25 ; Harrison , No . 25 : and Beuler , No . 593 .
United PrnaRiMs' Chapter .- —( No . 745 . )—Agreeably with an announcement which appeared in our number of the 24 th March , the Members of the above Chapter of Instruction ( held at eight o ' clock every Thursday evening during the summer month , and half-past seven o ' clock in the winter , at Comp . Ireland ' s the Queen Elizabeth , King ' s Row , Walworth ) , assembled on the 8 th inst . ; and were presided over by Comps . Ladd , as Z . ; Blackburn , H ; and Young , J . After the ceremony of exaltation had been very impressively perforraed , Comp . Ladd , much
to the gratification of all present , gave a most beautiful and instructive explanation of the Royal Arch Jewel and the five solids ; he afterwards presented exquisite models of the latter , as also a beautiful diagram illustrative of the jewel , to this Chapter of Instruction ; for which presentation a vote of thanks was ordered to be placed on the minutes . Comp . Ladd stated his intention of repeating the explanation every Thursday , and occasionally to work the sections . We recommend a visit to this Chapter , and are happy to think the opinion we
expressed in our former number respecting its working was on this occasion fully borne out . The visitors were unanimous in expressing their high appreciation of the intellectual acquirements displayed by Comp . Ladd , and that the working throughout deserved their highest encomiums . The members present on the above occasion were Comps . Ladd , Blackburn , Young , Thomas , Farmer , J . R .
Warren , Garrod , J . T . Warren , Parr , Prince , Radini , Greenwood , Anslow , Braham , Ireland , and Piatt . The visitors were Comps . Blake , No . 3 ; Taylor , No . 169 ; Cox and Hoskings , No . 184 ; Hosenherg , No . 223 ; and Isaacs , No . 539 ; who were all elected members . On the conclusion of the business the Comps . adjourned to a sumptuous banquet , and spent the remainder of the evening in perfect harmony .
Mark Masonry.
( LEIGH CONSTITUTION . ) Northumberland and Berwick Lodge . —This time-immemorial Lodge met on April 14 th , being the first regular meeting since it has received a warrant of confirmation from the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England and Wales . The Lodge was opened in due form by the R . W . P . M . Wm . Punshon , assisted by Bro . John Barker , as P . M . ; George Weatherhead , as S . W . ; Septimus Bell , as J . W . ; Henry P . Woolley , as 8 , B , ; Richard Medcalfe , as J J ) ., & c . After the confirmation 3 c 2
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch
HI ) YAL AEtli ,
METEGPOLITAN CHAPTER . Jerusalem : Chapter ( No . 218 ) . —This Chapter held its last regular meeting of the season at Dick's Cofiee-house , Fleet-street , on Tuesday , April 13 th , when Comp . Sheen , M . E . Z ., who had been re-elected , was inducted into the chair , and proceeded to install Comp . Burton in the third chair . We regret to state that the Comp . M'Culloch , who had been elected Second Principal , was too ill to be present to receive the benefit of installation . Comps . Patten , P . Z . and P . G . S . B ., was
invested as Treas . ; Manico , P . Z ., as ScribeE . ; Shepherd asN . ; Walls as P . S . ; and Arliss and Boutcher as Assistants . ; Comp ; Smith was elected Janitor . Notice of motion was given to alter the amount of subscription , and all fc ended , the Chapter was closed . The , Companions sat down to an excellent bahcjuet , which reflected great credit on ffi host . The visitors comprised : — Comps . Stephen Barton Wilson , P . Z . and G . S . B . ; Carpenter , Z . No . 25 and P . Z . No . 91 ; Watson , P . Z . No . 25 ; Harrison , No . 25 : and Beuler , No . 593 .
United PrnaRiMs' Chapter .- —( No . 745 . )—Agreeably with an announcement which appeared in our number of the 24 th March , the Members of the above Chapter of Instruction ( held at eight o ' clock every Thursday evening during the summer month , and half-past seven o ' clock in the winter , at Comp . Ireland ' s the Queen Elizabeth , King ' s Row , Walworth ) , assembled on the 8 th inst . ; and were presided over by Comps . Ladd , as Z . ; Blackburn , H ; and Young , J . After the ceremony of exaltation had been very impressively perforraed , Comp . Ladd , much
to the gratification of all present , gave a most beautiful and instructive explanation of the Royal Arch Jewel and the five solids ; he afterwards presented exquisite models of the latter , as also a beautiful diagram illustrative of the jewel , to this Chapter of Instruction ; for which presentation a vote of thanks was ordered to be placed on the minutes . Comp . Ladd stated his intention of repeating the explanation every Thursday , and occasionally to work the sections . We recommend a visit to this Chapter , and are happy to think the opinion we
expressed in our former number respecting its working was on this occasion fully borne out . The visitors were unanimous in expressing their high appreciation of the intellectual acquirements displayed by Comp . Ladd , and that the working throughout deserved their highest encomiums . The members present on the above occasion were Comps . Ladd , Blackburn , Young , Thomas , Farmer , J . R .
Warren , Garrod , J . T . Warren , Parr , Prince , Radini , Greenwood , Anslow , Braham , Ireland , and Piatt . The visitors were Comps . Blake , No . 3 ; Taylor , No . 169 ; Cox and Hoskings , No . 184 ; Hosenherg , No . 223 ; and Isaacs , No . 539 ; who were all elected members . On the conclusion of the business the Comps . adjourned to a sumptuous banquet , and spent the remainder of the evening in perfect harmony .
Mark Masonry.
( LEIGH CONSTITUTION . ) Northumberland and Berwick Lodge . —This time-immemorial Lodge met on April 14 th , being the first regular meeting since it has received a warrant of confirmation from the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England and Wales . The Lodge was opened in due form by the R . W . P . M . Wm . Punshon , assisted by Bro . John Barker , as P . M . ; George Weatherhead , as S . W . ; Septimus Bell , as J . W . ; Henry P . Woolley , as 8 , B , ; Richard Medcalfe , as J J ) ., & c . After the confirmation 3 c 2