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The Week.
from Mr . Headlam ^ ts to the cours e which Govern m ent intended to fake in the case of the Caglim said the case involved two questions , the one natibir & l , the other ' international . The first concern treatment of Park ahol W ^ tt , « n which the opinion of the Crown officers had been received , and they unanimously declared that the imprisonment and detention of Park and Watt were illegal . In consequence of that decision , the Secretary of State had se ^
minister of the King of Naples , demanding compensation for the grievah ^ fe iri - flicted on those parties . As to the international question , they had hot -yet received the opinions thereon of the Crown olfice ^ to lay before the House the views of the late government on the ^ sulbject of reform , considering that the mattir ought to be left in the hands of the executive . Admiral Walcott next brought under notice the present incomplete state of ^ Nelson monument in Trafalgar Square , notwithstanding the numerous grants of
public money voted from time to time " . '; and Mr . Disraeli promised to do his best to ^ cilitate the completion of the monunient , deeming it in its present state a national disgrace .- ——From abroad there is scarcely any thing vvdrthy of notice . Lucknow has fallen ; but as 50 , 000 of the insurgents are stated to have escaped , the work of our troops is evM ^ of Dr . Bernard for murder as an accessory of Orsini has attracted public attention . It was brought to a close oh Saturday ^^ a of acquittal . It is
supjjosed that the indictment for conspiracy to murder the emperor will be abandoned . ——A deputation has waited on the Home Secretary to obtain compensation for Mr . Barber who was convicted of forgery in the celebrated will case , and subsequently pardoned on further evidence being proved to show that he was innocent of complicity in the matter , The Secretary of State stated that the Crown had dene [ no wrong , neither had the judge or jury done wrong . Mr ; Barber was rightly convicted , though it subsequently turned out that there had been a failure
of justice by reason of the non-production of other evidence . He admitted , however , that the point as to Mr . Barber ' s not having been allowed a separate trial was a strong feature in the case . He would speak upon the matter to Lord Derby and the government , and see what could be done . ——Yice-Chahcellor Stuart has decided that a marriage abroad between a British subject and a deceased wife ' s sister is as invalid in England as though it had taken place in this country ;
and that therefore the children of such marriage are illegitimate .- At a meeting of the Great Eastern Steam Navigation Company , a report was presented was presented which stated that £ 211 , 282 . 10 $ . would be required to complete the Leviathan , which it was proposed to raise by preference shares . The total cost of the ship would be £ 804 , 522 . The directors propose to complete the equipment by the ensuing autumn , when some trial trips to America would be made preliminary to the Vessel being put on the Indian or Australian service the following spring .
The week following Easter is naturally baren of novelties , managers having put forth every nerve in the previous week to produce attractions ; but this year there was a novelty of the most agreeable nature , the commencement of the opera season at her Majesty ' s Theatre with more than usual attractions . The season opened on Tuesday the 13 th with " The Huguenots / ' which is new to this house . Valentine was undertaken by a dibutante Mdlle . Titiens , and notwithstanding the
recollections of Grisi who , to London opera-goers , is almost identified with the character , obtained a deserved and complete success . Mdlle . Titiens' features are capable of the most varying degrees of expression , while her figure is gracefully moulded , and her elocution free , elegant , and appropriate . The voice of Mdlle . Titiens is a mezzo soprano of the purest quality , not a note of her register having been spoiled or deteriorated by ill-usage , and in its application she is guided by the nicest judgement ; Experience has obviously made her in every sense of the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
from Mr . Headlam ^ ts to the cours e which Govern m ent intended to fake in the case of the Caglim said the case involved two questions , the one natibir & l , the other ' international . The first concern treatment of Park ahol W ^ tt , « n which the opinion of the Crown officers had been received , and they unanimously declared that the imprisonment and detention of Park and Watt were illegal . In consequence of that decision , the Secretary of State had se ^
minister of the King of Naples , demanding compensation for the grievah ^ fe iri - flicted on those parties . As to the international question , they had hot -yet received the opinions thereon of the Crown olfice ^ to lay before the House the views of the late government on the ^ sulbject of reform , considering that the mattir ought to be left in the hands of the executive . Admiral Walcott next brought under notice the present incomplete state of ^ Nelson monument in Trafalgar Square , notwithstanding the numerous grants of
public money voted from time to time " . '; and Mr . Disraeli promised to do his best to ^ cilitate the completion of the monunient , deeming it in its present state a national disgrace .- ——From abroad there is scarcely any thing vvdrthy of notice . Lucknow has fallen ; but as 50 , 000 of the insurgents are stated to have escaped , the work of our troops is evM ^ of Dr . Bernard for murder as an accessory of Orsini has attracted public attention . It was brought to a close oh Saturday ^^ a of acquittal . It is
supjjosed that the indictment for conspiracy to murder the emperor will be abandoned . ——A deputation has waited on the Home Secretary to obtain compensation for Mr . Barber who was convicted of forgery in the celebrated will case , and subsequently pardoned on further evidence being proved to show that he was innocent of complicity in the matter , The Secretary of State stated that the Crown had dene [ no wrong , neither had the judge or jury done wrong . Mr ; Barber was rightly convicted , though it subsequently turned out that there had been a failure
of justice by reason of the non-production of other evidence . He admitted , however , that the point as to Mr . Barber ' s not having been allowed a separate trial was a strong feature in the case . He would speak upon the matter to Lord Derby and the government , and see what could be done . ——Yice-Chahcellor Stuart has decided that a marriage abroad between a British subject and a deceased wife ' s sister is as invalid in England as though it had taken place in this country ;
and that therefore the children of such marriage are illegitimate .- At a meeting of the Great Eastern Steam Navigation Company , a report was presented was presented which stated that £ 211 , 282 . 10 $ . would be required to complete the Leviathan , which it was proposed to raise by preference shares . The total cost of the ship would be £ 804 , 522 . The directors propose to complete the equipment by the ensuing autumn , when some trial trips to America would be made preliminary to the Vessel being put on the Indian or Australian service the following spring .
The week following Easter is naturally baren of novelties , managers having put forth every nerve in the previous week to produce attractions ; but this year there was a novelty of the most agreeable nature , the commencement of the opera season at her Majesty ' s Theatre with more than usual attractions . The season opened on Tuesday the 13 th with " The Huguenots / ' which is new to this house . Valentine was undertaken by a dibutante Mdlle . Titiens , and notwithstanding the
recollections of Grisi who , to London opera-goers , is almost identified with the character , obtained a deserved and complete success . Mdlle . Titiens' features are capable of the most varying degrees of expression , while her figure is gracefully moulded , and her elocution free , elegant , and appropriate . The voice of Mdlle . Titiens is a mezzo soprano of the purest quality , not a note of her register having been spoiled or deteriorated by ill-usage , and in its application she is guided by the nicest judgement ; Experience has obviously made her in every sense of the