Article THE M AS ONI G MI BE 0 E. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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The M As Oni G Mi Be 0 E.
GrRAND Stewards ^ LODGE . —Between forty and fifty Brethren assembled in the Temple on Wednesday ^ April 21 ; to hear the Prestoniaii Lecture delivered by the W .-M . > Bro . Johnstone . The lecture was divided into two parts of about thirty - five minutes each . The lecturer read far too much , and spoke too little , feeling hiniself constrained by having to adhere as closely as possible to Bro . Preston ' s
words ; the illustrations of that Brother , to great extent ( though not in spirit ) , form those nowinusejand therefore conflicting with those to which Bro . Johnstone is used , and on which he promised to give a lecture before the close of his year of oifi . ee . Between the parts the Brethren were called from labour , and partook of refreshment , at the expense of the W . M . A vote of thanks to the W . M . closed the proceedings . In the early part of the evening five Brethren were elected as members of the Lodge .
RoYAii York Lodge of Perseverance ( Ko . 7 ) . —On Wednesday , 21 st inst ., was held the last meeting for ¦ -the season of this excellent Lodge , the business comprising one passing and two raisings , the ceremonies being performed under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . Collings . The Lodge being closed , an adjournment took place to the banquet , to which ample justice was done by about thirty Brethren . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been despatched , Brg . Hopwood , P . M ., rose to discharge a most pleasing duty , that of presenting to
Bro . J . Levinson , the immediate P . M ., a jewel as a testimonial of the esteem in which he was held by the members of the Lodge , and to mark their appreciation of his unvarying kindness , and of the zeal and energy which he had brought to the fulfilment of the various offices . In the course of his admirable remarks , which were replete with true Masonic feeling , and elicited hearty and iinanimous applause , Bro . Hopwood drew attention to the interest evinced by Bro . Levinson in the welfare of the Lodge , in presenting them with their handsome working tools
—in the undeviating punctuality observed in his various Masonic engagementsand in his constant desire to contribute by every means in his power to the prosperity of tlie Lodge and the happiness of its members . In attempting to reply , Bro . Levinson became quite overpowered , and on again rising was compelled to acknowledge that he felt himself perfectly inadequate to thank them for this recognition of his poor services . He could only assure them how deeply he felt their kindness , whilst they might rely upon the continuance of any exertions of his which
might be thought conducive to their interests . From the bottom of his heart he thanked them , wishing them and theirs every blessing this world can bestow . The jewel is a very handsome one , manufactured by Bro . Piatt , and purchased by subscription amongst the members , the Lodge contributing five guineas , in accordance with a special resolution unanimously adopted at the last meeting . Tho remainder of the evening was spent in that agreeable manner characteristic of the
Koyal York reunions , the W . M . holding out the prospect of a pleasurable meet ing during the recess , by inviting the whole of the Lodge to pay him a visit at hi residence at Bath , on some day to be fixed in July . The visitors were Bros A . U . Thiselton , P . M . No . 2 , P . G . Stew ., P . Prov . G . D . Essex , and Sec . Boys School ; P . Binckes , P . M . No . 11 ; Hammerton , J . W , No . 09 T > ; Graham , No 06 ; Hopwood , P . M . No . 329 ; Bymonds , & c . & c .
British Lodoe ( No . 8 ) . —The members of this Lodge met at the Freemasons ' Tavern , Monday , April 19 th , when Bro . Sulivan was raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason . The Lodge was then closed , and the Brethren proceeded to banquet . In proposing the usual loyal and Masonic toasts the W . M . alluded to the pleasure felt by Masons of all ages in being presided over by royalty , and expressed a hope that the day was not far distant when they would again enjoy that
satisfaction in the person of the Prince of Wales . In proposing tho health of the present and Past Grand Officers , thoW . M . said it was hardly necessary to call the attention of the Brethren to the able manner in which tho Deputy Grand Master performed his duties . It was patent to them all , for even while discharging the arduous duties of War Minister ho had found time to perforin those of Masonry in a manner that had never been surpassed . But ho more particularly drew the attention of the Brethren-to "' the fact of their having the honour
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The M As Oni G Mi Be 0 E.
GrRAND Stewards ^ LODGE . —Between forty and fifty Brethren assembled in the Temple on Wednesday ^ April 21 ; to hear the Prestoniaii Lecture delivered by the W .-M . > Bro . Johnstone . The lecture was divided into two parts of about thirty - five minutes each . The lecturer read far too much , and spoke too little , feeling hiniself constrained by having to adhere as closely as possible to Bro . Preston ' s
words ; the illustrations of that Brother , to great extent ( though not in spirit ) , form those nowinusejand therefore conflicting with those to which Bro . Johnstone is used , and on which he promised to give a lecture before the close of his year of oifi . ee . Between the parts the Brethren were called from labour , and partook of refreshment , at the expense of the W . M . A vote of thanks to the W . M . closed the proceedings . In the early part of the evening five Brethren were elected as members of the Lodge .
RoYAii York Lodge of Perseverance ( Ko . 7 ) . —On Wednesday , 21 st inst ., was held the last meeting for ¦ -the season of this excellent Lodge , the business comprising one passing and two raisings , the ceremonies being performed under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . Collings . The Lodge being closed , an adjournment took place to the banquet , to which ample justice was done by about thirty Brethren . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been despatched , Brg . Hopwood , P . M ., rose to discharge a most pleasing duty , that of presenting to
Bro . J . Levinson , the immediate P . M ., a jewel as a testimonial of the esteem in which he was held by the members of the Lodge , and to mark their appreciation of his unvarying kindness , and of the zeal and energy which he had brought to the fulfilment of the various offices . In the course of his admirable remarks , which were replete with true Masonic feeling , and elicited hearty and iinanimous applause , Bro . Hopwood drew attention to the interest evinced by Bro . Levinson in the welfare of the Lodge , in presenting them with their handsome working tools
—in the undeviating punctuality observed in his various Masonic engagementsand in his constant desire to contribute by every means in his power to the prosperity of tlie Lodge and the happiness of its members . In attempting to reply , Bro . Levinson became quite overpowered , and on again rising was compelled to acknowledge that he felt himself perfectly inadequate to thank them for this recognition of his poor services . He could only assure them how deeply he felt their kindness , whilst they might rely upon the continuance of any exertions of his which
might be thought conducive to their interests . From the bottom of his heart he thanked them , wishing them and theirs every blessing this world can bestow . The jewel is a very handsome one , manufactured by Bro . Piatt , and purchased by subscription amongst the members , the Lodge contributing five guineas , in accordance with a special resolution unanimously adopted at the last meeting . Tho remainder of the evening was spent in that agreeable manner characteristic of the
Koyal York reunions , the W . M . holding out the prospect of a pleasurable meet ing during the recess , by inviting the whole of the Lodge to pay him a visit at hi residence at Bath , on some day to be fixed in July . The visitors were Bros A . U . Thiselton , P . M . No . 2 , P . G . Stew ., P . Prov . G . D . Essex , and Sec . Boys School ; P . Binckes , P . M . No . 11 ; Hammerton , J . W , No . 09 T > ; Graham , No 06 ; Hopwood , P . M . No . 329 ; Bymonds , & c . & c .
British Lodoe ( No . 8 ) . —The members of this Lodge met at the Freemasons ' Tavern , Monday , April 19 th , when Bro . Sulivan was raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason . The Lodge was then closed , and the Brethren proceeded to banquet . In proposing the usual loyal and Masonic toasts the W . M . alluded to the pleasure felt by Masons of all ages in being presided over by royalty , and expressed a hope that the day was not far distant when they would again enjoy that
satisfaction in the person of the Prince of Wales . In proposing tho health of the present and Past Grand Officers , thoW . M . said it was hardly necessary to call the attention of the Brethren to the able manner in which tho Deputy Grand Master performed his duties . It was patent to them all , for even while discharging the arduous duties of War Minister ho had found time to perforin those of Masonry in a manner that had never been surpassed . But ho more particularly drew the attention of the Brethren-to "' the fact of their having the honour