Article THE M AS ONI G MI BE 0 E. ← Page 4 of 4
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The M As Oni G Mi Be 0 E.
petition was read from a distressed Brother , soliciting relief , which was responded to by a votje of two pounds from the Lodge funds ^—the recipient expressing his grateful thanksif or the timely aid . The initiated having returned to the Lodge room were further gratified by the beautiful charge appertaining to the 1 st" Degree , being given by Bro . Potts , P , M . and Sec , at the request of the W . M ., in a manner to elicit encomium from the assembled Brethren . These matters
ended , an adjournment to dinner took place , which was well supplied , and to which ample justice was done . At the conclusion of the dinner , grace having been said , the W > M . proposed , in appropriate terms , " The Queen and Graft , " folio wed by the usual Masonic toasts ; after which the Master said in proposing the next toast he did so with peculiar pleasure , it being the health of those gentlemen who had done the Lodge the honour to select it for their debut in Freemasonry . He felt something like pride to
see Masonry increasing its members , for that increasei ensured the ^ further progress of scienc Graft was gbverned . The toast was drunk with enthusiasm , and was briefly but feelingly acknowledged by the initiated . The next toast was , . i'K ' at of the > visitors , viz ,, Bros . Captain Lumley , IIow , Kelly , and Francis ; who acknowledged the
compliment paid them . The W ^ M ' s health having been proposed ) that worthy Brother in responding assured the Brethren ( although young in office ) of his determination to carry out , as far as lay in his power , the true principles of the Order , and , while he occupied the chair , he would see that ev ^ ery Brother had his due , and trusted by meting out justice to every one to receive at the end . of his year of office the goodwill of all the Brethren . Other toasts followed , and closed a pleasant evening .
Fitzkoy Lome ( No , 830 ) . —This Lodge of military Freemasons met at the head quarters of the Honourable Artillery Company , Finsbury Square ; Bro . Captain Jay was raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason , with Bro . Sichel , from the Globe Lodge , by the permission of theWVM . ; Bro . Nichols was passed to the Degree of a Fellow Graft . The ceremonies were most ably performed by Bro . Peter Matthews , P . Mi and Treas . The Lodge was then closed , and the Brethren proceeded to an excellent banquet and demonstrated to their numerous visitors how , while preparing against the horrors of war , they could inculcate the
advantages of peace and universal brotherhood amongst men of every country and opinion . The visitors were Bros . Mark , No . 18 ; Brandon P . M . No . 23 ; Sichel , No . 23 ; Kynaston , No . 66 ; Spooner , No . 237 ; Canton , No . 223 ; Noel , No . 333 , Ireland . There were also present , Bros . Montermerli , of No . 4 , and Ganz , No , 630 , the two latter Brethren affording the greatest amusement and delight by their musical abilities . Bro . Geo . Tedder of No . 11 , arrived at a late period of the evening , and in his best style sang the " Death of Nelson , " and other songs , which were received with the greatest enthusiasm .
Kingsland ( New Lodge of Instruction ) .-r-On Sunday evening a number of Brethren met at the house of Brother Hitchcox , the Star and Garter , Kingislandgate , to make the requisite preliminary arrangeineuts for opening a Lodge of Instruction . Bro . Brett , No . 206 , was called to the chair , and was supported hy Bros . J . Beard , Woodford , and Hitchcox , No . 118 ; Howell , No ; 183 ; Jennings , No . 196 ; Smith , 219 ; [ Hood , No . 902 ; & c . & c . [ It was resolved , " that Masonic meetings should , be held every Sunday night at eight ; " " that Bro . Thos .
Beard be requested to officiate as Secretary ; " and " that Bro . Brett be requested to discharge the duties of W . M . on next Sunday evening . " These preliminaries being ended , Bro . Brett worked the first section , and the meeting terminated according to , Masonic custom until next Sunday evening . As there is no suburb of the metropolis more easily accessible than Kingsland-gate , the Brethren who have promoted the formation of this most needed Lodge of Instruction , entertain very confident hopes of future prosperity . —[ Query . —Under what Lodge are the Brethren to meet ?]
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The M As Oni G Mi Be 0 E.
petition was read from a distressed Brother , soliciting relief , which was responded to by a votje of two pounds from the Lodge funds ^—the recipient expressing his grateful thanksif or the timely aid . The initiated having returned to the Lodge room were further gratified by the beautiful charge appertaining to the 1 st" Degree , being given by Bro . Potts , P , M . and Sec , at the request of the W . M ., in a manner to elicit encomium from the assembled Brethren . These matters
ended , an adjournment to dinner took place , which was well supplied , and to which ample justice was done . At the conclusion of the dinner , grace having been said , the W > M . proposed , in appropriate terms , " The Queen and Graft , " folio wed by the usual Masonic toasts ; after which the Master said in proposing the next toast he did so with peculiar pleasure , it being the health of those gentlemen who had done the Lodge the honour to select it for their debut in Freemasonry . He felt something like pride to
see Masonry increasing its members , for that increasei ensured the ^ further progress of scienc Graft was gbverned . The toast was drunk with enthusiasm , and was briefly but feelingly acknowledged by the initiated . The next toast was , . i'K ' at of the > visitors , viz ,, Bros . Captain Lumley , IIow , Kelly , and Francis ; who acknowledged the
compliment paid them . The W ^ M ' s health having been proposed ) that worthy Brother in responding assured the Brethren ( although young in office ) of his determination to carry out , as far as lay in his power , the true principles of the Order , and , while he occupied the chair , he would see that ev ^ ery Brother had his due , and trusted by meting out justice to every one to receive at the end . of his year of office the goodwill of all the Brethren . Other toasts followed , and closed a pleasant evening .
Fitzkoy Lome ( No , 830 ) . —This Lodge of military Freemasons met at the head quarters of the Honourable Artillery Company , Finsbury Square ; Bro . Captain Jay was raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason , with Bro . Sichel , from the Globe Lodge , by the permission of theWVM . ; Bro . Nichols was passed to the Degree of a Fellow Graft . The ceremonies were most ably performed by Bro . Peter Matthews , P . Mi and Treas . The Lodge was then closed , and the Brethren proceeded to an excellent banquet and demonstrated to their numerous visitors how , while preparing against the horrors of war , they could inculcate the
advantages of peace and universal brotherhood amongst men of every country and opinion . The visitors were Bros . Mark , No . 18 ; Brandon P . M . No . 23 ; Sichel , No . 23 ; Kynaston , No . 66 ; Spooner , No . 237 ; Canton , No . 223 ; Noel , No . 333 , Ireland . There were also present , Bros . Montermerli , of No . 4 , and Ganz , No , 630 , the two latter Brethren affording the greatest amusement and delight by their musical abilities . Bro . Geo . Tedder of No . 11 , arrived at a late period of the evening , and in his best style sang the " Death of Nelson , " and other songs , which were received with the greatest enthusiasm .
Kingsland ( New Lodge of Instruction ) .-r-On Sunday evening a number of Brethren met at the house of Brother Hitchcox , the Star and Garter , Kingislandgate , to make the requisite preliminary arrangeineuts for opening a Lodge of Instruction . Bro . Brett , No . 206 , was called to the chair , and was supported hy Bros . J . Beard , Woodford , and Hitchcox , No . 118 ; Howell , No ; 183 ; Jennings , No . 196 ; Smith , 219 ; [ Hood , No . 902 ; & c . & c . [ It was resolved , " that Masonic meetings should , be held every Sunday night at eight ; " " that Bro . Thos .
Beard be requested to officiate as Secretary ; " and " that Bro . Brett be requested to discharge the duties of W . M . on next Sunday evening . " These preliminaries being ended , Bro . Brett worked the first section , and the meeting terminated according to , Masonic custom until next Sunday evening . As there is no suburb of the metropolis more easily accessible than Kingsland-gate , the Brethren who have promoted the formation of this most needed Lodge of Instruction , entertain very confident hopes of future prosperity . —[ Query . —Under what Lodge are the Brethren to meet ?]