Article PEOVINCIAX ← Page 4 of 7 →
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v Blackburn . —Lqdge _ of Perseverame ( No . 432 ) , —The usnal monthly meeting of the flonrishing anfl excellent Lodge was held on Thursday the 22 nd in si ., Bro . Wm . Harrison , W , M . y presiding , ably assisted by Bro . Bell , S . W ., and Bro . Radclifle ( £ M . and WM . No . 434 ) J . W . The Lodge was opened tap to / the third degree , after which Bro . G ^ shire , raised Bros . G . P . Hartley and Edge
forming the ceremony in his accustonied perfect and impressive manner , eliciting the admiration of theLodge for his ahUity . The Lodge having been closed down to the 1 st degree , the ordinary routine business of tlie Lodge the voting papers for various ^ oharities filled up , and one or two notices of motion were given , after which the Lodge adjourned ; passing a very agreeable evening :
together , and separating in the usual good harmony . The visitors present included Bro . Holding from ^ day ihe 1 st instant , the Brethren of the Lodge assembled ? tt the LpdgQ-rooms fbv the purpose of presenting Bro . Thomas Glough , P . M ., with a tribute ^ f respect for his long and valued services to the Lodge . Bro . Bolton * the worthy host of the Bull Hotel , invited the Brethren on the occasion to a sumptuous banquet , which was served with that Brother ' s well known taste . After the withdrawal ot
the cloth , Bro . John . Bell > S . W ., was call to the ehair > and Bro . Tiplady , Sec ^ officiated as vice-chairmanv The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given froiri the chairand duly bonoured ) Bro . Houlker was called upon to make the presentation which he prefaced with a very foeling and eloquent address , expatiating on the labprious and faithful servie years , and stating that it had long been in contemplation by some of the oldest Masons in Blackburn , to mark the Brethren ' s just appreciation of Bro , Clough's
exertions , as one of the oldest Masons among therh > by a suitable testimonial ; he concluded by handing to the worthy and esteemed Brother , a beautiful and massive silver snuff-box and P . Z . jew el . The former was supplied by Mr . James Sagar , jun ., of Blackburn . Both presentations were much admired , the latter being in solid gold . The gifts bore this inscription : — " Presented to Bro , Thomas Glough , P . M ., P . Z ., and P . Prov . G . Reg . East Lancashire , by the members ot the Lodge and Chapter No . 432 , as an acknowledgment of his valuable services .
Blackburn , 1 st April , 1858 . " Bro . Glough , who was somewhat affected by this testinioniahof the worth of his services , and of the high esteem in which he is held , acknowledged the compliment in an appropriate speech , and resumed his Beat amid the most enthusiastic cheers . The pleasures of the company were enhanced by the singing of several of the Brethren , and numerous toasts and sentiments having been given and responded to by several officers of the Lodge , the proceedings concluded with " The health of Bro . Bolton and Mrs . Bolton , with thanks , " to which Bro . Bolton replied in humorous style , after which the party separated .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST . ) AprointaijsnTkS . — - Lodges . — Monday , May 3 rd , Harmony ( 26 ?) , Wellington Hotel , Garston , at 3 £ ; Tuesday , 4 th , Alliance ( 965 ) , Stanley * Arms , Roby , at 4 £ j Wednesday , 5 th , St . John ' s ( 97 *) t Caledonian Hotel , Liverpool , at 6 $ Ellesmere ( 1 , 032 ) , Red . Lion , Chorley , at 6 > , Thursday , 6 th , Mariners' ( 310 ) , Duke-strcet , Liverpool , at 6 ; Friday , 7 th , Instruction ( Mariners' ) , Duke - street , Liverpool , at / . Chapter . —Wednesday , 5 th , Unity and Perseverance ( 845 ) , Wheatsheaf , Ormskirk , at 5 .
ItOBY . — -Alliance Lodge { No . 965 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this fastimproving-Lodge was held on the 2 nd April , presided over hy Bro . James Evans , W . M . ( now in his second year of office ) ; when Messrs . Erlam and Smith having been initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry , Bros . Pickup and McGerrow were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Masoi ^ in the usual impressive manner , for which the W . M . is celebrated . A large number of visitors were
present , amongst whom we may name Bros . Mayle , P . M . Royal Isle of Man Lodge ; Maddocks , P . M . No . 310 ; Lewin , No . 310 ; Herdman , J . W . No . 701 ; Lee , No . 701 ; Langley , No . 701 ^ Thompson , No , 267 ; Swift , No . 310 ; Horsley , No . 701 . Amongst other matters , it was proposed by Bro . Philips , S . W ., ai > d seconded by Bro . Witten , J . W ., that the Lodge be furnished with three handsome M asonic chairs in lieu of those now in use , which was agreed upon unanimously ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
v Blackburn . —Lqdge _ of Perseverame ( No . 432 ) , —The usnal monthly meeting of the flonrishing anfl excellent Lodge was held on Thursday the 22 nd in si ., Bro . Wm . Harrison , W , M . y presiding , ably assisted by Bro . Bell , S . W ., and Bro . Radclifle ( £ M . and WM . No . 434 ) J . W . The Lodge was opened tap to / the third degree , after which Bro . G ^ shire , raised Bros . G . P . Hartley and Edge
forming the ceremony in his accustonied perfect and impressive manner , eliciting the admiration of theLodge for his ahUity . The Lodge having been closed down to the 1 st degree , the ordinary routine business of tlie Lodge the voting papers for various ^ oharities filled up , and one or two notices of motion were given , after which the Lodge adjourned ; passing a very agreeable evening :
together , and separating in the usual good harmony . The visitors present included Bro . Holding from ^ day ihe 1 st instant , the Brethren of the Lodge assembled ? tt the LpdgQ-rooms fbv the purpose of presenting Bro . Thomas Glough , P . M ., with a tribute ^ f respect for his long and valued services to the Lodge . Bro . Bolton * the worthy host of the Bull Hotel , invited the Brethren on the occasion to a sumptuous banquet , which was served with that Brother ' s well known taste . After the withdrawal ot
the cloth , Bro . John . Bell > S . W ., was call to the ehair > and Bro . Tiplady , Sec ^ officiated as vice-chairmanv The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given froiri the chairand duly bonoured ) Bro . Houlker was called upon to make the presentation which he prefaced with a very foeling and eloquent address , expatiating on the labprious and faithful servie years , and stating that it had long been in contemplation by some of the oldest Masons in Blackburn , to mark the Brethren ' s just appreciation of Bro , Clough's
exertions , as one of the oldest Masons among therh > by a suitable testimonial ; he concluded by handing to the worthy and esteemed Brother , a beautiful and massive silver snuff-box and P . Z . jew el . The former was supplied by Mr . James Sagar , jun ., of Blackburn . Both presentations were much admired , the latter being in solid gold . The gifts bore this inscription : — " Presented to Bro , Thomas Glough , P . M ., P . Z ., and P . Prov . G . Reg . East Lancashire , by the members ot the Lodge and Chapter No . 432 , as an acknowledgment of his valuable services .
Blackburn , 1 st April , 1858 . " Bro . Glough , who was somewhat affected by this testinioniahof the worth of his services , and of the high esteem in which he is held , acknowledged the compliment in an appropriate speech , and resumed his Beat amid the most enthusiastic cheers . The pleasures of the company were enhanced by the singing of several of the Brethren , and numerous toasts and sentiments having been given and responded to by several officers of the Lodge , the proceedings concluded with " The health of Bro . Bolton and Mrs . Bolton , with thanks , " to which Bro . Bolton replied in humorous style , after which the party separated .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST . ) AprointaijsnTkS . — - Lodges . — Monday , May 3 rd , Harmony ( 26 ?) , Wellington Hotel , Garston , at 3 £ ; Tuesday , 4 th , Alliance ( 965 ) , Stanley * Arms , Roby , at 4 £ j Wednesday , 5 th , St . John ' s ( 97 *) t Caledonian Hotel , Liverpool , at 6 $ Ellesmere ( 1 , 032 ) , Red . Lion , Chorley , at 6 > , Thursday , 6 th , Mariners' ( 310 ) , Duke-strcet , Liverpool , at 6 ; Friday , 7 th , Instruction ( Mariners' ) , Duke - street , Liverpool , at / . Chapter . —Wednesday , 5 th , Unity and Perseverance ( 845 ) , Wheatsheaf , Ormskirk , at 5 .
ItOBY . — -Alliance Lodge { No . 965 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this fastimproving-Lodge was held on the 2 nd April , presided over hy Bro . James Evans , W . M . ( now in his second year of office ) ; when Messrs . Erlam and Smith having been initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry , Bros . Pickup and McGerrow were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Masoi ^ in the usual impressive manner , for which the W . M . is celebrated . A large number of visitors were
present , amongst whom we may name Bros . Mayle , P . M . Royal Isle of Man Lodge ; Maddocks , P . M . No . 310 ; Lewin , No . 310 ; Herdman , J . W . No . 701 ; Lee , No . 701 ; Langley , No . 701 ^ Thompson , No , 267 ; Swift , No . 310 ; Horsley , No . 701 . Amongst other matters , it was proposed by Bro . Philips , S . W ., ai > d seconded by Bro . Witten , J . W ., that the Lodge be furnished with three handsome M asonic chairs in lieu of those now in use , which was agreed upon unanimously ,