Article PEOVINCIAX ← Page 7 of 7 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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SUSSEX , •¦ -v ' Appointments .- ~ Z , o % es .- ~ Titesday , May 4 th , Royal York £ 394 ) , Old Ship Hotel / Brighton , at 7 ^ j Thursday , 6 th , Uh ^ WALES . ¦ ¦ Appointments , — Lodge . — Tuesday , May 4 th , Prince of Wales ( 959 ) , Thomas ' s Arms , Llanelly , at 7 ; Loyal Welsh ( 525 ) , Victoria Hotel , Pembroke , at 8 , Chapter . —Star of Gwynedd ( 540 ) , British Hotel , Bangor , at 6 .
WARWICKSHIRE . Appointments . —Z » o % e . —Wednesday , May 5 th , Abbey ( 625 ) , Newdegate Arms , Nuneaton , at 7 .
WORCESTERSHIRE . Appointments .---Lodges . —Monday , May 3 rd , Semper Fidelis ( 772 ) , Crown , Worcester , at 6 i j Tuesday ^ 4 th , Harmonic ( 313 ) , Freemasons' Tavern , Dudley , at ¦ : ( % - Wednesday , 5 th , Worcester ( 349 ) , BeU , W " orcester , at fe . BTjiDMY ^ T ^ at the Lodg ^ held onWednesdaj , AprU Secretary reported that the private Lodge certificate of a London Lodg ^ fe > r a
joining Brother had not yet been received , although faithfully ^ promised two rnonths siyiee . The Lodge characterised the conduct of the London Brethren , a # mpttrhm ^ brin g the matter ^ before Grrand Lodge . An expected candidate for initiation not present it was a . I ^ ank night , Two gentiern ^ n were , however , proposed for initiation / having r ^ nlarly fssed the ordeal of the interrnediate meeting . The expenses of the ; W , Sf *¦ and ardens to attend the Prov . G . meeting at Worcester , oh the 2 Bth ( this day ) was
voted out of the Lodge funds , it being a preliminary meeting / and business of importance to the province might arise . The Lodge being closed / the Brethren separated early . [ The Lodge referred to is the Ionic- —the Dudley Brethren wishing to elect Bro . Sheridan , M . P ., as a joining member , and it having been ruled by the Prov . G . M . that they cannot do so without a certificate from the Lodge of which he is a member . The Editor of the Magazine has more than once spoken to
P . Ms , of the Ionic Lodge on the subject , who have promised to see to the matter alluded to , only to break their promises , Bro . Sheridan being still a subscribing member of the Lodge . ] YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST . ) Appointments .- ^ Lo ^ es . ^ -Monday , May 3 rd , Union ( 287 ) , Masonic Hall , York , at 7 j Tuesday , 4 th , l ^ amalpdnnum ( 958 ) , preemasonV Hal l , Few Maltoft , at 7 ; Friday , 7 th , §& Germain ( 827 ) , the Crescent , Selby , at 7 .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST . ) Appointments . —Lodges , —Friday , May 7 th , Alfred ( 3 £ 4 ) , Griffin Hotel , Leeds , at 7 j Instmp , tion , Alfred ( 384 ) , Griffin Hotel , Leeds , at 8 . Chapters . —Monday , 3 rd , Paradise ( 102 ) , Musis Hall , Sheffield , at 7 ; Thursday , 6 th , Sincerity ( 874 ) , Freemasons' Hall , at 8 .
Royal Arch.
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Mount ? Sinai Chapter ( No , 49 ) . —The usual convocation was heUJ . on Tuesday April 20 , at Anderton ' s Hotel ( for the first time ) , Comp . H . Potter , M . E . Z ., Comp . Couchman , ( P . Z ., ) as H ., and Oomp . Odell , as J . Bro . Clemow was exalted in admirable style by Comp , Andrew , P , Z , This being the convocation for the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
SUSSEX , •¦ -v ' Appointments .- ~ Z , o % es .- ~ Titesday , May 4 th , Royal York £ 394 ) , Old Ship Hotel / Brighton , at 7 ^ j Thursday , 6 th , Uh ^ WALES . ¦ ¦ Appointments , — Lodge . — Tuesday , May 4 th , Prince of Wales ( 959 ) , Thomas ' s Arms , Llanelly , at 7 ; Loyal Welsh ( 525 ) , Victoria Hotel , Pembroke , at 8 , Chapter . —Star of Gwynedd ( 540 ) , British Hotel , Bangor , at 6 .
WARWICKSHIRE . Appointments . —Z » o % e . —Wednesday , May 5 th , Abbey ( 625 ) , Newdegate Arms , Nuneaton , at 7 .
WORCESTERSHIRE . Appointments .---Lodges . —Monday , May 3 rd , Semper Fidelis ( 772 ) , Crown , Worcester , at 6 i j Tuesday ^ 4 th , Harmonic ( 313 ) , Freemasons' Tavern , Dudley , at ¦ : ( % - Wednesday , 5 th , Worcester ( 349 ) , BeU , W " orcester , at fe . BTjiDMY ^ T ^ at the Lodg ^ held onWednesdaj , AprU Secretary reported that the private Lodge certificate of a London Lodg ^ fe > r a
joining Brother had not yet been received , although faithfully ^ promised two rnonths siyiee . The Lodge characterised the conduct of the London Brethren , a # mpttrhm ^ brin g the matter ^ before Grrand Lodge . An expected candidate for initiation not present it was a . I ^ ank night , Two gentiern ^ n were , however , proposed for initiation / having r ^ nlarly fssed the ordeal of the interrnediate meeting . The expenses of the ; W , Sf *¦ and ardens to attend the Prov . G . meeting at Worcester , oh the 2 Bth ( this day ) was
voted out of the Lodge funds , it being a preliminary meeting / and business of importance to the province might arise . The Lodge being closed / the Brethren separated early . [ The Lodge referred to is the Ionic- —the Dudley Brethren wishing to elect Bro . Sheridan , M . P ., as a joining member , and it having been ruled by the Prov . G . M . that they cannot do so without a certificate from the Lodge of which he is a member . The Editor of the Magazine has more than once spoken to
P . Ms , of the Ionic Lodge on the subject , who have promised to see to the matter alluded to , only to break their promises , Bro . Sheridan being still a subscribing member of the Lodge . ] YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST . ) Appointments .- ^ Lo ^ es . ^ -Monday , May 3 rd , Union ( 287 ) , Masonic Hall , York , at 7 j Tuesday , 4 th , l ^ amalpdnnum ( 958 ) , preemasonV Hal l , Few Maltoft , at 7 ; Friday , 7 th , §& Germain ( 827 ) , the Crescent , Selby , at 7 .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST . ) Appointments . —Lodges , —Friday , May 7 th , Alfred ( 3 £ 4 ) , Griffin Hotel , Leeds , at 7 j Instmp , tion , Alfred ( 384 ) , Griffin Hotel , Leeds , at 8 . Chapters . —Monday , 3 rd , Paradise ( 102 ) , Musis Hall , Sheffield , at 7 ; Thursday , 6 th , Sincerity ( 874 ) , Freemasons' Hall , at 8 .
Royal Arch.
HOxAL ARvix »
Mount ? Sinai Chapter ( No , 49 ) . —The usual convocation was heUJ . on Tuesday April 20 , at Anderton ' s Hotel ( for the first time ) , Comp . H . Potter , M . E . Z ., Comp . Couchman , ( P . Z ., ) as H ., and Oomp . Odell , as J . Bro . Clemow was exalted in admirable style by Comp , Andrew , P , Z , This being the convocation for the