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The Week
be no [ doubt of ' 14 s succeeding . On Friday a commttt inquire into the deficiency of w or ship- in tho metropolis and other populous districts . In the House of Commons ; on Mon ^^ day , the Chancellor of the Exchequer brought forward his budget . He stated that there was a deficit in the revenue of £ 3 , 990 , 000 , including ^ 000 , 000 of Excheqtter bills , which would have to be paid in a few weeks . This deflciehcy , in a great measure , arose frbin the iiicome-tax , according to previous arrangehierits in
falling twopence the pound , and which he didnot p ^ was now a differential duty on Irish spirits which he proposed to equalize to that of the rest of the kingdom , and which he estimated to give him £ 500 , 000 , lie would then defer for a time the war sinking fund of £ 1 , 500 , 000 , and the liquidation of the Exchequer bills until the year 1862-3 . In order to obtain something beyond the absolute amount required , he proposed to pfece a penny stamp on bankers ' cheques , which Would produce a further sum of £ 300 , 000 a year . The statement was generally well received , though some dissatisfaction was expressed at the last-named proposition . On Tuesday Mr . Cox moved for leave to ? bringin a bill
to repeal the Septennial Act , but his proposition was lost by 254 to 57 . On Wednesdaj the House we Act , after an unsuccessful attempt defer it for six months . But little progress wbs ihade before the ho ^ to aquestion ; stated it was hot the intention of the Gove with the ^ prosecution [ a ^ ains diplomatic salaries and pensions n Hidre inifriediate control of parliament , but the motion was nega ^^ 114 ; On Friday , it Was stated that instructiohs had been sent to India to offer
an amnesty ^ with protection to property , and full toleration to ¦ religion to the people of Oude , excepting in case of g vvent into a committee of ways and means , and the resolution imposing the penny stamp up cheques was passed ,- —The news from India is ; of comparatively little iniportance . The Nana ' s retreat has been stormed , but , as usual , he escaped , and a reward of 50 , 000 rupees has been offered for his head . Oude is said to be
peaceful , but there is still great dissatisfaction in different parts of India . —From China We learn that Canton remains tranquil , that Commissioner Yeh has been degraded by the Imperial Government , and his successor appointed . Yeh bad Arrived at Calcutta . -Naples has refused the demands of Sardinia for compensation . The Sardinian bill against foreign conspiracy has been approved by the legislature . —The members of the United Service Club have given a banquet to the Duke of Malakhoff , the new French Ambassador , under the presidency of the Duke of Cambridge . The ambassador was most earnest in his expressions of good will towards England , and the desire of the Emperor to maintain the alliance between the two countries .-- — -The Vice-Chancelior has confirmed the decision that a marriage with a deceased wife ' s sister , though solemnized abroad , is illegal here , and the issue illegitimate .
A t Her Majesty ' sTheatre the "Huguenots" still holds the principal sway , but on Tuesday Piccolomini made her reappearance in Donizetti ' s ' < Don Pasquale , " and was , as usual , received with great applause . On Saturday , "La Figlia " was performed . The caste included Mdlle . Piccolornini as Marie , Signor Belletti as Sulpteio , & nd Signor Belart as Tonio . The opera was received , as on former occasion ^ with great favour , arid the most popular pieces were redemanded . At
the Haymarket , in consequence of the indisposition of Miss Sedgwick , "As you Like it "has been produced ^ with Mrs , C . Young , from Sadler ' s Wells , as Rosalind . Mrs , Young was received With great cordiality by a very full audience , and seemed to be in a fair Way of being recognized as an esiabUsbed favourite . — - —At the Olympic ) a new comedietta , entitled the <( Doubtful Victory , " was produced on Monday evening . It is a very neat version of the little French vaudeville " A la Campagne , " rendered into English by the practised and polished pen of Mr .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week
be no [ doubt of ' 14 s succeeding . On Friday a commttt inquire into the deficiency of w or ship- in tho metropolis and other populous districts . In the House of Commons ; on Mon ^^ day , the Chancellor of the Exchequer brought forward his budget . He stated that there was a deficit in the revenue of £ 3 , 990 , 000 , including ^ 000 , 000 of Excheqtter bills , which would have to be paid in a few weeks . This deflciehcy , in a great measure , arose frbin the iiicome-tax , according to previous arrangehierits in
falling twopence the pound , and which he didnot p ^ was now a differential duty on Irish spirits which he proposed to equalize to that of the rest of the kingdom , and which he estimated to give him £ 500 , 000 , lie would then defer for a time the war sinking fund of £ 1 , 500 , 000 , and the liquidation of the Exchequer bills until the year 1862-3 . In order to obtain something beyond the absolute amount required , he proposed to pfece a penny stamp on bankers ' cheques , which Would produce a further sum of £ 300 , 000 a year . The statement was generally well received , though some dissatisfaction was expressed at the last-named proposition . On Tuesday Mr . Cox moved for leave to ? bringin a bill
to repeal the Septennial Act , but his proposition was lost by 254 to 57 . On Wednesdaj the House we Act , after an unsuccessful attempt defer it for six months . But little progress wbs ihade before the ho ^ to aquestion ; stated it was hot the intention of the Gove with the ^ prosecution [ a ^ ains diplomatic salaries and pensions n Hidre inifriediate control of parliament , but the motion was nega ^^ 114 ; On Friday , it Was stated that instructiohs had been sent to India to offer
an amnesty ^ with protection to property , and full toleration to ¦ religion to the people of Oude , excepting in case of g vvent into a committee of ways and means , and the resolution imposing the penny stamp up cheques was passed ,- —The news from India is ; of comparatively little iniportance . The Nana ' s retreat has been stormed , but , as usual , he escaped , and a reward of 50 , 000 rupees has been offered for his head . Oude is said to be
peaceful , but there is still great dissatisfaction in different parts of India . —From China We learn that Canton remains tranquil , that Commissioner Yeh has been degraded by the Imperial Government , and his successor appointed . Yeh bad Arrived at Calcutta . -Naples has refused the demands of Sardinia for compensation . The Sardinian bill against foreign conspiracy has been approved by the legislature . —The members of the United Service Club have given a banquet to the Duke of Malakhoff , the new French Ambassador , under the presidency of the Duke of Cambridge . The ambassador was most earnest in his expressions of good will towards England , and the desire of the Emperor to maintain the alliance between the two countries .-- — -The Vice-Chancelior has confirmed the decision that a marriage with a deceased wife ' s sister , though solemnized abroad , is illegal here , and the issue illegitimate .
A t Her Majesty ' sTheatre the "Huguenots" still holds the principal sway , but on Tuesday Piccolomini made her reappearance in Donizetti ' s ' < Don Pasquale , " and was , as usual , received with great applause . On Saturday , "La Figlia " was performed . The caste included Mdlle . Piccolornini as Marie , Signor Belletti as Sulpteio , & nd Signor Belart as Tonio . The opera was received , as on former occasion ^ with great favour , arid the most popular pieces were redemanded . At
the Haymarket , in consequence of the indisposition of Miss Sedgwick , "As you Like it "has been produced ^ with Mrs , C . Young , from Sadler ' s Wells , as Rosalind . Mrs , Young was received With great cordiality by a very full audience , and seemed to be in a fair Way of being recognized as an esiabUsbed favourite . — - —At the Olympic ) a new comedietta , entitled the <( Doubtful Victory , " was produced on Monday evening . It is a very neat version of the little French vaudeville " A la Campagne , " rendered into English by the practised and polished pen of Mr .