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The Week
John Oxenford ; the piece is entirely French , but met with great success . A new farce of the most bustling kind lias been brought out at the Strand , entitled "A correct Likeness for One Shillihg n it is fbunded on what , in certain localities , may be fairly denominated the photographic nuisance , and successful . This house does not fill so well as it deserves . ——At Astley-s , Mr .
Cooke has been exhibiting what he calls Mr . Earey ' s method of taming horses , but that gentleman denies the accuracy of the representation . At ail events it is very clever . — -Bro . Caldwell ' s third bad UasquS is m ^ when , no doubt , his carefully conducted room , at Dean-street , will be attended by a numerous assemblage of lovers of
BRO . WILLIAM SHEELOCK . On Wedhesda ^ ^ the late Br 6 i William Sherlo ^ kirk district , which offide he had held since the Poor Law Act was ^^ the duties of Which he had fulfilled wltli the highest integrity . The deceased was likewise the father and the oldest subscribihg member fo the Lodge of Harmony > Nov 846 , in OrniSkirk , and & desiring to pay the last tribute of respect to the memory of a useful , loved , and worthy member , a
dispensation was procured from Bro . N . le G . Starkie , Prov . G . M ; , and Sir T . G . Hesketh , of Kuflbrd Hall , D . Prov . G . M ., authorizing the Lodge to attend the funeraly clothed jir full Masonic costume . The Brethren , together-with visitors from Liverpool , Southport , Formby , ' and other adjacent places , assembled at the Lodge-room at half-past ten o ' clock in the forenoon , to make . the necessary arrangements , permission having been previously granted by the Rev . Jos . Bush , M . A ., the excellent and respected vicar of the parish , to proceed with the ceremonies at the grave . The members then adjourned to the house of the late Brother , where
the procession was formed in the following order : —Tylers ; junior members , two and two ; senior members ^ two and two ; Deacons ; Wardens ; Past Masters ; Bro . Hamar , W . M . No . 845 ; kro . J . B . Lambert , P . M . No . 889 ; friends ; the corpse , followed by the family . The Brethren formed in two lines from the chiirch gates up to the doors , when the vicar , who was in waiting , walked between them until he arrived at the corpse , and began to read the introductory sentences of the burial service . On entering the body of the church a solemn requiem was played upon the organ by Bro . Watts , organist to the Ormskirk Lodge . The
church was partially filled by the townspeople , who appeared to pay great interest to the proceedings , particularly at the grave side . On arriving at the grave , the service of the burial of the dead was proceeded with to its conclusion ; after which Bro . Lambert , Dir . of Cers ., said : — i ( Brethren and Christian friends , permit me to call your attention for a few moments , whilst we are further engaged in what is a serious and solemn service . " The Brethren then formed around the grave according to their several offices and rank , when Bro . Ham & r , W ; M ., proceeded with the service by reciting the usual passages which are used on these occasions , to which the Brethren responded . The exhortation was afterwards given by Bro .
Lambert , and the ceremony was finally closed by Bro . Hamar , W . M ., who gave the " farewell" in a tone of deep pathos and feeling , During the ceremony Bro . Fairhurst , Sec , at the proper time , deposited the " scroll" by the side of the coffin , and the Brethren also Strewed emblems into the grave . The ceremony throughout appeared to make a great impression on the strangers arotlhd . The Brethren then accompanied the family to the house , and afterwards adjoivrned to the Lodge-room , when the Lodge was finally closed . A general acknowlegdmont of gratitude was made by the Brethren towards the vicar for his prompt attention and kindness . The rev . gentleman remained at the grave side until the whole ceremony was concluded .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week
John Oxenford ; the piece is entirely French , but met with great success . A new farce of the most bustling kind lias been brought out at the Strand , entitled "A correct Likeness for One Shillihg n it is fbunded on what , in certain localities , may be fairly denominated the photographic nuisance , and successful . This house does not fill so well as it deserves . ——At Astley-s , Mr .
Cooke has been exhibiting what he calls Mr . Earey ' s method of taming horses , but that gentleman denies the accuracy of the representation . At ail events it is very clever . — -Bro . Caldwell ' s third bad UasquS is m ^ when , no doubt , his carefully conducted room , at Dean-street , will be attended by a numerous assemblage of lovers of
BRO . WILLIAM SHEELOCK . On Wedhesda ^ ^ the late Br 6 i William Sherlo ^ kirk district , which offide he had held since the Poor Law Act was ^^ the duties of Which he had fulfilled wltli the highest integrity . The deceased was likewise the father and the oldest subscribihg member fo the Lodge of Harmony > Nov 846 , in OrniSkirk , and & desiring to pay the last tribute of respect to the memory of a useful , loved , and worthy member , a
dispensation was procured from Bro . N . le G . Starkie , Prov . G . M ; , and Sir T . G . Hesketh , of Kuflbrd Hall , D . Prov . G . M ., authorizing the Lodge to attend the funeraly clothed jir full Masonic costume . The Brethren , together-with visitors from Liverpool , Southport , Formby , ' and other adjacent places , assembled at the Lodge-room at half-past ten o ' clock in the forenoon , to make . the necessary arrangements , permission having been previously granted by the Rev . Jos . Bush , M . A ., the excellent and respected vicar of the parish , to proceed with the ceremonies at the grave . The members then adjourned to the house of the late Brother , where
the procession was formed in the following order : —Tylers ; junior members , two and two ; senior members ^ two and two ; Deacons ; Wardens ; Past Masters ; Bro . Hamar , W . M . No . 845 ; kro . J . B . Lambert , P . M . No . 889 ; friends ; the corpse , followed by the family . The Brethren formed in two lines from the chiirch gates up to the doors , when the vicar , who was in waiting , walked between them until he arrived at the corpse , and began to read the introductory sentences of the burial service . On entering the body of the church a solemn requiem was played upon the organ by Bro . Watts , organist to the Ormskirk Lodge . The
church was partially filled by the townspeople , who appeared to pay great interest to the proceedings , particularly at the grave side . On arriving at the grave , the service of the burial of the dead was proceeded with to its conclusion ; after which Bro . Lambert , Dir . of Cers ., said : — i ( Brethren and Christian friends , permit me to call your attention for a few moments , whilst we are further engaged in what is a serious and solemn service . " The Brethren then formed around the grave according to their several offices and rank , when Bro . Ham & r , W ; M ., proceeded with the service by reciting the usual passages which are used on these occasions , to which the Brethren responded . The exhortation was afterwards given by Bro .
Lambert , and the ceremony was finally closed by Bro . Hamar , W . M ., who gave the " farewell" in a tone of deep pathos and feeling , During the ceremony Bro . Fairhurst , Sec , at the proper time , deposited the " scroll" by the side of the coffin , and the Brethren also Strewed emblems into the grave . The ceremony throughout appeared to make a great impression on the strangers arotlhd . The Brethren then accompanied the family to the house , and afterwards adjoivrned to the Lodge-room , when the Lodge was finally closed . A general acknowlegdmont of gratitude was made by the Brethren towards the vicar for his prompt attention and kindness . The rev . gentleman remained at the grave side until the whole ceremony was concluded .