Article THE MASONIC MIRE011. ← Page 2 of 5 →
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The Masonic Mire011.
to banquet took place—presided over by Bro . Shepherd ^ on account of the indisposition of the W . M . The cloth removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and duly responded to . Afterwards Bro ; Shepherd , proposed the health of the visiting Brethren , expressing the pleasure he felt at their presence , and which feeling was equally reciprocated by every member of No . 29 . The toast was acknowledged by Bro . Hill , W . M ., No . 955 ; also by Bro . Arliss , P . M ., ] STo . 237 ; and Bro , Panetti , No . 219 . The health of the acting Master was
then proposed by Bro . Buss , P . M . and Secretary , who made many complimentary allusions to Bro . Shepherd ' s admirable working , and said that the thanks of every member of the Lodge were due to him , for his readiness at all times to assist them with his Masonic knowledge . Bro . Shepherd briefly returned thanks , and took the opportunity of proposing " The Past Masters , " of whom , however , only two were present besides himself , viz ., Bros . Todd and Buss . The last-named Brother replied with much eloquence , and concluded by thanking the Brethren for the compliment paid them . The Chairman then said that he should proffer
them a toast a little put of the usual routine , but he felt that the circumstances quite warranted it—he would propose fi their absent Brethren , " and in so doing , mention the name of Bro . Benjamin Banks , jun ., late of the Ereemasons' Tavern , on whom he had the pleasure of conferring the 2 nd and 3 rd Degrees during his year of office . He ( Bro . Shepherd ) had received a long letter from that excellent Brother , in which he desired his fraternal regards to be given to the Brethren of No . 29 . Bro . Banks stated that he had visited Cairo , Alexandria , Joseph ' s Well , and the spot
said to be where the Israelites passed the Red Sea , also the famed Cleopatra ' s Needle , and whilst standing before Pompey ' s Pillar , remembered he was Masonically an Egyptian . He further stated that his Masonic knowledge had greatly assisted him in the East , and advised all who contemplated travelling to unite themselves with an institution possessing so many advantages as Masonry presented . This toast was enthusiastically received , and hearty good wishes expressed for the safe return of Bro . Banks . The Brethren soon after separated .
Lodge of Faith ( No . 165 ) . —This Lodge has been removed from its former place of meeting to the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , at which place it met on Tuesday , the 30 th of March , when the W . M . Bro . Carter performed the ceremony of passing Bro . Bartlett to the degree of Fellow Craft ; after which about thirty of the Brethren sat down to their first banquet at their new quarters , which gave general satisfaction . St . Andrew ' s Lodge ( No . 218 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge met together on Thursday , the 1 st of April , the W . M . Bro . Alfred Richards presiding . Bro .
Messent , the S . W ., was unavoidably absent , and Bro . Sarbourg , the respected Treasurer , acted as his locum tenens . Bro . Aubin was the J . W ., and the chair was well supported by P . Ms . Bros . Pierce Egan , Mills , Benjamin West , and Potter . The W . M . performed the ceremony of passing Bros . Nicholas H . Delamere and Charles Hibbard—this degree being admirably given ; after which Bro . Albert Brandowski underwent the usual examination , and Bro . Egan , at the request of the Master , raised him to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason , this beautiful portion of Freemasonry losing none of its grandeur in his hands . Lodge business being ended , the Brethren were called off to banquet . Various toasts
and speeches followed , among which we particularize the health of the only visitor upon this occasion , Bro . J . N . De Tries , of St . George ' s Lodge , Nova Scotia , who , in acknowledging the reception he had met with said , that having the honour of holding a commission in her Majesty ' s navy , he had received the further honour of being appointed to the Agamemnon , which was to take out ^ he electric telegraph cable , and as soon as he should arrive in A inerica , he intended , please the Great Architect , to forward a telegram to this Lodge . Other toasts followed ; the Brethren resumed the Lodge , and after drinking " To all poor and distressed Masons , " the Lodge was closed in due form .
Yakborouctji Lodge ( No . 812 ) . —At the regular meeting held on Thursday , April 1 st , at Bro . Williams ' s George Hotel , in the Commercial Road , there was , as is usual , a large amount of business . Bro . W . J . Crisp , W . M ., presided . The Rev . J . C . Edwards , M . A . ( incumbent of St . Thomas ' s ) , Messrs * W . Spurgeon , Win * Norris , and W . W . Hutchins were initiated . Bros . Lambtir
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The Masonic Mire011.
to banquet took place—presided over by Bro . Shepherd ^ on account of the indisposition of the W . M . The cloth removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and duly responded to . Afterwards Bro ; Shepherd , proposed the health of the visiting Brethren , expressing the pleasure he felt at their presence , and which feeling was equally reciprocated by every member of No . 29 . The toast was acknowledged by Bro . Hill , W . M ., No . 955 ; also by Bro . Arliss , P . M ., ] STo . 237 ; and Bro , Panetti , No . 219 . The health of the acting Master was
then proposed by Bro . Buss , P . M . and Secretary , who made many complimentary allusions to Bro . Shepherd ' s admirable working , and said that the thanks of every member of the Lodge were due to him , for his readiness at all times to assist them with his Masonic knowledge . Bro . Shepherd briefly returned thanks , and took the opportunity of proposing " The Past Masters , " of whom , however , only two were present besides himself , viz ., Bros . Todd and Buss . The last-named Brother replied with much eloquence , and concluded by thanking the Brethren for the compliment paid them . The Chairman then said that he should proffer
them a toast a little put of the usual routine , but he felt that the circumstances quite warranted it—he would propose fi their absent Brethren , " and in so doing , mention the name of Bro . Benjamin Banks , jun ., late of the Ereemasons' Tavern , on whom he had the pleasure of conferring the 2 nd and 3 rd Degrees during his year of office . He ( Bro . Shepherd ) had received a long letter from that excellent Brother , in which he desired his fraternal regards to be given to the Brethren of No . 29 . Bro . Banks stated that he had visited Cairo , Alexandria , Joseph ' s Well , and the spot
said to be where the Israelites passed the Red Sea , also the famed Cleopatra ' s Needle , and whilst standing before Pompey ' s Pillar , remembered he was Masonically an Egyptian . He further stated that his Masonic knowledge had greatly assisted him in the East , and advised all who contemplated travelling to unite themselves with an institution possessing so many advantages as Masonry presented . This toast was enthusiastically received , and hearty good wishes expressed for the safe return of Bro . Banks . The Brethren soon after separated .
Lodge of Faith ( No . 165 ) . —This Lodge has been removed from its former place of meeting to the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , at which place it met on Tuesday , the 30 th of March , when the W . M . Bro . Carter performed the ceremony of passing Bro . Bartlett to the degree of Fellow Craft ; after which about thirty of the Brethren sat down to their first banquet at their new quarters , which gave general satisfaction . St . Andrew ' s Lodge ( No . 218 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge met together on Thursday , the 1 st of April , the W . M . Bro . Alfred Richards presiding . Bro .
Messent , the S . W ., was unavoidably absent , and Bro . Sarbourg , the respected Treasurer , acted as his locum tenens . Bro . Aubin was the J . W ., and the chair was well supported by P . Ms . Bros . Pierce Egan , Mills , Benjamin West , and Potter . The W . M . performed the ceremony of passing Bros . Nicholas H . Delamere and Charles Hibbard—this degree being admirably given ; after which Bro . Albert Brandowski underwent the usual examination , and Bro . Egan , at the request of the Master , raised him to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason , this beautiful portion of Freemasonry losing none of its grandeur in his hands . Lodge business being ended , the Brethren were called off to banquet . Various toasts
and speeches followed , among which we particularize the health of the only visitor upon this occasion , Bro . J . N . De Tries , of St . George ' s Lodge , Nova Scotia , who , in acknowledging the reception he had met with said , that having the honour of holding a commission in her Majesty ' s navy , he had received the further honour of being appointed to the Agamemnon , which was to take out ^ he electric telegraph cable , and as soon as he should arrive in A inerica , he intended , please the Great Architect , to forward a telegram to this Lodge . Other toasts followed ; the Brethren resumed the Lodge , and after drinking " To all poor and distressed Masons , " the Lodge was closed in due form .
Yakborouctji Lodge ( No . 812 ) . —At the regular meeting held on Thursday , April 1 st , at Bro . Williams ' s George Hotel , in the Commercial Road , there was , as is usual , a large amount of business . Bro . W . J . Crisp , W . M ., presided . The Rev . J . C . Edwards , M . A . ( incumbent of St . Thomas ' s ) , Messrs * W . Spurgeon , Win * Norris , and W . W . Hutchins were initiated . Bros . Lambtir