Article THE MASONIC MIRE011. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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The Masonic Mire011.
Kinniple , and Halbert Vere passed to the 2 nd Degree , and the Rev . Bro . H . Douglas was raised to the degree of M . M . An appeal on behalf of a distressed Mason was benevolently responded to . Five gentlemen were proposed for initiation at the next meeting . The business was not concluded till after nine o ' clock
when the Brethren ( numberingthirty-six ) adjourned to banquet , where brotherly love and good humour prevailed . The Rev . Bro . Edwards in responding for the newly-initiated Brethren , expressed himself pleaded with what he had seen ; he was satisfied that if its designs were fully carried out , Freemasonry was the hand-maid of Christianity , and he hoped to find as he advanced that Freemasonry was the essence of Christianity . Bros . How and Johns were the only visitors .
Albion Lodge ( No . 9 ) . —The anniversary festival of this Lodge took place on Thursday , April 1 , at Bro . John Gurton ' s , Red Horse , Old Bond-street , a large party of Brethren assembling to do honour to the occasion . Bro . Thomas Alien , P . M . No . 276 , presided ^ supported , on the right , by Bros . Crofton , W . M . No . 211 ; Lacoh , Sec , No . 211 ; Copus , P . M . No . 752 ; Barnshaw , No . 752 ; Harrison , P . M . No . 202 ; G . Taylor , No . 201 ; Suter , P . MrM 219 ; Piatt , S . D . No . 219 ; Lipman , No . 219 ; & c . On the left , by Bros . Morley , No . 219 ; D . Roberts , No . 211 ; Isidor Levinson , -P . M . No . 7 ; W . H . Roberts , No . 211 ;
Buckingham , No . 211 ; Stuart , No . 211 ; Franks , No . 1 , Scotland ; Dethier , No . 211 ; Aley , J . W . No . 211 : Duddidge , No . 211 , and other eminent members of the Craft . Bro . Maurice Levinson , P . M . No . 209 , acted as S . W ., and Bro . Stacey , S . W . No . 211 , as J . W ., materially assisting the president by attention to the duties of these important offices . Upon the removal of the cloth , the W . M . pi-oposed the usual toasts , and " Success to the Albion Lodge of Instruction , " in a neat speech , in which he dwelt very happily on the importance of attending Lodges of instruction , as no Brother anxious to obtain honours in the Craft could expect to receive them without the assistance of these schools . Bro . Allen ' s
health was proposed by Bro . M . Levinson , who made some deservedly complimentary allusions to the great Masonic knowledge of their chairman , who , in replying , assured the Brethren of his interest in , and zeal for , Masonry . The pleasures of the evening were much enhanced by some admirable singing from Bros . W . H . Roberts , Piatt , Suter , J . Gurton , C . Taylor , Nimmo , Dethier , & c . Bro . Gurton ' s arrangements were excellent , and gave great satisfaction . Kent Lodge ( No . 12 . )—This old and deservedly esteemed Lodge of Instruction met at Bro . Fitch ' s , the Halfway House , Blackfriars-road , April 2 , when Bro .
Arnold occupied the chair , and with great precision performed the ceremony of raising—Bro . Ansell being the candidate for the occasion . The W . M . then worked the first / second , and third sections of the third lecture ; and after closing the Lodge to the 1 st Degree , worked the fourth and fifth sections of the first lecture . The worthy Treasurer then announced that the funds in hand had
accumulated to a goodly amount , and that the Lodge was in the happy position of being able to carry out its charitable intentions towards the Royal Benevolent Institution . The sum of £ 5 was immediately voted to the funds of the Aged Freemasons , and the like sum of £ 5 to . the Widows' Fund . About eight months since this Lodge gave £ 5 to the Boys' School , and it will not be long before a similar donation will , be handed to the Girls' School . The old Kent Lodge is determined to support the charities in a true liberal spirit .
Thk Stkonc Man Lodgm ( No . 53 ) . — -This Lodge of Instruction held a festival at the Sun tavern , Long Acre , on Monday the 29 th ult , when a large number of Brethren assembled , it having been announced that the ceremony of consecration would be worked , followed by that of installation . Lodge was opened in due form by Bro . William Watson , after which Bro . G . F . Taylor performed a voluntary on the harmonium , followed by the usual prayers , which were succeeded by the ode " Let there be light . " The whole of this sublime ceremony was given , interspersed with the necessary anthems and chaunts . The consecration
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The Masonic Mire011.
Kinniple , and Halbert Vere passed to the 2 nd Degree , and the Rev . Bro . H . Douglas was raised to the degree of M . M . An appeal on behalf of a distressed Mason was benevolently responded to . Five gentlemen were proposed for initiation at the next meeting . The business was not concluded till after nine o ' clock
when the Brethren ( numberingthirty-six ) adjourned to banquet , where brotherly love and good humour prevailed . The Rev . Bro . Edwards in responding for the newly-initiated Brethren , expressed himself pleaded with what he had seen ; he was satisfied that if its designs were fully carried out , Freemasonry was the hand-maid of Christianity , and he hoped to find as he advanced that Freemasonry was the essence of Christianity . Bros . How and Johns were the only visitors .
Albion Lodge ( No . 9 ) . —The anniversary festival of this Lodge took place on Thursday , April 1 , at Bro . John Gurton ' s , Red Horse , Old Bond-street , a large party of Brethren assembling to do honour to the occasion . Bro . Thomas Alien , P . M . No . 276 , presided ^ supported , on the right , by Bros . Crofton , W . M . No . 211 ; Lacoh , Sec , No . 211 ; Copus , P . M . No . 752 ; Barnshaw , No . 752 ; Harrison , P . M . No . 202 ; G . Taylor , No . 201 ; Suter , P . MrM 219 ; Piatt , S . D . No . 219 ; Lipman , No . 219 ; & c . On the left , by Bros . Morley , No . 219 ; D . Roberts , No . 211 ; Isidor Levinson , -P . M . No . 7 ; W . H . Roberts , No . 211 ;
Buckingham , No . 211 ; Stuart , No . 211 ; Franks , No . 1 , Scotland ; Dethier , No . 211 ; Aley , J . W . No . 211 : Duddidge , No . 211 , and other eminent members of the Craft . Bro . Maurice Levinson , P . M . No . 209 , acted as S . W ., and Bro . Stacey , S . W . No . 211 , as J . W ., materially assisting the president by attention to the duties of these important offices . Upon the removal of the cloth , the W . M . pi-oposed the usual toasts , and " Success to the Albion Lodge of Instruction , " in a neat speech , in which he dwelt very happily on the importance of attending Lodges of instruction , as no Brother anxious to obtain honours in the Craft could expect to receive them without the assistance of these schools . Bro . Allen ' s
health was proposed by Bro . M . Levinson , who made some deservedly complimentary allusions to the great Masonic knowledge of their chairman , who , in replying , assured the Brethren of his interest in , and zeal for , Masonry . The pleasures of the evening were much enhanced by some admirable singing from Bros . W . H . Roberts , Piatt , Suter , J . Gurton , C . Taylor , Nimmo , Dethier , & c . Bro . Gurton ' s arrangements were excellent , and gave great satisfaction . Kent Lodge ( No . 12 . )—This old and deservedly esteemed Lodge of Instruction met at Bro . Fitch ' s , the Halfway House , Blackfriars-road , April 2 , when Bro .
Arnold occupied the chair , and with great precision performed the ceremony of raising—Bro . Ansell being the candidate for the occasion . The W . M . then worked the first / second , and third sections of the third lecture ; and after closing the Lodge to the 1 st Degree , worked the fourth and fifth sections of the first lecture . The worthy Treasurer then announced that the funds in hand had
accumulated to a goodly amount , and that the Lodge was in the happy position of being able to carry out its charitable intentions towards the Royal Benevolent Institution . The sum of £ 5 was immediately voted to the funds of the Aged Freemasons , and the like sum of £ 5 to . the Widows' Fund . About eight months since this Lodge gave £ 5 to the Boys' School , and it will not be long before a similar donation will , be handed to the Girls' School . The old Kent Lodge is determined to support the charities in a true liberal spirit .
Thk Stkonc Man Lodgm ( No . 53 ) . — -This Lodge of Instruction held a festival at the Sun tavern , Long Acre , on Monday the 29 th ult , when a large number of Brethren assembled , it having been announced that the ceremony of consecration would be worked , followed by that of installation . Lodge was opened in due form by Bro . William Watson , after which Bro . G . F . Taylor performed a voluntary on the harmonium , followed by the usual prayers , which were succeeded by the ode " Let there be light . " The whole of this sublime ceremony was given , interspersed with the necessary anthems and chaunts . The consecration