Article THE MASONIC MIRE011. ← Page 5 of 5 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 6 →
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The Masonic Mire011.
also that of Bro . Mprbey , the host of the evening . A most harmonious evening was spent , and the Brethren retired at at ea ^ Vitbxjvian Lodoe ( Nov 103 . ) - ~ This Lodge met at Bro . Hoppers , the White Hart , pollege-street , Lambeth , on Thursday , March 25 , when Bro . Arnold , J . W . of the Lodge of Faith , No . 165 , took the chair , and worked the fifteen sections . The replies were ably given by the following Brethren :- —First Lecture—Bros .
Obrick , Holmes , Morris / jun . ; Whitingy Anslow , Nokes , and Ansell . Second Lecture—Bros . Turnbull , Goring , Jackson , Fisher , and Davidson . Third Lecture —Bros . Stuart , Anslow , and Noke , A vote of thanks to Bro . Arnold w ^ as recorded on the minutes of the Lodge for the very excellent manner in which he discharged his duties on the occasion , i ^ bout eighteen of the Brethren then sat down to an elegant supper provided by Bro . Heppel .
Phcenix ( No . 202 ) .---The members of this Lodge held a biennial festival on Wednesday , March 31 st . The Lodge was opened by Bro . J . A . Adams , as W . M ., ( in the absence of Bro . S . B . Wilson , who had originally consented to take the chair , but was detained in Kent Bros . H . G . Warren , S . W . ; Williams , J . W ., and several other Brothers . The first lecture having been worked , and two or three members proposed as joinimg members , the Brethren adyourned to a very elegant banquetv Bro . W presided , and a very pleasant evening was passed , assisted by the singing of Bros . C . Sloman , Beuler , PlaW Stevens , Morris , and others .
Perc y Lodge ( No . 234 ) .- ~ The following resolutions were carried at this Lodge of Instmction on the 26 th of March : —First , " That the sum of one guinea be sent to the funds of the Aged Freemasons , and that the \ otes be given to Bro . Blount . " Secondly , " That one guinea be handed to the Widows' Fund , and that the votes be giveri to the widow of the late Bro . Longstaff , " Thirdly , " That the votes of the Lodge for the Boys' School be given to the son of Bro . Slay maker . " It was then moved , seconded , and carried , ' That the Freemasons ] Magazine be taken in for the use of the Lodsre . Bro . Anslow was elected as W . M . for the
ensuing week ; and after admitting Bros . Sutton , Marks , J . M . Isaacs , and Isaac Eardensohn , as joining members , the Lodge was closed in perfect harmony , and adjourned to the 3 rd of April , when Bro . Anslow was punctually at his post as W . M ., for the purpose of working the fifteen sections . The respondents were—First Lecture , Bros . Sutton , Marks , Sutton , J . R , Warren , S . E . Moss , Jackson ,
and Farmer . Second Lecture—Bros . Marks , Drukker , Adams , Brett , and J . R . Warren . Third Lecture—Bros . S . E . Moss , Thomas , and Farmer . Bros . Silvester , No . 209 , D . Phillips , No . 218 , Hart , No . 165 , Joseph Eardensohn , No . 218 , and Nathaniel Levy , No . 223 , were admitted as joining members . A vote of thanks was entered on the minutes of the Lodge to Bro . Anslow , for the able manner in which he had worked the whole of the fifteen sections , and for the
very kind manner in which he always came forward to assist in the work of Freemasonry whenever and wherever his services were required . Bro , Anslow returned thanks in a very feeling manner , and proposed a vote of thanks to the Brethren who had given the replies . The vote was carried and duly entered on the minutes .
Avpoixtmknts . —Lodges .- —Monday , April 12 th , lloyal Clarence ( 81 ) , Freemasons * Hall , at 7 5 Tuesday , 13 th , Jerusalem ( 086 ) , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 \ Friday , 16 th , Instruction , Free - masons' Hall , at 7 \ . Chapter . — Thursday , 8 th , Royal Clarence ( 81 ) , at 7 . CHANNEL ISLANDS . AvPointmenIb , —Lodge , — Tuesday , April 13 th , St . Anne ( 863 ) , Alderney , at ? .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mire011.
also that of Bro . Mprbey , the host of the evening . A most harmonious evening was spent , and the Brethren retired at at ea ^ Vitbxjvian Lodoe ( Nov 103 . ) - ~ This Lodge met at Bro . Hoppers , the White Hart , pollege-street , Lambeth , on Thursday , March 25 , when Bro . Arnold , J . W . of the Lodge of Faith , No . 165 , took the chair , and worked the fifteen sections . The replies were ably given by the following Brethren :- —First Lecture—Bros .
Obrick , Holmes , Morris / jun . ; Whitingy Anslow , Nokes , and Ansell . Second Lecture—Bros . Turnbull , Goring , Jackson , Fisher , and Davidson . Third Lecture —Bros . Stuart , Anslow , and Noke , A vote of thanks to Bro . Arnold w ^ as recorded on the minutes of the Lodge for the very excellent manner in which he discharged his duties on the occasion , i ^ bout eighteen of the Brethren then sat down to an elegant supper provided by Bro . Heppel .
Phcenix ( No . 202 ) .---The members of this Lodge held a biennial festival on Wednesday , March 31 st . The Lodge was opened by Bro . J . A . Adams , as W . M ., ( in the absence of Bro . S . B . Wilson , who had originally consented to take the chair , but was detained in Kent Bros . H . G . Warren , S . W . ; Williams , J . W ., and several other Brothers . The first lecture having been worked , and two or three members proposed as joinimg members , the Brethren adyourned to a very elegant banquetv Bro . W presided , and a very pleasant evening was passed , assisted by the singing of Bros . C . Sloman , Beuler , PlaW Stevens , Morris , and others .
Perc y Lodge ( No . 234 ) .- ~ The following resolutions were carried at this Lodge of Instmction on the 26 th of March : —First , " That the sum of one guinea be sent to the funds of the Aged Freemasons , and that the \ otes be given to Bro . Blount . " Secondly , " That one guinea be handed to the Widows' Fund , and that the votes be giveri to the widow of the late Bro . Longstaff , " Thirdly , " That the votes of the Lodge for the Boys' School be given to the son of Bro . Slay maker . " It was then moved , seconded , and carried , ' That the Freemasons ] Magazine be taken in for the use of the Lodsre . Bro . Anslow was elected as W . M . for the
ensuing week ; and after admitting Bros . Sutton , Marks , J . M . Isaacs , and Isaac Eardensohn , as joining members , the Lodge was closed in perfect harmony , and adjourned to the 3 rd of April , when Bro . Anslow was punctually at his post as W . M ., for the purpose of working the fifteen sections . The respondents were—First Lecture , Bros . Sutton , Marks , Sutton , J . R , Warren , S . E . Moss , Jackson ,
and Farmer . Second Lecture—Bros . Marks , Drukker , Adams , Brett , and J . R . Warren . Third Lecture—Bros . S . E . Moss , Thomas , and Farmer . Bros . Silvester , No . 209 , D . Phillips , No . 218 , Hart , No . 165 , Joseph Eardensohn , No . 218 , and Nathaniel Levy , No . 223 , were admitted as joining members . A vote of thanks was entered on the minutes of the Lodge to Bro . Anslow , for the able manner in which he had worked the whole of the fifteen sections , and for the
very kind manner in which he always came forward to assist in the work of Freemasonry whenever and wherever his services were required . Bro , Anslow returned thanks in a very feeling manner , and proposed a vote of thanks to the Brethren who had given the replies . The vote was carried and duly entered on the minutes .
Avpoixtmknts . —Lodges .- —Monday , April 12 th , lloyal Clarence ( 81 ) , Freemasons * Hall , at 7 5 Tuesday , 13 th , Jerusalem ( 086 ) , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 \ Friday , 16 th , Instruction , Free - masons' Hall , at 7 \ . Chapter . — Thursday , 8 th , Royal Clarence ( 81 ) , at 7 . CHANNEL ISLANDS . AvPointmenIb , —Lodge , — Tuesday , April 13 th , St . Anne ( 863 ) , Alderney , at ? .