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CHESHIEE . AppoiNTMENTS .--Lo ^ es .---Thursday , April 8 th , Mersey ( 701 ) , Angel , Birkenhead , at 5 j Thursday , 15 th , Unity ( 334 ) , Macclesfield Arms , Macclesfield , at 7 . DEYONSHIEE . Appointments . —Z * 0 dgm—Monday , April 12 th , Sincerity ( 224 ) , St . George ' s Hall , Stonehouse , at . 71 Sun ( 123 ) , Globe Hotel , Exmoiith , at 5 ; Wednesday , 14 th , Fortitude ( 122 ) , Prince George Hotel , Stonehouse , at 7 ,
DOESETSHIBE . Appointments . —Lodge . —Monday , April 12 th , Montague ( 963 ) , Lion Inn , Lyme Regis , at 7 . DURHAM . Appointments . — £ rO % e . —Thursday , April 8 th , Palatine ( 114 ) , Bridge Hotel , Sunderland , of « VtlV
w . » ESSEX . Appointments . —Lodges . — Monday ; April 12 th , Star in the East ( 935 ) , Private rooms , Harwich , at 7 j ; Wednesday , 14 th , United ( 998 % George Hotel , Colchester , at 7 . HAMPSHIRE . Appointments .- — Lodges ,- — Thursday , April 8 th , Royal Gloucester ( 152 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Southampton , at 7 s Thursday , 15 th , Southampton ( 555 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Southampton , at 7 . ' ¦
KENT . Appointments . — -Lodges . —Tuesday , April 13 th , Belvidere ( 741 ) , Star Hotel , Maidstone , at 7 j Wednesday , 14 th , Union of Waterloo ( 13 ) , Red Lion , Woolwich , at 7 . Chapters . —Tuesday , 13 th , Adams '( 184 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Sheerness , at 7 3 Wednesday , 14 th , Hope ( 248 ) , Globe Hotel , Greenwich , at 4 . Bartford . — -Lodge of Emidation { No . 376 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge held their monthly meeting at the Bull Inn , on Tuesday , the , S 0 th March , on which occasion the attendance was unusually large . Shortly after seven o ' clock , the W . M ., with the assistance of his Officers , very ably opened the Lodge in the three degrees , and after the usual routine therewith connected , proceeded to the business
of the evening , viz ., the nomination of the W . M . for the ensuing year . It was proposed by Bro . Green , seconded by Bro . Landale , and subsequently carried unanimously , that Bro . Campbell , P . M . should again occupy the chair . After a few . remarks from Broi Campbell , in which he stated the pleasure he had at all times in forwarding the interest and prosperity of the Order , the Lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer . The Brethren then adjourned to an elegant banquet , supplied by Bro . Bray , to which the Brethren did ample justice . The only visitor of the evening was Bro . Alex . 0 . Loyar , P . Prov . G-. Reg . for Jersey
and the Channel Isles , who , in returning thanks for his health being drunk , expressed himself highly gratified and most agreeably surprised at the excellent manner in which the different degrees had been worked , and the general efficiency of the officers . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been drunk , Bro . Campbell assuming by permission the gavel , proposed the health of the W . M ., who courteously acknowledged the same . After a few other other toasts , the Brethren separated , having spent an evening of conviviality in that manner only known among Masons .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . Appointments . —Lodge . —Wednesday , April Hth , Antiquity ( 170 ) , One Horse-shoe , Bolton , at 7 .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . Appointments . —Lorf # w . —Friday , April 9 th , Perseverance ( 181 ) , Royal Hotel , Liverpool , at 6 j Monday , 12 th , Sincerity ( 368 ) , Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool , at 4 j Tuesday , 13 th , Merchants ' ( 2 J ) 4 ) , Royal Hotel , Liverpool , at 5 ; Royal Preston ( 418 ) , Cross Axes , Preston , at 8 j Thursday , 15 th , Ancient Union ( 215 ) , Royal Hotel , Liverpool , at b" 5 Manners ' , Instruction ( 310 ) , Liverpool , at 7 . Chapter . —Thursday , 8 th , Harmony ( 2 « 7 )» Wellington Hotel , Garston , at t > . LEICESTERSHIRE . Appointments . — Z ^ o ^« ~~ ^ httrsd ( iy , April 15 th , John of Caunt ( 766 ) , Three Crowns , Leicester , at 7-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CHESHIEE . AppoiNTMENTS .--Lo ^ es .---Thursday , April 8 th , Mersey ( 701 ) , Angel , Birkenhead , at 5 j Thursday , 15 th , Unity ( 334 ) , Macclesfield Arms , Macclesfield , at 7 . DEYONSHIEE . Appointments . —Z * 0 dgm—Monday , April 12 th , Sincerity ( 224 ) , St . George ' s Hall , Stonehouse , at . 71 Sun ( 123 ) , Globe Hotel , Exmoiith , at 5 ; Wednesday , 14 th , Fortitude ( 122 ) , Prince George Hotel , Stonehouse , at 7 ,
DOESETSHIBE . Appointments . —Lodge . —Monday , April 12 th , Montague ( 963 ) , Lion Inn , Lyme Regis , at 7 . DURHAM . Appointments . — £ rO % e . —Thursday , April 8 th , Palatine ( 114 ) , Bridge Hotel , Sunderland , of « VtlV
w . » ESSEX . Appointments . —Lodges . — Monday ; April 12 th , Star in the East ( 935 ) , Private rooms , Harwich , at 7 j ; Wednesday , 14 th , United ( 998 % George Hotel , Colchester , at 7 . HAMPSHIRE . Appointments .- — Lodges ,- — Thursday , April 8 th , Royal Gloucester ( 152 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Southampton , at 7 s Thursday , 15 th , Southampton ( 555 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Southampton , at 7 . ' ¦
KENT . Appointments . — -Lodges . —Tuesday , April 13 th , Belvidere ( 741 ) , Star Hotel , Maidstone , at 7 j Wednesday , 14 th , Union of Waterloo ( 13 ) , Red Lion , Woolwich , at 7 . Chapters . —Tuesday , 13 th , Adams '( 184 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Sheerness , at 7 3 Wednesday , 14 th , Hope ( 248 ) , Globe Hotel , Greenwich , at 4 . Bartford . — -Lodge of Emidation { No . 376 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge held their monthly meeting at the Bull Inn , on Tuesday , the , S 0 th March , on which occasion the attendance was unusually large . Shortly after seven o ' clock , the W . M ., with the assistance of his Officers , very ably opened the Lodge in the three degrees , and after the usual routine therewith connected , proceeded to the business
of the evening , viz ., the nomination of the W . M . for the ensuing year . It was proposed by Bro . Green , seconded by Bro . Landale , and subsequently carried unanimously , that Bro . Campbell , P . M . should again occupy the chair . After a few . remarks from Broi Campbell , in which he stated the pleasure he had at all times in forwarding the interest and prosperity of the Order , the Lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer . The Brethren then adjourned to an elegant banquet , supplied by Bro . Bray , to which the Brethren did ample justice . The only visitor of the evening was Bro . Alex . 0 . Loyar , P . Prov . G-. Reg . for Jersey
and the Channel Isles , who , in returning thanks for his health being drunk , expressed himself highly gratified and most agreeably surprised at the excellent manner in which the different degrees had been worked , and the general efficiency of the officers . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been drunk , Bro . Campbell assuming by permission the gavel , proposed the health of the W . M ., who courteously acknowledged the same . After a few other other toasts , the Brethren separated , having spent an evening of conviviality in that manner only known among Masons .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . Appointments . —Lodge . —Wednesday , April Hth , Antiquity ( 170 ) , One Horse-shoe , Bolton , at 7 .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . Appointments . —Lorf # w . —Friday , April 9 th , Perseverance ( 181 ) , Royal Hotel , Liverpool , at 6 j Monday , 12 th , Sincerity ( 368 ) , Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool , at 4 j Tuesday , 13 th , Merchants ' ( 2 J ) 4 ) , Royal Hotel , Liverpool , at 5 ; Royal Preston ( 418 ) , Cross Axes , Preston , at 8 j Thursday , 15 th , Ancient Union ( 215 ) , Royal Hotel , Liverpool , at b" 5 Manners ' , Instruction ( 310 ) , Liverpool , at 7 . Chapter . —Thursday , 8 th , Harmony ( 2 « 7 )» Wellington Hotel , Garston , at t > . LEICESTERSHIRE . Appointments . — Z ^ o ^« ~~ ^ httrsd ( iy , April 15 th , John of Caunt ( 766 ) , Three Crowns , Leicester , at 7-