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LINCOLNSHIRE . Appointments . — Lodge , — Tuesday , April 13 th , Harmony ( 339 ) , Music Hall , Boston , at 7 . ; JjQjjTR . —^ Lm < fe Lodge rose from the ashes of its predecessors , we have not failed to record in our pages any intelligence of its success and progress . The last Lodge night was on Wednesday , March 31 , wheh , intheunavoid ^ to
Bros . Whalley ^ Hemptshal ^ and Buntz werepassed the 2 nd Degree . Bro . E . H . Clarke was raised to the 3 rd Degree , and Mr . Wm . Dark having been duly balloted for and accepted , was regularly initiated / T candidates were proposed for admission into the Eraternity , and one Brother as a joining member . After the unusual labour consequent upon their business , the Lodge adjourned to refreshment , where all was harmony and brotherly love . We are glad to find the Lindsey Lodge advancing so prosperously .
NOET 1 TUMBERL AND . Appointments .- —Lodges . ^ Mdnday , April 12 th , St . Peter ' s ( 70 ( 5 ) , Catterick-buildings , Newcastle-upon-Tyne , at 7 j Tuesday , 13 th , D * Ogle ( pip ) , Morpeth } Wednesday , 14 tfo , Blagden ( 957 ); Ridley Arms , Blyth $ Friday , 16 th , De Loraine ( 793 ) , Freemasons , Hall , Bjacket-streefc , Newcastle-upon-Tyne . C ^/^^^ . ^ I ^ iday ^ 9 th , De Sussex ( 586 ) , Freemasons' Hall , JNewg-atestreet , Newcastle-upon-Tyne , at 7 5 Wednesday , 14 thY De Swinburne ( 24 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Newgate-street , Newcastle-upon-Tyne , at 7 .
PEMBROKESHIRE . Loyal Wel $ h Lodge ( No , 525 } . —The business of this Lodge is more and more extensive . Scarcely a monthly meeting occurs without at least one candidate to initiate , and Lodges of emergency are ¦ frequently necessary . At the usual periodical assemblage on the 30 th March , Bro . Thomas , Prov . GV 1 ^^/ Cers ., ann ouiiced to the Brethren the intention of the Prov . G . M ., Judge Johhes —( the designation given to those dignitaries of the law by the inhabitants of Wales ) - — -
to hold a Prov . Grand Lodge there during the ensuing month of June , an event which will create the greatest excitement ,, inasmuch as there has been but one Provincial Grand Lodge ever held in the county , and never on that ( the south ) side of the far-famed Milford Haven . Now that an adequate apartment has been provided for the Lodge , attention lias been directed to its being properly furnished , and , consequently , new and elegant pedestals have already been obtained , and other essentials ordered to be provided . May its success be both certain and
increasing . SOMERSETSHIRE . Appointments . — Lodges . — Monday , April 12 th , Honour ( 528 ) , 42 , Milsom-street , Bath , at 8 . Mark . —Thursday , 8 th , Royal Cumberland ( Immemorial ) , Masonic Hall , Bath , at 8 . Chapter . —Wednesday , 14 th , Royal Sussex ( 6 * 1 ) , Amery ' s Hotel , Bath , 7 \ . Huntspux . —Rural PhilantJiropic Lodge ( No . 367 ) . —There was a large gathering of the Brethren of this flourishing and excellent Lodge , on Friday last , ( 26 th ult . ) , being the first meeting of the fifty-eighth session . In the unavoidable absence of
the W . M . ( Bro . Rankin ) , Bro . Henry Bridges , P . M ., presided . After the usual formalities had been proceeded with , three gentlemen ( Messrs . Williams , Martin , and Neck ) , wei-e initiated into the mysteries of the Craft . The resignation of Bro . Thomas Durreli Hodge , ( the gentleman supposed to have been connected with Orsini in late events , ) was received and accepted . Two gentlemen , Messrs . F . C . Hennett and 0 . Else , were proposed for initiation at the next meeting . No little dissatisfaction was expressed at the delay which has taken place with respect
to the building of the new Lodge-rooms . A little energy in the committee is much needed , and , and we trust that the hints thrown out by various members will not fail to have a . salutary effect . After the routine of the official duties had been gone through , the Brethren retired to the banqueting-room , where an excellent dinner having been served , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were warmly greeted . Wc strongly urge upon two or three Brethren of this Lodge to consider the words of our worthy Brother , Dr . Oliver . "We would recommend moderation in the superior officers , and subordination in the Brethren , for without mutual
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LINCOLNSHIRE . Appointments . — Lodge , — Tuesday , April 13 th , Harmony ( 339 ) , Music Hall , Boston , at 7 . ; JjQjjTR . —^ Lm < fe Lodge rose from the ashes of its predecessors , we have not failed to record in our pages any intelligence of its success and progress . The last Lodge night was on Wednesday , March 31 , wheh , intheunavoid ^ to
Bros . Whalley ^ Hemptshal ^ and Buntz werepassed the 2 nd Degree . Bro . E . H . Clarke was raised to the 3 rd Degree , and Mr . Wm . Dark having been duly balloted for and accepted , was regularly initiated / T candidates were proposed for admission into the Eraternity , and one Brother as a joining member . After the unusual labour consequent upon their business , the Lodge adjourned to refreshment , where all was harmony and brotherly love . We are glad to find the Lindsey Lodge advancing so prosperously .
NOET 1 TUMBERL AND . Appointments .- —Lodges . ^ Mdnday , April 12 th , St . Peter ' s ( 70 ( 5 ) , Catterick-buildings , Newcastle-upon-Tyne , at 7 j Tuesday , 13 th , D * Ogle ( pip ) , Morpeth } Wednesday , 14 tfo , Blagden ( 957 ); Ridley Arms , Blyth $ Friday , 16 th , De Loraine ( 793 ) , Freemasons , Hall , Bjacket-streefc , Newcastle-upon-Tyne . C ^/^^^ . ^ I ^ iday ^ 9 th , De Sussex ( 586 ) , Freemasons' Hall , JNewg-atestreet , Newcastle-upon-Tyne , at 7 5 Wednesday , 14 thY De Swinburne ( 24 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Newgate-street , Newcastle-upon-Tyne , at 7 .
PEMBROKESHIRE . Loyal Wel $ h Lodge ( No , 525 } . —The business of this Lodge is more and more extensive . Scarcely a monthly meeting occurs without at least one candidate to initiate , and Lodges of emergency are ¦ frequently necessary . At the usual periodical assemblage on the 30 th March , Bro . Thomas , Prov . GV 1 ^^/ Cers ., ann ouiiced to the Brethren the intention of the Prov . G . M ., Judge Johhes —( the designation given to those dignitaries of the law by the inhabitants of Wales ) - — -
to hold a Prov . Grand Lodge there during the ensuing month of June , an event which will create the greatest excitement ,, inasmuch as there has been but one Provincial Grand Lodge ever held in the county , and never on that ( the south ) side of the far-famed Milford Haven . Now that an adequate apartment has been provided for the Lodge , attention lias been directed to its being properly furnished , and , consequently , new and elegant pedestals have already been obtained , and other essentials ordered to be provided . May its success be both certain and
increasing . SOMERSETSHIRE . Appointments . — Lodges . — Monday , April 12 th , Honour ( 528 ) , 42 , Milsom-street , Bath , at 8 . Mark . —Thursday , 8 th , Royal Cumberland ( Immemorial ) , Masonic Hall , Bath , at 8 . Chapter . —Wednesday , 14 th , Royal Sussex ( 6 * 1 ) , Amery ' s Hotel , Bath , 7 \ . Huntspux . —Rural PhilantJiropic Lodge ( No . 367 ) . —There was a large gathering of the Brethren of this flourishing and excellent Lodge , on Friday last , ( 26 th ult . ) , being the first meeting of the fifty-eighth session . In the unavoidable absence of
the W . M . ( Bro . Rankin ) , Bro . Henry Bridges , P . M ., presided . After the usual formalities had been proceeded with , three gentlemen ( Messrs . Williams , Martin , and Neck ) , wei-e initiated into the mysteries of the Craft . The resignation of Bro . Thomas Durreli Hodge , ( the gentleman supposed to have been connected with Orsini in late events , ) was received and accepted . Two gentlemen , Messrs . F . C . Hennett and 0 . Else , were proposed for initiation at the next meeting . No little dissatisfaction was expressed at the delay which has taken place with respect
to the building of the new Lodge-rooms . A little energy in the committee is much needed , and , and we trust that the hints thrown out by various members will not fail to have a . salutary effect . After the routine of the official duties had been gone through , the Brethren retired to the banqueting-room , where an excellent dinner having been served , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were warmly greeted . Wc strongly urge upon two or three Brethren of this Lodge to consider the words of our worthy Brother , Dr . Oliver . "We would recommend moderation in the superior officers , and subordination in the Brethren , for without mutual