Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 6 →
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good " will ,- equanimity of temper , and reciprocal forbearance , the superstructure will crumble to decay , and the Lodge sooner or later be inevitably dissolved . " STAFFORDSHIRE . Appointments . —Lodges . —Friday , April 9 th , Honour ( 769 ) , Old Assembly Rooms , Wolverhampton , at 7 k- > "Friday , 16 th , Noah ' s Ark ( 435 ) , Navigation Inn ; Tipton , at 7 .
v SUSSEX , Appointments . ¦ '— Lodge . — Monday , April 12 th , Derwent ( 47 ) , Swan Hotel , Hastings , at 8 . , ¦ ¦¦ ¦ .- ¦ . ¦ '' ¦¦ ¦ ¦ WARWICKSHIRE . Appointments . —Lodges . —Monday , April I 2 th > Rectitude ( 73 Q ) , George Hotel , Rugby , at Gh : Howe ( 857 ) , Masonic Rooms , Birmingham , at 6 ,
WILTSHIRE . Appointments . —Lodge . —Tuesday , April lath , Elias de Derham ( 806 ) , White Hart Hotel , Salishuryy at 7 £ * TR () WBEiDaE .---Lodge of Concord ( No . 915 ) . — -The regular meeting of this Lodge took place on Tuesday , March 30 thj at the Court Hall : Bro . Ev Webber , W . M , ; Bro . W . Webber , S . W . ; Ero . G . Plinimer , J . W . Bro . Muhlenfeldt Lawson , who had been initiated at the last regular meeting , was examined and passed to
the second Degree , Ero . G . Staricornb , Secretary , read the report of the auditors , Bros . Stancomh and W . Webber ^ who had been appointed to examine the accounts for the yearS 1857 * From this it appeared that since time of its establishment ( less than four years ) the Lodge had been enabled to pay off £ 90 out of the £ 100 debt under which it started , besides meeting current expenses , and that nothing now remained to be paid ! beyond the £ 10 balance , which it was expected could be repaid to the Brother to whom it was owing before the end of the present year .
It was proposed by Bro . J . Hayward , ( who has just been chosen Treasurer ) , and seconded by Bro . H . C . Levander , No . 90 , and carried unanimously , that a vote of thanks be given to the auditors for the trouble they had taken , and very clear and satisfactory balance , sheet which they had drawn out . The business of the evening being ended , the Lodge was closed , and the meeting adjourned till the Tuesday nearest to the full moon in April . The Brethren will meet for instruction at the George Hotel , on Tuesday , the 13 th instant , at 7 p . m .
WORCESTERSHIRE . AppoiNTjiENTS .-rLodge . —Tuesday , April 13 tli , Royal Standard ( 730 ) , Dudley Arms , Dudley , at 6 £ . YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST . ) Appointments . —Lodges . —Monday , April 12 th , Royal ( 926 ) , Bellevue House , Filey , at 7 Wednesday , 14 th , Minerva ( 311 ) , Masonic Hall , Hull , at 7 .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST . ) Appointments . —Lodges . —Thursday , April 8 th , Britannia ( 162 ) , Music Hall , Sheffield , at 7 5 Wednesday , 14 th , Wakefield ( 727 ) , Old Rectory , Leeds , at 7 ; Thursday , 15 th , Harmony ( 874 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Bradford , at 7 . Chapter . —Tuesday , 13 th , Fidelity ( 364 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Leeds , at 7 .
PROVINCIAL B 0 A 11 D OF GENEKAL PURPOSES . The following is the Code of Regulations for the . government of a Provincial Board of General Purposes , proposed by the committee appointed by the Provincial Grand Lodge to prepare such code : — 1 . The Board shall be called " The Board of General Purposes for the Province
of West Yorkshire , " and shall consist of the R . W . the Prov . G . M ., the R . W . D . Prov . G . M ., the W . Prov . G . Wardens , and seven members of the Prov . Grand Lodge ( being acting Masters or Past Masters of Lodges in the province ) , to he elected by ballot at the annual meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge . 2 , The R . W . the Prov . G . M . shall be the president of the Board , and in his absence the D , Prov . G . M , shall act in that capacity . A vice-president ( being a
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
good " will ,- equanimity of temper , and reciprocal forbearance , the superstructure will crumble to decay , and the Lodge sooner or later be inevitably dissolved . " STAFFORDSHIRE . Appointments . —Lodges . —Friday , April 9 th , Honour ( 769 ) , Old Assembly Rooms , Wolverhampton , at 7 k- > "Friday , 16 th , Noah ' s Ark ( 435 ) , Navigation Inn ; Tipton , at 7 .
v SUSSEX , Appointments . ¦ '— Lodge . — Monday , April 12 th , Derwent ( 47 ) , Swan Hotel , Hastings , at 8 . , ¦ ¦¦ ¦ .- ¦ . ¦ '' ¦¦ ¦ ¦ WARWICKSHIRE . Appointments . —Lodges . —Monday , April I 2 th > Rectitude ( 73 Q ) , George Hotel , Rugby , at Gh : Howe ( 857 ) , Masonic Rooms , Birmingham , at 6 ,
WILTSHIRE . Appointments . —Lodge . —Tuesday , April lath , Elias de Derham ( 806 ) , White Hart Hotel , Salishuryy at 7 £ * TR () WBEiDaE .---Lodge of Concord ( No . 915 ) . — -The regular meeting of this Lodge took place on Tuesday , March 30 thj at the Court Hall : Bro . Ev Webber , W . M , ; Bro . W . Webber , S . W . ; Ero . G . Plinimer , J . W . Bro . Muhlenfeldt Lawson , who had been initiated at the last regular meeting , was examined and passed to
the second Degree , Ero . G . Staricornb , Secretary , read the report of the auditors , Bros . Stancomh and W . Webber ^ who had been appointed to examine the accounts for the yearS 1857 * From this it appeared that since time of its establishment ( less than four years ) the Lodge had been enabled to pay off £ 90 out of the £ 100 debt under which it started , besides meeting current expenses , and that nothing now remained to be paid ! beyond the £ 10 balance , which it was expected could be repaid to the Brother to whom it was owing before the end of the present year .
It was proposed by Bro . J . Hayward , ( who has just been chosen Treasurer ) , and seconded by Bro . H . C . Levander , No . 90 , and carried unanimously , that a vote of thanks be given to the auditors for the trouble they had taken , and very clear and satisfactory balance , sheet which they had drawn out . The business of the evening being ended , the Lodge was closed , and the meeting adjourned till the Tuesday nearest to the full moon in April . The Brethren will meet for instruction at the George Hotel , on Tuesday , the 13 th instant , at 7 p . m .
WORCESTERSHIRE . AppoiNTjiENTS .-rLodge . —Tuesday , April 13 tli , Royal Standard ( 730 ) , Dudley Arms , Dudley , at 6 £ . YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST . ) Appointments . —Lodges . —Monday , April 12 th , Royal ( 926 ) , Bellevue House , Filey , at 7 Wednesday , 14 th , Minerva ( 311 ) , Masonic Hall , Hull , at 7 .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST . ) Appointments . —Lodges . —Thursday , April 8 th , Britannia ( 162 ) , Music Hall , Sheffield , at 7 5 Wednesday , 14 th , Wakefield ( 727 ) , Old Rectory , Leeds , at 7 ; Thursday , 15 th , Harmony ( 874 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Bradford , at 7 . Chapter . —Tuesday , 13 th , Fidelity ( 364 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Leeds , at 7 .
PROVINCIAL B 0 A 11 D OF GENEKAL PURPOSES . The following is the Code of Regulations for the . government of a Provincial Board of General Purposes , proposed by the committee appointed by the Provincial Grand Lodge to prepare such code : — 1 . The Board shall be called " The Board of General Purposes for the Province
of West Yorkshire , " and shall consist of the R . W . the Prov . G . M ., the R . W . D . Prov . G . M ., the W . Prov . G . Wardens , and seven members of the Prov . Grand Lodge ( being acting Masters or Past Masters of Lodges in the province ) , to he elected by ballot at the annual meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge . 2 , The R . W . the Prov . G . M . shall be the president of the Board , and in his absence the D , Prov . G . M , shall act in that capacity . A vice-president ( being a