Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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Craft ' s Degree Bros . Allen , jun ., Parsons , and Streeter ; these ceremonies being performed by the W . M . in that correct and impressive manner which has so dis ~ tinguished him since his accession to the chair , Several votes for the Annuity funds being at disposal of the Lodge , they were promised as follows : for the Aged
Freemasons Annuity , Bros . Harris and Honey ; for the Widows ' , Mrs . Nicholsonthe relict of an old and much respected P . M . of this Lodge . Before closing the Lodge , the W . M ., Bro . Bennett , stated that he should have the pleasure of presiding at the Lodge of Instruction banquet to be held at Bro . Adams ' s , Union Tavern , Air-street ; on the 10 th instant , when he anticipated a goodly gathering of members , whom he should be proud to meet . The Lodge was then closed .
Koyal JuBrLHE Lodge ( No . 85 ) . —The members of the above Lodge assembled at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Monday , the 5 th April , Bro . Lawson , the W . M ., presiding . Having opened Lodge with the usual formalities , the W . M . resigned His chair to Bro > Haward , P . M ., who in excellent stylepasse <| o Bros . Stapletori and Scowh to the second Degree . A letter was read froni Bro . Fletcher , who , with many expressions of regret , begged to tender his resignation as S . W ., circumstances having occurred which rendered a proper attention to the duties
of that office i ncompatible with his present arrangements . The resignation having been accepted , Bro , Frederick Clemow ( brother to the proprietor of the hotel ) was appointed as S . W , : for which favour Bro . Clemow thanked the W . M ., and assured him of his intention , by a strict adherence to the duties of the Lodge , to show his appreciation of the honour conferred upon him . Lodge was then closed , and the Brethren having partaken of an excellent supper , adj burned . The P . Ms . present were : —Bros . Haynes , Clout , Corfield , Parr , and G . Hay ward .
Lodge of Good Beport ( No . 158 ) . —The annual 'installation meeting of this Lodge was held on Wedesday , the 7 th of April , at Eadley ' s Hotel , New Bridgestreet ; Bro , Newman Ward , W . M-., presided , and , in the presence of seven other Past Mastery installed Bro . Charles , W . M , elect , in the chair . This important ceremony , which was for the first time performed by Brother Ward , was executed in the most admirable manner , the whole minutiae being fully carried out . The W . M . then appointed and invested as his officers for the year ensuing the following
Brethren : —Newman Ward , P . M . ; Henry Aguilar , S , W . ; Josiah Heaie , J . W . and Sec . ; Bryan , S . D . ; Hooper , J . D . Bro . Fish , P . M ., who had been reelected Treas ., and Bro . Crawley Tyler , were also invested . All business ended , the Lodge was closed , and the Brethren adjourned to a most elegant banquet . The pleasures of the evening were greatly enhanced by some music of first-rate excellence . Bro . Emanuel Aguilar presided at a grand piano , aided by the vocal powers of Bros . Handel Gear , Adolph Ferrari , and Smale . Bros . How , Norway , and Johnson , were also among the visitors .
The Old Concord Lodge ( No . 201 ) . —A large meeting of this Lodge took place on Tuesday , the 6 th instant , at the Freemasons' Tavern , Bro . Jackson , W . M . presiding . The Lodge having been duly formed and declared open , the minutes of the last meeting" were read by the Sec , Bro . Emmens , and received unanimous confirmation ; after which Bros . Hoadly , Stevens , and Smith , were introduced , and passed to the 2 nd Degree . Bros . Edwards , Bextin , and Westfield were raised to the Sublime Degreo of M . M . Messrs . Dawson and Wild , two candidates , were duly initiated . At a later period of the evening , another candidate offered himself in
the person of Mr . David Wollams , better known in the musical world by the nom de guerre of " Elton Williams , " who was also admitted into the Order . Other business having been transacted , the Brethren adjourned to banquet ; at the conclusion of which , the W . M . proposed "The Queen and the Craft ; " the national anthem being sung with great taste by Bros . Emmens , Wollams , and
Taylor . The next toast was that of the Grand Master , followed by that of the Deputy Grand Master ; after which the Chairman said , that the toast he had to offer might be considered the toast of the evening : he alluded to the health of the Initiates , feeling proud of the honour done their excellent Order by gentlemen seeking an association with it . It showed that whatever might be urged against the Craft by those ignorant of its true tot ,, iv . 2 z
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Craft ' s Degree Bros . Allen , jun ., Parsons , and Streeter ; these ceremonies being performed by the W . M . in that correct and impressive manner which has so dis ~ tinguished him since his accession to the chair , Several votes for the Annuity funds being at disposal of the Lodge , they were promised as follows : for the Aged
Freemasons Annuity , Bros . Harris and Honey ; for the Widows ' , Mrs . Nicholsonthe relict of an old and much respected P . M . of this Lodge . Before closing the Lodge , the W . M ., Bro . Bennett , stated that he should have the pleasure of presiding at the Lodge of Instruction banquet to be held at Bro . Adams ' s , Union Tavern , Air-street ; on the 10 th instant , when he anticipated a goodly gathering of members , whom he should be proud to meet . The Lodge was then closed .
Koyal JuBrLHE Lodge ( No . 85 ) . —The members of the above Lodge assembled at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Monday , the 5 th April , Bro . Lawson , the W . M ., presiding . Having opened Lodge with the usual formalities , the W . M . resigned His chair to Bro > Haward , P . M ., who in excellent stylepasse <| o Bros . Stapletori and Scowh to the second Degree . A letter was read froni Bro . Fletcher , who , with many expressions of regret , begged to tender his resignation as S . W ., circumstances having occurred which rendered a proper attention to the duties
of that office i ncompatible with his present arrangements . The resignation having been accepted , Bro , Frederick Clemow ( brother to the proprietor of the hotel ) was appointed as S . W , : for which favour Bro . Clemow thanked the W . M ., and assured him of his intention , by a strict adherence to the duties of the Lodge , to show his appreciation of the honour conferred upon him . Lodge was then closed , and the Brethren having partaken of an excellent supper , adj burned . The P . Ms . present were : —Bros . Haynes , Clout , Corfield , Parr , and G . Hay ward .
Lodge of Good Beport ( No . 158 ) . —The annual 'installation meeting of this Lodge was held on Wedesday , the 7 th of April , at Eadley ' s Hotel , New Bridgestreet ; Bro , Newman Ward , W . M-., presided , and , in the presence of seven other Past Mastery installed Bro . Charles , W . M , elect , in the chair . This important ceremony , which was for the first time performed by Brother Ward , was executed in the most admirable manner , the whole minutiae being fully carried out . The W . M . then appointed and invested as his officers for the year ensuing the following
Brethren : —Newman Ward , P . M . ; Henry Aguilar , S , W . ; Josiah Heaie , J . W . and Sec . ; Bryan , S . D . ; Hooper , J . D . Bro . Fish , P . M ., who had been reelected Treas ., and Bro . Crawley Tyler , were also invested . All business ended , the Lodge was closed , and the Brethren adjourned to a most elegant banquet . The pleasures of the evening were greatly enhanced by some music of first-rate excellence . Bro . Emanuel Aguilar presided at a grand piano , aided by the vocal powers of Bros . Handel Gear , Adolph Ferrari , and Smale . Bros . How , Norway , and Johnson , were also among the visitors .
The Old Concord Lodge ( No . 201 ) . —A large meeting of this Lodge took place on Tuesday , the 6 th instant , at the Freemasons' Tavern , Bro . Jackson , W . M . presiding . The Lodge having been duly formed and declared open , the minutes of the last meeting" were read by the Sec , Bro . Emmens , and received unanimous confirmation ; after which Bros . Hoadly , Stevens , and Smith , were introduced , and passed to the 2 nd Degree . Bros . Edwards , Bextin , and Westfield were raised to the Sublime Degreo of M . M . Messrs . Dawson and Wild , two candidates , were duly initiated . At a later period of the evening , another candidate offered himself in
the person of Mr . David Wollams , better known in the musical world by the nom de guerre of " Elton Williams , " who was also admitted into the Order . Other business having been transacted , the Brethren adjourned to banquet ; at the conclusion of which , the W . M . proposed "The Queen and the Craft ; " the national anthem being sung with great taste by Bros . Emmens , Wollams , and
Taylor . The next toast was that of the Grand Master , followed by that of the Deputy Grand Master ; after which the Chairman said , that the toast he had to offer might be considered the toast of the evening : he alluded to the health of the Initiates , feeling proud of the honour done their excellent Order by gentlemen seeking an association with it . It showed that whatever might be urged against the Craft by those ignorant of its true tot ,, iv . 2 z