Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 4 of 5 →
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character , there was no lack of candidates for the privileges appertaining to it . The gentlemen who had that night become free and accepted Masons would , in the course of time , learn the true value of this society . The spirit of godliness was ever in the ascendant where the precepts of Masonry were admitted . He , the W . M ., would conclude by calling on the Brethren to drink the health of " The Initiates . " The toast was well received and feelingly responded to . Bro .
Emmens then sung with admirable gusto , " The Entered Apprentices' Song . The health of u The Visitors" was next drunk , the toast being replied to by Bro . Carter . The W . M . then said he had to propose a toast which of late had become part of the routine of their business , and which had become as familiar to them as household words—he meant the healths of'" The Chaplains , " Bros , Laughlin and Hales ; to speak of whose merits was unnecessary before Brethren who knew them so well . _ The toast was drunk with enthusiasm . Bro . Laughlin responded , and
said , so frequently were these kind compliments paid them that to vary their expressions of gratitude was a most difficult matter ; they could only say they appreciated the honour done them . It was a source of great gratification to see the increasing prosperity of the old Concord Lodge , for in that prosperity they observed the advancement of Freemasonry . To those Brethren who had just entered upon their noviciate , he would urge as much attention to the Lodge as
was consistent with the ordinary avocations of life ; and in so doing they would find nothing incompatible with their professed religious or moral duties , Masonry being the true essence of the best principles which adorned mankind . Masonry commenced with the world ; it commenced when God said , " Let there be light , " and there was light ; even in the darkest days , wherever religion was , a gleam of light was perceptible . Masonry always shone the brightest when grounded on real piety . In all sciences there had been pretenders , and perhaps of most
secrets in the arts there had been counterfeits ; yet this neither tarnished the beauty nor weakened the tenets of the Craft , that Masonry and brotherly love ought to go hand in hand . He urged them diligently to search the Scriptures for the secrets of the art ; and while they toiled to pry into the covenant , signs , and tokens , that subsisted and were communicated between the kings of Judah and of Tyre—oh , might the spirit of the widow ' s son be with them ! filling them with a
knowledge of the points on which the above turned , giving to them wisdom to design , strength to execute , and the beauties of holiness to adorn . The rev , brother concluded , and was followed briefly by Bro . Hales , who said that his cochaplain having spoken so fluently , he would only indorse his words , and proffer thanks for the honour vouchsafed them . Many other toasts and speeches were given and responded to , rendering the evening a most happy one , and which was much enhanced by the singing of the Brethren named .
Phcbnix Lodge ( No . 202 ) , —This Lodge held a meeting on Saturday , April 10 th ; Bro . Bnrton , W 9 M ., presiding . The business was commenced by raising Bro . Montgomery ( the well-known band leader ) to the 3 rd Degree . The Lodge was then resumed in the 1 st Degree , and Dr . Wm . O'Connor was initiated into the Order , Bro . Henry It . Sharman was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Warren re-elected Treasurer . The Brethren afterwards supped together and passed a very pleasant evening , the harmony of which was increased by the exertions of Bros . C . Sloman , Webber , Burton , McEntire , Morris , and others ,
Percy Lodge ( No . 234 ) , —This Lodge held its usual meeting on Tuesday , the 9 fch of March , when Bros . Alfred Ewen Burrell , J . E . t ) xley , William Cross , and Henry Hides were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason , and Bros . Ayre and Winter , who had been initiated at the previous meeting , were passed to the 2 nd Degree ; the ceremonies being performed by the W . M ., Bro . Burrell , The
W . M ., in the course of the other business , called upon Bro . W . W . Oharnock , in the temporary absence of Bro . P . M . Lambert , who had taken the chair of the Percy Lodge of Instruction at the annual supper , for a report of the proceedings of the Lodge of Instruction , which was highly satisfactory to the mother Lodge . Some joining members were proposed and elected . This Lodge appears to be in a very flourishing condition ,
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character , there was no lack of candidates for the privileges appertaining to it . The gentlemen who had that night become free and accepted Masons would , in the course of time , learn the true value of this society . The spirit of godliness was ever in the ascendant where the precepts of Masonry were admitted . He , the W . M ., would conclude by calling on the Brethren to drink the health of " The Initiates . " The toast was well received and feelingly responded to . Bro .
Emmens then sung with admirable gusto , " The Entered Apprentices' Song . The health of u The Visitors" was next drunk , the toast being replied to by Bro . Carter . The W . M . then said he had to propose a toast which of late had become part of the routine of their business , and which had become as familiar to them as household words—he meant the healths of'" The Chaplains , " Bros , Laughlin and Hales ; to speak of whose merits was unnecessary before Brethren who knew them so well . _ The toast was drunk with enthusiasm . Bro . Laughlin responded , and
said , so frequently were these kind compliments paid them that to vary their expressions of gratitude was a most difficult matter ; they could only say they appreciated the honour done them . It was a source of great gratification to see the increasing prosperity of the old Concord Lodge , for in that prosperity they observed the advancement of Freemasonry . To those Brethren who had just entered upon their noviciate , he would urge as much attention to the Lodge as
was consistent with the ordinary avocations of life ; and in so doing they would find nothing incompatible with their professed religious or moral duties , Masonry being the true essence of the best principles which adorned mankind . Masonry commenced with the world ; it commenced when God said , " Let there be light , " and there was light ; even in the darkest days , wherever religion was , a gleam of light was perceptible . Masonry always shone the brightest when grounded on real piety . In all sciences there had been pretenders , and perhaps of most
secrets in the arts there had been counterfeits ; yet this neither tarnished the beauty nor weakened the tenets of the Craft , that Masonry and brotherly love ought to go hand in hand . He urged them diligently to search the Scriptures for the secrets of the art ; and while they toiled to pry into the covenant , signs , and tokens , that subsisted and were communicated between the kings of Judah and of Tyre—oh , might the spirit of the widow ' s son be with them ! filling them with a
knowledge of the points on which the above turned , giving to them wisdom to design , strength to execute , and the beauties of holiness to adorn . The rev , brother concluded , and was followed briefly by Bro . Hales , who said that his cochaplain having spoken so fluently , he would only indorse his words , and proffer thanks for the honour vouchsafed them . Many other toasts and speeches were given and responded to , rendering the evening a most happy one , and which was much enhanced by the singing of the Brethren named .
Phcbnix Lodge ( No . 202 ) , —This Lodge held a meeting on Saturday , April 10 th ; Bro . Bnrton , W 9 M ., presiding . The business was commenced by raising Bro . Montgomery ( the well-known band leader ) to the 3 rd Degree . The Lodge was then resumed in the 1 st Degree , and Dr . Wm . O'Connor was initiated into the Order , Bro . Henry It . Sharman was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Warren re-elected Treasurer . The Brethren afterwards supped together and passed a very pleasant evening , the harmony of which was increased by the exertions of Bros . C . Sloman , Webber , Burton , McEntire , Morris , and others ,
Percy Lodge ( No . 234 ) , —This Lodge held its usual meeting on Tuesday , the 9 fch of March , when Bros . Alfred Ewen Burrell , J . E . t ) xley , William Cross , and Henry Hides were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason , and Bros . Ayre and Winter , who had been initiated at the previous meeting , were passed to the 2 nd Degree ; the ceremonies being performed by the W . M ., Bro . Burrell , The
W . M ., in the course of the other business , called upon Bro . W . W . Oharnock , in the temporary absence of Bro . P . M . Lambert , who had taken the chair of the Percy Lodge of Instruction at the annual supper , for a report of the proceedings of the Lodge of Instruction , which was highly satisfactory to the mother Lodge . Some joining members were proposed and elected . This Lodge appears to be in a very flourishing condition ,