Article PROVINCIAI ← Page 3 of 5 →
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deprived you of a husband , your children of a fother ^ society of an honoured member , and themselves of a loved Brother . " If the deepest sympathy can in any degree mitigate the anguish of so great a bereavement , be assured , madam , that you will find that feeling in the hearts of Freemasons . " It is not for-lis to question the inscrutable ways of the Great Architect of the universe ; we bow in all humility to His decrees , whilst we pray Him to comfort the widow , and be a father to the fa
u Earth has now done with him we mourn , his spirit has taken night , as we , in the sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life , believe , to stand , washed in the Redeemer ' s blood , pure and unpolluted ; at the throne of heavenly grace . 11 Though in the body he be no longer here , his memory , endeared by a thousand ties , will remain ; and , so long as our Lodges exist , the name of Henry Brock-Hollinshead will be Upheld as the title of a true and faithful Brother amongst Masons . .
" With profound respect , I have the honour to be , madam , for myself and Brethren , your very obedient and humble servant , " William Harrison , Chairman , " To Mrs . Henry Brock-Hollinshead . u' Galligreaves Mouse , Friday Ajfornoori , 19 th March , l & 58 > '" Sir , — As the Chairman at a late meeting of the Freemasons of Blackburn , I have to ask you to dome and the Freemasons the favour to present the accompanying address of condolence to Mrs . Henry Brock-Hollinshead , at your earliest fitting opportunity . ¦
" 'My . ' , asking you to present this token of our sympathy with his bereaved wife , arises from our desire not to intrude by deputation on the sacred privacy of her sorrow ; and for that reason I trust you willpardon this request . " Expressing r my own deep and heartfelt sympathy with her and with his mourning relatives , my regret at the great and sudden loss we must all feel , and my humble tribute of respect to the memory of him—a perfect gentleman , and a worthy , honoured , and much-loved Brother . " I am , Sir , yours faithfully ,
'" James Wigham , Esq . " William Harrison . " Billinge Searr , Saturday , 20 th March , 1558 . cf Sir , —I have had great satisfaction in complying with the request in your letter of yesterdtay ' s date , to present to Mrs . Henry Brock-Hollinshead the address of condolence of the Freemasons of Blackburn .
" Permit me whilst I venture most respectfully to express my appreciation of the delicacy that induced you to convey , otherwise than by deputation , the expression of your sympathy for the widow of your late Brother Henry Brock-Hollinshead , to thank you most sincerely for the honour you have done me in entrusting to me the address for presentation . Mrs . Henry Brock-Hollinshead could wish to reply more fully to your very heart-touching address . The sympathy which she has received , whilst it discloses more and more clearly the extent of her bereavement brings with it much consolation , when she finds that where her beloved husband was best known he was most loved and respected . At present her heart is too full to permit her to say more than that she sincerely thanks you .
" I have the honour to-remain , Sir , with great respect , your most obedient and faithful servant , ( < " William Harrison , Esq . " ( Signed ) James Wig-ham . < Galligreaves House , Blackburn . "
LANCASHIRE ( WEST . ) Avvaimaii & wks . ( —Lodges . —Thursday , April 15 th , Ancient Union 245 ) , Royal Hotel , liver * pool , at (); Tuesday , 20 tli , Sefton ( 930 ) , Litherland Hotel , Litherland at 6 ; Wednesday , 2 lst , Harmony ( 815 ) , Wlieatsheaf , Ormskirk , at 5 ; Loyalty ( 101 ) , Royal Hotel , Prcscot , at 0 j Thursday , 22 nd , Downshire ( 864 ) , Crown Hotel , Liverpool j Friday , 16 th , Instruction , 42 , Duke , street , Liverpool , at 7 . Mark *** -Keystone ( Scottish ) , Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool , at 5 .
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deprived you of a husband , your children of a fother ^ society of an honoured member , and themselves of a loved Brother . " If the deepest sympathy can in any degree mitigate the anguish of so great a bereavement , be assured , madam , that you will find that feeling in the hearts of Freemasons . " It is not for-lis to question the inscrutable ways of the Great Architect of the universe ; we bow in all humility to His decrees , whilst we pray Him to comfort the widow , and be a father to the fa
u Earth has now done with him we mourn , his spirit has taken night , as we , in the sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life , believe , to stand , washed in the Redeemer ' s blood , pure and unpolluted ; at the throne of heavenly grace . 11 Though in the body he be no longer here , his memory , endeared by a thousand ties , will remain ; and , so long as our Lodges exist , the name of Henry Brock-Hollinshead will be Upheld as the title of a true and faithful Brother amongst Masons . .
" With profound respect , I have the honour to be , madam , for myself and Brethren , your very obedient and humble servant , " William Harrison , Chairman , " To Mrs . Henry Brock-Hollinshead . u' Galligreaves Mouse , Friday Ajfornoori , 19 th March , l & 58 > '" Sir , — As the Chairman at a late meeting of the Freemasons of Blackburn , I have to ask you to dome and the Freemasons the favour to present the accompanying address of condolence to Mrs . Henry Brock-Hollinshead , at your earliest fitting opportunity . ¦
" 'My . ' , asking you to present this token of our sympathy with his bereaved wife , arises from our desire not to intrude by deputation on the sacred privacy of her sorrow ; and for that reason I trust you willpardon this request . " Expressing r my own deep and heartfelt sympathy with her and with his mourning relatives , my regret at the great and sudden loss we must all feel , and my humble tribute of respect to the memory of him—a perfect gentleman , and a worthy , honoured , and much-loved Brother . " I am , Sir , yours faithfully ,
'" James Wigham , Esq . " William Harrison . " Billinge Searr , Saturday , 20 th March , 1558 . cf Sir , —I have had great satisfaction in complying with the request in your letter of yesterdtay ' s date , to present to Mrs . Henry Brock-Hollinshead the address of condolence of the Freemasons of Blackburn .
" Permit me whilst I venture most respectfully to express my appreciation of the delicacy that induced you to convey , otherwise than by deputation , the expression of your sympathy for the widow of your late Brother Henry Brock-Hollinshead , to thank you most sincerely for the honour you have done me in entrusting to me the address for presentation . Mrs . Henry Brock-Hollinshead could wish to reply more fully to your very heart-touching address . The sympathy which she has received , whilst it discloses more and more clearly the extent of her bereavement brings with it much consolation , when she finds that where her beloved husband was best known he was most loved and respected . At present her heart is too full to permit her to say more than that she sincerely thanks you .
" I have the honour to-remain , Sir , with great respect , your most obedient and faithful servant , ( < " William Harrison , Esq . " ( Signed ) James Wig-ham . < Galligreaves House , Blackburn . "
LANCASHIRE ( WEST . ) Avvaimaii & wks . ( —Lodges . —Thursday , April 15 th , Ancient Union 245 ) , Royal Hotel , liver * pool , at (); Tuesday , 20 tli , Sefton ( 930 ) , Litherland Hotel , Litherland at 6 ; Wednesday , 2 lst , Harmony ( 815 ) , Wlieatsheaf , Ormskirk , at 5 ; Loyalty ( 101 ) , Royal Hotel , Prcscot , at 0 j Thursday , 22 nd , Downshire ( 864 ) , Crown Hotel , Liverpool j Friday , 16 th , Instruction , 42 , Duke , street , Liverpool , at 7 . Mark *** -Keystone ( Scottish ) , Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool , at 5 .