Article PROVINCIAI ← Page 5 of 5 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1
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WORCESTERSHIRE . Appointments . —Le /^ ges . —Wednesday , April 21 st , Worcester ( 34 Q ) , Bell Hotel , Worcester , at 6 £ ; Vernon ( 819 ) , Old Town Hall , Dudley , at 7- Chapter . —Tuesday , 20 th , Dudley ( 313 ) , Freemasons'Tavern , Dudley , at 3 . YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST . ) Appointments . —Lodges . —Monday , April 19 th , Union ( 287 ) , Masonic Hall , York , at 7 ? Tuesday , 20 th , Camalodunum ( 958 ) , Freemaspns Hall , New Maltori , at 7-YORKSHIRE ( WEST . ) Appointments . — Lodges . —Thursday , April 15 th , Harmony ( 874 ) , Freemasons * Hall , at 7 j Three Grand Principals ( 251 ) , Masonic Hall , Dewsbury , at 6 ; Thursday , 23 rd , Fidelity ( 364 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Leeds , at 7 ] Instruction , Fridays , 16 th and 23 rd , Griffin Hotel , Leeds , at 8 .
Royal Arch.
Old King ' s Akm ' s Chap ^^^ convocation , held at Freemas ons' Tavern , Monday , 4 th inst ., Bro . Scott was exalted to the Supreme Degree . Comp . Geo . Biggs ; P . Gr . St . B . presiding as Z . ; Linton , H . ; W . Paas , J Inihe hands of Comp , Biggs , one of our most accomplished R . A . Masons , it will be readily credited , when we say that the impressive ceremony of exaltation lost none of its attractiveness , the efficiency of working being further secured by the kind and valuable assistance rendered by Comp . J . R . Sheen ( P . Z . 218 ) , who discharged
the duties of P . S . The ceremony concluded , and the newly received Comp . inducted to his seat , the business of installation was proceeded with , and was admirably performed . The officers of this excellent chapter now stand thus ;—Comps . Warwick , M . E . Z . ; W . Paas , II . ; H . Maudesley , J . ; J . Barnes ( P . Z . ) , Treas . G . England , E . ; E . S . Phillips , PS . The re-admitted Comps . having tendered their congratulations to the newly installed Principals , the Chapter was closed in ancient and solemn form . The whole of the arrangements connected with the banquet were well managed . The visitors were Comps . Crew , No . 2 ., P . Z . 812 ; J . R . Sheen , P . Z . 218 ; P . Binckes , 249 .
PROVINCIAL CHAPTER . ' DeWSBubY . — Chapter of the Three Grand Principles ( No . 251 ) , —The regular convocation of this Chapter took place on Tuesday the 29 th March , when Bro . George Pox , of Lodge , No . 251 , was exalted to the Sublime Degree by M . E . Comp . R . R . Nelson ( Prov . G . S . E ., West Yorkshire ) Z ., assisted by M . E . Comp . George Harnley , M . D . ( Prov . G . Sup ., West Yorkshire ) as 11 . ; E . Comp , J . Booth , ( P . Z . ) as J . ; and the venerable and esteemed E , Comp . Thomas Hemmingway ( P . Z . ) as P . S . This beautiful ceremony was admirably performed , and the lectures delivered by the three Principal in a very impressive manner . The revised code of bye-laws passed at the previous chapter was confirmed . The visitors were Comps . John Booth , P . Z ., and Thomas Allafct , P , Z . ; No . 322 , Heckmondwike . The officers for the present year are Comps . R . R , Nelson , Z . ; J . O . Gill , H . ; W . Andsley , J . ; C . Oldroyd , P . Z ., E ; J . Brown , N : Thomas Hemmingway ( P . Z . ) P . S . ; E . Raisbeck and J . Oritchley , A . S .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
WORCESTERSHIRE . Appointments . —Le /^ ges . —Wednesday , April 21 st , Worcester ( 34 Q ) , Bell Hotel , Worcester , at 6 £ ; Vernon ( 819 ) , Old Town Hall , Dudley , at 7- Chapter . —Tuesday , 20 th , Dudley ( 313 ) , Freemasons'Tavern , Dudley , at 3 . YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST . ) Appointments . —Lodges . —Monday , April 19 th , Union ( 287 ) , Masonic Hall , York , at 7 ? Tuesday , 20 th , Camalodunum ( 958 ) , Freemaspns Hall , New Maltori , at 7-YORKSHIRE ( WEST . ) Appointments . — Lodges . —Thursday , April 15 th , Harmony ( 874 ) , Freemasons * Hall , at 7 j Three Grand Principals ( 251 ) , Masonic Hall , Dewsbury , at 6 ; Thursday , 23 rd , Fidelity ( 364 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Leeds , at 7 ] Instruction , Fridays , 16 th and 23 rd , Griffin Hotel , Leeds , at 8 .
Royal Arch.
Old King ' s Akm ' s Chap ^^^ convocation , held at Freemas ons' Tavern , Monday , 4 th inst ., Bro . Scott was exalted to the Supreme Degree . Comp . Geo . Biggs ; P . Gr . St . B . presiding as Z . ; Linton , H . ; W . Paas , J Inihe hands of Comp , Biggs , one of our most accomplished R . A . Masons , it will be readily credited , when we say that the impressive ceremony of exaltation lost none of its attractiveness , the efficiency of working being further secured by the kind and valuable assistance rendered by Comp . J . R . Sheen ( P . Z . 218 ) , who discharged
the duties of P . S . The ceremony concluded , and the newly received Comp . inducted to his seat , the business of installation was proceeded with , and was admirably performed . The officers of this excellent chapter now stand thus ;—Comps . Warwick , M . E . Z . ; W . Paas , II . ; H . Maudesley , J . ; J . Barnes ( P . Z . ) , Treas . G . England , E . ; E . S . Phillips , PS . The re-admitted Comps . having tendered their congratulations to the newly installed Principals , the Chapter was closed in ancient and solemn form . The whole of the arrangements connected with the banquet were well managed . The visitors were Comps . Crew , No . 2 ., P . Z . 812 ; J . R . Sheen , P . Z . 218 ; P . Binckes , 249 .
PROVINCIAL CHAPTER . ' DeWSBubY . — Chapter of the Three Grand Principles ( No . 251 ) , —The regular convocation of this Chapter took place on Tuesday the 29 th March , when Bro . George Pox , of Lodge , No . 251 , was exalted to the Sublime Degree by M . E . Comp . R . R . Nelson ( Prov . G . S . E ., West Yorkshire ) Z ., assisted by M . E . Comp . George Harnley , M . D . ( Prov . G . Sup ., West Yorkshire ) as 11 . ; E . Comp , J . Booth , ( P . Z . ) as J . ; and the venerable and esteemed E , Comp . Thomas Hemmingway ( P . Z . ) as P . S . This beautiful ceremony was admirably performed , and the lectures delivered by the three Principal in a very impressive manner . The revised code of bye-laws passed at the previous chapter was confirmed . The visitors were Comps . John Booth , P . Z ., and Thomas Allafct , P , Z . ; No . 322 , Heckmondwike . The officers for the present year are Comps . R . R , Nelson , Z . ; J . O . Gill , H . ; W . Andsley , J . ; C . Oldroyd , P . Z ., E ; J . Brown , N : Thomas Hemmingway ( P . Z . ) P . S . ; E . Raisbeck and J . Oritchley , A . S .