Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 4 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Page 1 of 1
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Mark Masonry.
( UNDER SCOTTISH . CONSTITUTION . ) Bristol ' . — -Canynges Lodge ( No . 7 ) . — This Lodge held its regular quarterly meeting at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday the 18 th ult . The R . W . M . Bro . William Harris , P . M . and P . Z ., presided ; and the minutes of the previous Lodge having been read and confirmed / a ballot was taken for several Brethren , who were declared elected ; and the following Brethren , being in attendance , were advanced to the noble degree of a Mark Master Mason , viz . ; Bros .
H . J . Y . De Candole , P . M . No . 221 ; Lucas , J . W . No . 120 ; G . Tolley Martin , S . W . No . 408 ; Knill , No . 8 S 6 . We are glad to remark the steady increase of members to this useful and persevering Lodge . It was the first to plant the standard of legitimate authority in the West , and its influence , w e believe , will shortly be made , still further manifest hy a gathering together of such of the scattered members of ancient Mark Lodges as yearn for
some rallying point whence to become promulgators of an authoritative teaching . We should hail such an amalgamation , as honourable to all concerned . We understand that a Lodge of Emergency will shortly be convened for the purpose of advancing some influential Brethren from a neighbouring district , as also from the principality , whose intentions are to establish Mark Masters' Lodges in their respective vicinities .
Knights Templar
Newcastle-on-Tyne . — Royal Kent Encampment . —The annual meeting for the installation of E . G . and the officers for the ensuing year took place on Good Friday , April 2 , at two o ' clock , at Freemasons ' Hall , Newgate-street . The Encampment was duly opened by the E . G ., SirKrit . John Barker , assisted by the followingP . E . Cs . and other officers of the Encampment—viz ,, Sir Knts , W . Punsheon , P . E . C ., Prior ; W . Daziel , Sub-Prior ; W . Berkley , as P . E . C and Chancellor ; F . P . Ionn , Treas . ; H . Bell , First Captain ( E . C . elect ) ; H . Hotham , Second Captain ; A .
Gillespie , as Reg . ; George Weatherhead , Expert ; C . J . Bannister , Captain of L . ; J . S . Trotter , Eq . Without . There were also present Sir Knts . Geo . Hawks , P . E . C , and Edward t ) . Davis , P . E . C . On the Encampment being duly opened , the E . G . presiding directed Sir Knt . W . Berkely , P . E . C , to present the illustrious Knight , Henry Bell , for installation . The usual questions having been put to the E . G . elect ; and affirmatively answered , he then approached the east , and was duly obligated . The Sir Knights below the chair then withdrew , and the E . G . then
proceeded to confer the chair Degree on the E . G . elect ; and duly invested him with the insignia of his office , placing him on the throne that had been filled by so many of his illustrious predecessors . On the readmittance of the Knights , the E . G ., Henry Bell , was duly proclaimed by the P . E . C . and the Heralds ; after which the P . E . C approached the throne and did homage on his own behalf , and that of the Sir Knights of the Royal Kent Encampment ; they
then passed in procession , and saluted their respected chief . The E . G . next proceeded to install his officers for the ensuing year as follows : — Sir Knts . John Barker as P . E . C . ; Wm . Punsheon , Prior ; Wm . Dalzjel , Sub-Prior ; Rev . Ed , 0 . Ogle , Prelate ; Wm . Berkley , Chancellor ; F , P . Ionn , Treasurer ; Henry Hotham , First Captain ; George Weatherhead , Second Captain ; John Cook , Vice-Chancellor ; Andrew Gillespie , Registrar ; G . J , Bannister , Expert ; Francis Head , Almoner ; Henry G . Ludwig , Captain of the Linen ; J . y , Hoyle First Herald ; C 0 . M'Allum , Second Herald ; J , J , Trotter , Ecjuerrv
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Mark Masonry.
( UNDER SCOTTISH . CONSTITUTION . ) Bristol ' . — -Canynges Lodge ( No . 7 ) . — This Lodge held its regular quarterly meeting at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday the 18 th ult . The R . W . M . Bro . William Harris , P . M . and P . Z ., presided ; and the minutes of the previous Lodge having been read and confirmed / a ballot was taken for several Brethren , who were declared elected ; and the following Brethren , being in attendance , were advanced to the noble degree of a Mark Master Mason , viz . ; Bros .
H . J . Y . De Candole , P . M . No . 221 ; Lucas , J . W . No . 120 ; G . Tolley Martin , S . W . No . 408 ; Knill , No . 8 S 6 . We are glad to remark the steady increase of members to this useful and persevering Lodge . It was the first to plant the standard of legitimate authority in the West , and its influence , w e believe , will shortly be made , still further manifest hy a gathering together of such of the scattered members of ancient Mark Lodges as yearn for
some rallying point whence to become promulgators of an authoritative teaching . We should hail such an amalgamation , as honourable to all concerned . We understand that a Lodge of Emergency will shortly be convened for the purpose of advancing some influential Brethren from a neighbouring district , as also from the principality , whose intentions are to establish Mark Masters' Lodges in their respective vicinities .
Knights Templar
Newcastle-on-Tyne . — Royal Kent Encampment . —The annual meeting for the installation of E . G . and the officers for the ensuing year took place on Good Friday , April 2 , at two o ' clock , at Freemasons ' Hall , Newgate-street . The Encampment was duly opened by the E . G ., SirKrit . John Barker , assisted by the followingP . E . Cs . and other officers of the Encampment—viz ,, Sir Knts , W . Punsheon , P . E . C ., Prior ; W . Daziel , Sub-Prior ; W . Berkley , as P . E . C and Chancellor ; F . P . Ionn , Treas . ; H . Bell , First Captain ( E . C . elect ) ; H . Hotham , Second Captain ; A .
Gillespie , as Reg . ; George Weatherhead , Expert ; C . J . Bannister , Captain of L . ; J . S . Trotter , Eq . Without . There were also present Sir Knts . Geo . Hawks , P . E . C , and Edward t ) . Davis , P . E . C . On the Encampment being duly opened , the E . G . presiding directed Sir Knt . W . Berkely , P . E . C , to present the illustrious Knight , Henry Bell , for installation . The usual questions having been put to the E . G . elect ; and affirmatively answered , he then approached the east , and was duly obligated . The Sir Knights below the chair then withdrew , and the E . G . then
proceeded to confer the chair Degree on the E . G . elect ; and duly invested him with the insignia of his office , placing him on the throne that had been filled by so many of his illustrious predecessors . On the readmittance of the Knights , the E . G ., Henry Bell , was duly proclaimed by the P . E . C . and the Heralds ; after which the P . E . C approached the throne and did homage on his own behalf , and that of the Sir Knights of the Royal Kent Encampment ; they
then passed in procession , and saluted their respected chief . The E . G . next proceeded to install his officers for the ensuing year as follows : — Sir Knts . John Barker as P . E . C . ; Wm . Punsheon , Prior ; Wm . Dalzjel , Sub-Prior ; Rev . Ed , 0 . Ogle , Prelate ; Wm . Berkley , Chancellor ; F , P . Ionn , Treasurer ; Henry Hotham , First Captain ; George Weatherhead , Second Captain ; John Cook , Vice-Chancellor ; Andrew Gillespie , Registrar ; G . J , Bannister , Expert ; Francis Head , Almoner ; Henry G . Ludwig , Captain of the Linen ; J . y , Hoyle First Herald ; C 0 . M'Allum , Second Herald ; J , J , Trotter , Ecjuerrv