Article MARK MASONRY. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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Mark Masonry.
Without . After the collection of the alms , according to ancient custom in this Encampment , the contents . ' of the box , with the exception of a trifling sum , was announced for distribution , and there being only one applicant , arid that a most deserving one , the amount was allotted to her , she being the widow of a late respected P . E . C ., who has left her in great distress , with a young and large family to be supported entirely by her exertions . There being no further business , the Encampment was declared closed . At the conclusion
of the Templar business , the M . E . Grand Master of the Grand Cross Chapter of Holy Temple of Jerusalem , Sir Knt . George Hawks , held a solemn and Grand Conclave for the purposeof conferring this high degree upon two E . Cs . of the Royal Kent Encampment , to whom this degree is restricted , and who had petitioned for the same . The Grand Conclave having been duly opened , the petitions of Knts . Corns . John Barker and Henry Bell were ready and it having been put to the vote , they were declared unanimously elected . Sir Knights Comrs . John Barker and Henry Bell , having then respectively
and severally been announced to be present , were installed , in ancient form , Knights Grand Crosses of the H . T . of J ., and received from the Grand Master the accolade of the order , and from the Prelate the benediction . The Grand Crosses present were : ~^ Sir Knt . George Hawks , Grand Master ; Wm . Punsheon , Prior and PGM . ; Wm . Dalziel , Sub-Prior and P . G . M . ; Wm . Berkley , G . Chancellor ; F . P . lonri , G . Treas . ; and E . D . Davis . After this ceremony the Grand Conclave was declared closed , and the Grand Cross Knights joined the Knights Templar at the banquet , to which they had been invited by the
M . E . Comr . Sir Knt . Henry Bell , and which was held in the hall . The M . E . Comr . was supported on . his right by P . E . Cs . John Barker , George Hawks , and Wm . Dalziel ; and on his left by P . E . Cs . Wm . Berkley , E . D ., Davis , and F . P . Ionn . The vice-chair was filled by the father of the Encampment ) Sir Knt . Wm . Punsheon . On the removal of the cloth , the loyal toasts were proposed and honoured , after which the health of the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master , Sir Knt . Col . C . K . Kemys Tynte , was given by the M . E . Comr ., and drunk with acclamation . The M . E . Comr . then proposed the present and
past Grand Officers of the Grand Conclave of England , coupling the same with the health of the Past Grand Hospitaller , Sir Knt . Berkley . Sir Knt . Berkley , on his behalf , and that of the present and past Grand Officers , returned thanks , and said he was happy to say the Royal Kent was honoured by having two Grand Officers among its members ; he trusted that they would not be the only ones nor lowest in rank , for as the Royal Kent was one of the oldest Encampments , and as its members had well deserved of the Order that recognition of their seiwices by Grand Conclave , which was esteemed
an honour by the recipients and the Encampment—still it was what this Encampment thought due to itself ; and they felt most deeply obliged to their most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master , Col . Tynte , for recognising the Provincials , which is not always done by other grand bodies . Sir Knt . George Hawks , P . E . C , then proposed the health of the E . C . presiding , saying that he was confident , from his past Masonic exertions , that the Encampment would be well ruled by him . As he stated last year to the then presiding officer , he was on his trial ; and he hoped at this time next
year to be able to say to him , as he now said to Sir Knt . Barker , that the Encampment were satisfied with his exertions , and that he deserved well from his brothers in arms . The toast was received with due honours , and the E . G . in acknowledging it , pledged himself to do all in his power for the honour and benefit of the Royal Kent Encampment . The E . C then proposed the health of his predecessor , who , he was happy to say , by his exertions for the welfare
and honour of the Royal Kent Encampment , and the Royal Kent Chapter of Rose Croix , of which he is theM . W . Sov ., has gained the approbation of all the members of both Conclaves ; he trusted he would give him , during his year of office , his cooperation and assistance . The toast having been duly honoured , Sir Knt . John Barker , P . E . C , rose to return thanks , and said that this time last year he had the honour of promising them to do all that in him lay to conduct with credit the affairs of the two Conclaves over which he was elected to preside , < 3 >
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
Without . After the collection of the alms , according to ancient custom in this Encampment , the contents . ' of the box , with the exception of a trifling sum , was announced for distribution , and there being only one applicant , arid that a most deserving one , the amount was allotted to her , she being the widow of a late respected P . E . C ., who has left her in great distress , with a young and large family to be supported entirely by her exertions . There being no further business , the Encampment was declared closed . At the conclusion
of the Templar business , the M . E . Grand Master of the Grand Cross Chapter of Holy Temple of Jerusalem , Sir Knt . George Hawks , held a solemn and Grand Conclave for the purposeof conferring this high degree upon two E . Cs . of the Royal Kent Encampment , to whom this degree is restricted , and who had petitioned for the same . The Grand Conclave having been duly opened , the petitions of Knts . Corns . John Barker and Henry Bell were ready and it having been put to the vote , they were declared unanimously elected . Sir Knights Comrs . John Barker and Henry Bell , having then respectively
and severally been announced to be present , were installed , in ancient form , Knights Grand Crosses of the H . T . of J ., and received from the Grand Master the accolade of the order , and from the Prelate the benediction . The Grand Crosses present were : ~^ Sir Knt . George Hawks , Grand Master ; Wm . Punsheon , Prior and PGM . ; Wm . Dalziel , Sub-Prior and P . G . M . ; Wm . Berkley , G . Chancellor ; F . P . lonri , G . Treas . ; and E . D . Davis . After this ceremony the Grand Conclave was declared closed , and the Grand Cross Knights joined the Knights Templar at the banquet , to which they had been invited by the
M . E . Comr . Sir Knt . Henry Bell , and which was held in the hall . The M . E . Comr . was supported on . his right by P . E . Cs . John Barker , George Hawks , and Wm . Dalziel ; and on his left by P . E . Cs . Wm . Berkley , E . D ., Davis , and F . P . Ionn . The vice-chair was filled by the father of the Encampment ) Sir Knt . Wm . Punsheon . On the removal of the cloth , the loyal toasts were proposed and honoured , after which the health of the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master , Sir Knt . Col . C . K . Kemys Tynte , was given by the M . E . Comr ., and drunk with acclamation . The M . E . Comr . then proposed the present and
past Grand Officers of the Grand Conclave of England , coupling the same with the health of the Past Grand Hospitaller , Sir Knt . Berkley . Sir Knt . Berkley , on his behalf , and that of the present and past Grand Officers , returned thanks , and said he was happy to say the Royal Kent was honoured by having two Grand Officers among its members ; he trusted that they would not be the only ones nor lowest in rank , for as the Royal Kent was one of the oldest Encampments , and as its members had well deserved of the Order that recognition of their seiwices by Grand Conclave , which was esteemed
an honour by the recipients and the Encampment—still it was what this Encampment thought due to itself ; and they felt most deeply obliged to their most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master , Col . Tynte , for recognising the Provincials , which is not always done by other grand bodies . Sir Knt . George Hawks , P . E . C , then proposed the health of the E . C . presiding , saying that he was confident , from his past Masonic exertions , that the Encampment would be well ruled by him . As he stated last year to the then presiding officer , he was on his trial ; and he hoped at this time next
year to be able to say to him , as he now said to Sir Knt . Barker , that the Encampment were satisfied with his exertions , and that he deserved well from his brothers in arms . The toast was received with due honours , and the E . G . in acknowledging it , pledged himself to do all in his power for the honour and benefit of the Royal Kent Encampment . The E . C then proposed the health of his predecessor , who , he was happy to say , by his exertions for the welfare
and honour of the Royal Kent Encampment , and the Royal Kent Chapter of Rose Croix , of which he is theM . W . Sov ., has gained the approbation of all the members of both Conclaves ; he trusted he would give him , during his year of office , his cooperation and assistance . The toast having been duly honoured , Sir Knt . John Barker , P . E . C , rose to return thanks , and said that this time last year he had the honour of promising them to do all that in him lay to conduct with credit the affairs of the two Conclaves over which he was elected to preside , < 3 >