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The Week.
During the past week the Court have been enjoying the blessings of quietude at Windsor , interrupted only by a Cabinet Council , which was held on Tuesday . ——Politics have been somewhatln the background , but the East-India Company and the Chamber of Commerce of Manchester have both declared against the Ministerial India Bill , which is expected to be materially modified .- ——From India the intelligence appears highly satisfactory as regards the progress of our arms . By a masterly series of operations , in which Sir James Out ram's skill and gallantry were conspicuous , the enemy ' s defences were turned , and post after post was stormed ,
until , on the 15 th of March , hearly the whole of LucknOw was in our possession . On that day the enemy began to fly in great numbers , and cavalry and horse artillery were sent after them , and another force of sabres was despatched to be ready for such as should be forced towards Rohilcund by the pursuers , It should be mentioned that , previously to the last operations , portions of Sir Golin ' s force had encountered the enemy , and had routed him with heavy loss , and but slight casualty on our side , Nana Sahib was said to be at Jehaiipore , with some of his chief accomplices . ——Watts having beenset at liberty by the King of Naples on
account of insanity , Park , the other English engineer , has gone through the ceremony of a trial and been acquitted ; but the matter is not likely tp end here , as it is expected both England and Sardinia will demand satisfaction from Naples , the most able lawyers having decided that the seizure of the Gagliari was illegal . ——There is not much other foreign news of interest , except that the Sultan is determined that the Suez Canal attempt shall not be made at present , and also has been induced to find a grievance in the English occupation of Perim , a topic upon which we doubt not his highness will be set right ere long , the place being of no use to anybody excepting to aid us in Oriental Navigation , and thereby add to
the prosperity of Turkey itself . ——The Rev . Mr . Smith and his wife have been tried at Bristol for an aggravated assault on Mr . Leach , an old flame of the lady whom they seduced from Croydon to Bristol , and thence to an unfrequented road near Yate , with , as he states , a view of chastising him for improprieties with the lady eight or nine years before , the lady pretending to have been left a widow , and calling upon Leach to renew their old acquaintance . Mr . Smith was sentenced to four years' imprisonment , and Mrs . Smith ordered to find sureties to come up for judgment when called upon , on the plea that she acted under the direction of her husband . The Italian Giovanni Lani has been tried for the murder of the
unfortunate woman in the Haymarket for the sake of plunder , and justly sentenced to death , he putting in the curious plea that he could not be hanged because he was a minor . The City of London Life Assurance Society held its annual meeting on the 7 th . The report said , in the year ending the 31 st December last 980 proposals for assurance were offered to the society , amounting in the
whole to £ 289 , 332 , and of these the directors accepted 752 , which were subsequently completed , assuring £ 195 , 717 > and producing the annual premiums £ 7 , 065 2 s . 8 d ., an amount of new business equalled by very few offices even of much longer standing . The annual income of the company is now about £ 25 , 000 . The report was adopted , and a dividend of five per cent , on the paid up capital and bonuses declared .
PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS . Time was , ere we had arrived at those years which enabled us to become members of the Craft , wdien an Easter spectacle at the theatres was as much a matter of course as Christmas pantomines . But the alterations in travelling having to a great extent affected the habits of the people , who now look more to excursions and country amusements than was their wont ; the custom has been for the last fewr years abandoned , This year , however , it has been revived , and if we
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
During the past week the Court have been enjoying the blessings of quietude at Windsor , interrupted only by a Cabinet Council , which was held on Tuesday . ——Politics have been somewhatln the background , but the East-India Company and the Chamber of Commerce of Manchester have both declared against the Ministerial India Bill , which is expected to be materially modified .- ——From India the intelligence appears highly satisfactory as regards the progress of our arms . By a masterly series of operations , in which Sir James Out ram's skill and gallantry were conspicuous , the enemy ' s defences were turned , and post after post was stormed ,
until , on the 15 th of March , hearly the whole of LucknOw was in our possession . On that day the enemy began to fly in great numbers , and cavalry and horse artillery were sent after them , and another force of sabres was despatched to be ready for such as should be forced towards Rohilcund by the pursuers , It should be mentioned that , previously to the last operations , portions of Sir Golin ' s force had encountered the enemy , and had routed him with heavy loss , and but slight casualty on our side , Nana Sahib was said to be at Jehaiipore , with some of his chief accomplices . ——Watts having beenset at liberty by the King of Naples on
account of insanity , Park , the other English engineer , has gone through the ceremony of a trial and been acquitted ; but the matter is not likely tp end here , as it is expected both England and Sardinia will demand satisfaction from Naples , the most able lawyers having decided that the seizure of the Gagliari was illegal . ——There is not much other foreign news of interest , except that the Sultan is determined that the Suez Canal attempt shall not be made at present , and also has been induced to find a grievance in the English occupation of Perim , a topic upon which we doubt not his highness will be set right ere long , the place being of no use to anybody excepting to aid us in Oriental Navigation , and thereby add to
the prosperity of Turkey itself . ——The Rev . Mr . Smith and his wife have been tried at Bristol for an aggravated assault on Mr . Leach , an old flame of the lady whom they seduced from Croydon to Bristol , and thence to an unfrequented road near Yate , with , as he states , a view of chastising him for improprieties with the lady eight or nine years before , the lady pretending to have been left a widow , and calling upon Leach to renew their old acquaintance . Mr . Smith was sentenced to four years' imprisonment , and Mrs . Smith ordered to find sureties to come up for judgment when called upon , on the plea that she acted under the direction of her husband . The Italian Giovanni Lani has been tried for the murder of the
unfortunate woman in the Haymarket for the sake of plunder , and justly sentenced to death , he putting in the curious plea that he could not be hanged because he was a minor . The City of London Life Assurance Society held its annual meeting on the 7 th . The report said , in the year ending the 31 st December last 980 proposals for assurance were offered to the society , amounting in the
whole to £ 289 , 332 , and of these the directors accepted 752 , which were subsequently completed , assuring £ 195 , 717 > and producing the annual premiums £ 7 , 065 2 s . 8 d ., an amount of new business equalled by very few offices even of much longer standing . The annual income of the company is now about £ 25 , 000 . The report was adopted , and a dividend of five per cent , on the paid up capital and bonuses declared .
PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS . Time was , ere we had arrived at those years which enabled us to become members of the Craft , wdien an Easter spectacle at the theatres was as much a matter of course as Christmas pantomines . But the alterations in travelling having to a great extent affected the habits of the people , who now look more to excursions and country amusements than was their wont ; the custom has been for the last fewr years abandoned , This year , however , it has been revived , and if we