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The Week.
t L are to judge by the appearance of the various theatres , not without success— -a success which has perhaps been increased by the extreme severity of the weather , which has been more like January than April , whilst a little northward of London ( between Manchester and Sheffield ) the railway trains have been brought to a standstill by the snow .- —After the excellent comedy of "An Unequal Match , " which , with Miss Sedgwick's admirable acting , still continues its hold on the public , Bro . Buckstone produced a new burlesque entitled " Pluto and Proserpine ,
or the Belle and the Pomegranate . ,, It is full of bustle and wit , or rather punning run mad , which , aided by splendid scenery , good acting , spri ^ tly music , and capital dancing , will doubtless have a run .- ^~ -A . t the Adelphi , Bro , Webster produced a new Easter spectacle , taken from Boieldieu ' s Opera of " The Caliph of Bagdad , " and founded upon the love of adventure of the renowned Haroun Alraschid . It was most magnificently mounted and well played ; a special word of praise being due to Miss Roden , a new soprano , who made her first appearance with decided sucbess . —~ -At the Princess ' s , the novelties consisted of two new farces , "The Stock
Exchange ^ or the Green Business , " founded upon the fruitful source of mirth , j ealousy—and " Samuel in search of himself , "both of which were eminently success - ful . ; " Faust and Marguerite" was revived ibr the benefit of the holiday folk .- — --At the Olympic , the lessees have been acting upon the principle of letting well alone , and relying upon their stock pieces for attraction .- — -- ^ he little Strand has into new hands , Miss Swanborough having become the directress . The theatre has been elegantly decorated , and | he attractions consist of a new comedy , " Nothing Venture Nothing Win , 'Vand a mirlesque oa
" The Beauty and the Brigands . " Miss Swanborough herself represented the principal character , Fra Diavolo , with great spirit , arid the house has apparently opened with every prospect of success .- ——The Bombardment and Capture of Canton " has formed a capital subject for a regular Astley ' s drama , and , with the scenes in the circle , draws crowded hoases . ——Cremorne opened for a night or two , but the severity of the weather warned Bro . Simpson that the period of his regular season had not yet arrived . ——Messrs . Howe and Gushing have opened the Alhambra as a circus with their celebrated American company . It is admirably arranged ,
and those who delight in the sports of the circle will be well repaid by a visit . ——Morris dancers , Punch and Judy , and other frivolities , have been desecrating the Crystal Palace . The Polytechnic Institution is never behindhand in the production of novelties , and the lessee fully deserves the patronage he receives . Science and amusement are here admirably blended , and no more rational amusement can be offered to the young than a visit to the Polytechnic . " London by
Day and Paris by . N ight , both admirable representations , continue to attract to the Colosseum , assisted by the charms of music , legerdemain , and scientific lectures of great excellence , At the Great Globe , Bro . Wyldhas now three mostexcelient dioramas , either of which is worth the price of admission charged to the whole exhibition : two of them are relative to the seat of war in India and the third to
China . They are beautifully painted and popularly explained by able lecturers . The interesting waxworks of Madame Tussaud ; the Mont Blanc of Albert Smith ; the entertainment of Miss P . Horton at the Gallery of Illustration ; the Christy Minstrels at the Pol vgraphic Hall ; and the admirable monologue of Bro . Cotton at the Prince of Wales' Bazaar—all continue to appeal and not unsuccessfully for public support .
( Bbituavih
BRO , WILLIAM PRESTON , On Tuesday , March 30 th , the remains of Bro . William Preston , surgeon , of Newcastle-on-Tyne , and a P . M . of the Borough of Gateshead Lodge , were interred in the Westgate Cemetery . A large number of the Brethren of the Lodge of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
t L are to judge by the appearance of the various theatres , not without success— -a success which has perhaps been increased by the extreme severity of the weather , which has been more like January than April , whilst a little northward of London ( between Manchester and Sheffield ) the railway trains have been brought to a standstill by the snow .- —After the excellent comedy of "An Unequal Match , " which , with Miss Sedgwick's admirable acting , still continues its hold on the public , Bro . Buckstone produced a new burlesque entitled " Pluto and Proserpine ,
or the Belle and the Pomegranate . ,, It is full of bustle and wit , or rather punning run mad , which , aided by splendid scenery , good acting , spri ^ tly music , and capital dancing , will doubtless have a run .- ^~ -A . t the Adelphi , Bro , Webster produced a new Easter spectacle , taken from Boieldieu ' s Opera of " The Caliph of Bagdad , " and founded upon the love of adventure of the renowned Haroun Alraschid . It was most magnificently mounted and well played ; a special word of praise being due to Miss Roden , a new soprano , who made her first appearance with decided sucbess . —~ -At the Princess ' s , the novelties consisted of two new farces , "The Stock
Exchange ^ or the Green Business , " founded upon the fruitful source of mirth , j ealousy—and " Samuel in search of himself , "both of which were eminently success - ful . ; " Faust and Marguerite" was revived ibr the benefit of the holiday folk .- — --At the Olympic , the lessees have been acting upon the principle of letting well alone , and relying upon their stock pieces for attraction .- — -- ^ he little Strand has into new hands , Miss Swanborough having become the directress . The theatre has been elegantly decorated , and | he attractions consist of a new comedy , " Nothing Venture Nothing Win , 'Vand a mirlesque oa
" The Beauty and the Brigands . " Miss Swanborough herself represented the principal character , Fra Diavolo , with great spirit , arid the house has apparently opened with every prospect of success .- ——The Bombardment and Capture of Canton " has formed a capital subject for a regular Astley ' s drama , and , with the scenes in the circle , draws crowded hoases . ——Cremorne opened for a night or two , but the severity of the weather warned Bro . Simpson that the period of his regular season had not yet arrived . ——Messrs . Howe and Gushing have opened the Alhambra as a circus with their celebrated American company . It is admirably arranged ,
and those who delight in the sports of the circle will be well repaid by a visit . ——Morris dancers , Punch and Judy , and other frivolities , have been desecrating the Crystal Palace . The Polytechnic Institution is never behindhand in the production of novelties , and the lessee fully deserves the patronage he receives . Science and amusement are here admirably blended , and no more rational amusement can be offered to the young than a visit to the Polytechnic . " London by
Day and Paris by . N ight , both admirable representations , continue to attract to the Colosseum , assisted by the charms of music , legerdemain , and scientific lectures of great excellence , At the Great Globe , Bro . Wyldhas now three mostexcelient dioramas , either of which is worth the price of admission charged to the whole exhibition : two of them are relative to the seat of war in India and the third to
China . They are beautifully painted and popularly explained by able lecturers . The interesting waxworks of Madame Tussaud ; the Mont Blanc of Albert Smith ; the entertainment of Miss P . Horton at the Gallery of Illustration ; the Christy Minstrels at the Pol vgraphic Hall ; and the admirable monologue of Bro . Cotton at the Prince of Wales' Bazaar—all continue to appeal and not unsuccessfully for public support .
( Bbituavih
BRO , WILLIAM PRESTON , On Tuesday , March 30 th , the remains of Bro . William Preston , surgeon , of Newcastle-on-Tyne , and a P . M . of the Borough of Gateshead Lodge , were interred in the Westgate Cemetery . A large number of the Brethren of the Lodge of