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upper classes , have been enabled to pass the Government Educational Board , and assume , possibly with the assistance of Mend ^ a fair position in the world , as compared with those who , froin less advantageous circumstances , have been compelled to enter domestic service . In this institution , however , the introduction of music appears not
to be formally recognized , as we find it to be " an extra paid for by parents or friends of those who learn ; " a most vicious principle , in our opinion , to be introduced into any public establishment , and which we trust the committee of the "Freemasons' Girls' School will
under any circumstances avoid . Neither has the introduction of French and music into the London Orphan Asylum , Clapton ( to the excellent maMgement of which Ive can also personally testify ) , been , until lately , formally recognized , as the sub-committee of the Freemasons' School say :- *
"In this school [ the London Orphan ] are from 140 to 150 girls , about forty of whom are receiving instruction in instrumental Iriusic J we find that French and music have for some time been taiight , though not formally recognized by the committee of management . By the kind assistance of friends three or four pianos were provided , the mistress teaching two or three of the children , by whom others were in turn instructed . An opportunity was offered us of judging of the skill and ability of the pupils , and
we cannot speak too highly of the proficiency displayed , —in itself the best evidence of the excellence of the system adopted . 'Within the last month , however , the committee , impressed with the beneficial results even thus partially developed , have resolved that music shall constitute a portion of the stated system of education , the expense forming a regular charge on the funds of the institution . Those pupils only are selected for tuition the
position in life of whose parents is , or has been , such as to warrant the expectation that a proficiency in musical knowledge will prove a benefit to them ; and , by judicious management on the part of those charged with the duty of selection , all feeling of discontent in the children not selected i £ avoided . "
Here it would appear that an experiment begun without authority , and , in a great measure , through the discrimination of the governess , Miss Brandenburger , has proved so successful that the committee of the institution have determined to adopt it ; and Miss Brandenburger was so fearful that she should be supposed to over-estimate the value of music as a portion of general education , that she writes to Bro . Symonds the day after his visit to the school : —
" It occurs to me that I did not sufficiently draw your attention to the fact ot there being among our children a large number whose respectability of birth renders it probable that they will eventually fill situations as governesses . " There is , in the many hundred private schools in this country , a wide
opening for competent assistants ; and we find that our children upon leaving this Institution may , if they possess ( besides a sound English education ) a competent knowledge of music , be advantageously placed as junior teachers in ladies' schools where they Will be qualified for first-class . situations .
I must also add , that several of my ex-pupils who had not , while here , the opportunity of learning the piano , are , at the present time , sacrificing both position and salary in consequence . 3 A . / £
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upper classes , have been enabled to pass the Government Educational Board , and assume , possibly with the assistance of Mend ^ a fair position in the world , as compared with those who , froin less advantageous circumstances , have been compelled to enter domestic service . In this institution , however , the introduction of music appears not
to be formally recognized , as we find it to be " an extra paid for by parents or friends of those who learn ; " a most vicious principle , in our opinion , to be introduced into any public establishment , and which we trust the committee of the "Freemasons' Girls' School will
under any circumstances avoid . Neither has the introduction of French and music into the London Orphan Asylum , Clapton ( to the excellent maMgement of which Ive can also personally testify ) , been , until lately , formally recognized , as the sub-committee of the Freemasons' School say :- *
"In this school [ the London Orphan ] are from 140 to 150 girls , about forty of whom are receiving instruction in instrumental Iriusic J we find that French and music have for some time been taiight , though not formally recognized by the committee of management . By the kind assistance of friends three or four pianos were provided , the mistress teaching two or three of the children , by whom others were in turn instructed . An opportunity was offered us of judging of the skill and ability of the pupils , and
we cannot speak too highly of the proficiency displayed , —in itself the best evidence of the excellence of the system adopted . 'Within the last month , however , the committee , impressed with the beneficial results even thus partially developed , have resolved that music shall constitute a portion of the stated system of education , the expense forming a regular charge on the funds of the institution . Those pupils only are selected for tuition the
position in life of whose parents is , or has been , such as to warrant the expectation that a proficiency in musical knowledge will prove a benefit to them ; and , by judicious management on the part of those charged with the duty of selection , all feeling of discontent in the children not selected i £ avoided . "
Here it would appear that an experiment begun without authority , and , in a great measure , through the discrimination of the governess , Miss Brandenburger , has proved so successful that the committee of the institution have determined to adopt it ; and Miss Brandenburger was so fearful that she should be supposed to over-estimate the value of music as a portion of general education , that she writes to Bro . Symonds the day after his visit to the school : —
" It occurs to me that I did not sufficiently draw your attention to the fact ot there being among our children a large number whose respectability of birth renders it probable that they will eventually fill situations as governesses . " There is , in the many hundred private schools in this country , a wide
opening for competent assistants ; and we find that our children upon leaving this Institution may , if they possess ( besides a sound English education ) a competent knowledge of music , be advantageously placed as junior teachers in ladies' schools where they Will be qualified for first-class . situations .
I must also add , that several of my ex-pupils who had not , while here , the opportunity of learning the piano , are , at the present time , sacrificing both position and salary in consequence . 3 A . / £