Article EOYAL ARCH. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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Eoyal Arch.
Comp . Herv ^ y seconded the motion that the report be received . Comp . Symonds called attention to the Book of Constitutions to prove that they could not revive the charter , as no Chapter could exist unless attached to a regular Lodge in work .
Comp . Farnfield stated that , having searched the books , he found that they had no record in the office of the letter of 1832 alluded to by Comp . Warren , nor had any money been received ; at the same time he recollected that there was a conversation on the subject of the charter about 1839 with Comp . Barr , who afterwards went and resided in Trinidad .
Comp . Savage thought the matter should be again referred back to the committee . v After a short further conversation , the report was received , it _ being understood that Comp . Henderson would look into the question . The charter for a Chapter in connec tion with the Lodge of Faith and Unanimity , Dorchester , wars-then granted , it being explained that a charter was already in existence in connection with the Lodge , but it having been allowed to remain in abeyance for along time , it was thought better to return the old charter and apply for a new one .
On the question that the Chapter of Confidence be hereafter attached to the Lodge of Candour , No . 422 , instead of the Tudor Lodge , No . 688 > : Comp . NeIsonu ( G . Sec . of West Yorkshire ) asked whether the alteration was sanctioned by the Prov . G . Superintendent , as he ( Comp . Nelson ) , as Secretary , had received no notice of any such sanction being given .
Comp . Farnfield replied it was unnecessary , the Prov . G . M . having sanctioned the removal of the Tudor Lodge from one province to another , and the decision being confirmed by the G . M . The alteration now proposed was merely to attach the charter to another Lodge in the same county . The resolution was agreed to . The following Companions were elected members of the General Committee for the ensuing year : —John Hervey , John Savage , Tombleson , J . N . Tomkins , Parkinson , and Le Veau . The G . Z . nominated to the same committee Comps . Henderson , Crohn , and Pattison .
Comp . Warren then brought forward a resolution for granting a new charter to the Companions at St . Kitt ' s , on paying the fees for registering those exalted and surrendering their old charter ; but , a doubt being started as to the strict legality of the resolution , agreed to withdraw it until the next Convocation , on the understanding that Comp . Henderson would be then prepared to give his opinion regarding it . The Convocation was then duly closed .
St . James ' s Chapter ( No . 2 ) . —A convocation of this excellent Chapter , attached to the Lodge of Antiquity ( holding from time immemorial ) , was holden at the Freemasons' Tavern , on the 7 th of May . Comps . Henderson , G . Eeg ., presided as Z . ; Wheeler , as H . ; and Pulteney Scott , as J . Bro . Lambert was duly exalted , the ceremony being most ably performed . The Comps . afterwards dined together and passed a truly Masonic evening .
St . George and Corner-Stone Chapter ( No . 5 ) . —A convocation of this Chapter was holden on the 23 rd of May , at the Freemasons' Tavern . Two Brethren were exalted , and Comp . Wm . Gray Clarke , the new G . Sec , under dispensation from the M . E . Z ., installed in the three several chairs , thereby qualifying him to take the position of G . E . ^ RoYAii York Chapter of Perseverance ( No . 7 ) . —At the quarterly convocation of this nourishing Chapter , held at the Freemasons' Tavern , March 28 , Bro . De la Chaumette was exalted to the Supreme Degree of R . A . The ceremony , at all times so impressive , was most ably and beautifully rendered by Comp . Absolon , Z . who received most efficient assistance from the other principals and officers .
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Eoyal Arch.
Comp . Herv ^ y seconded the motion that the report be received . Comp . Symonds called attention to the Book of Constitutions to prove that they could not revive the charter , as no Chapter could exist unless attached to a regular Lodge in work .
Comp . Farnfield stated that , having searched the books , he found that they had no record in the office of the letter of 1832 alluded to by Comp . Warren , nor had any money been received ; at the same time he recollected that there was a conversation on the subject of the charter about 1839 with Comp . Barr , who afterwards went and resided in Trinidad .
Comp . Savage thought the matter should be again referred back to the committee . v After a short further conversation , the report was received , it _ being understood that Comp . Henderson would look into the question . The charter for a Chapter in connec tion with the Lodge of Faith and Unanimity , Dorchester , wars-then granted , it being explained that a charter was already in existence in connection with the Lodge , but it having been allowed to remain in abeyance for along time , it was thought better to return the old charter and apply for a new one .
On the question that the Chapter of Confidence be hereafter attached to the Lodge of Candour , No . 422 , instead of the Tudor Lodge , No . 688 > : Comp . NeIsonu ( G . Sec . of West Yorkshire ) asked whether the alteration was sanctioned by the Prov . G . Superintendent , as he ( Comp . Nelson ) , as Secretary , had received no notice of any such sanction being given .
Comp . Farnfield replied it was unnecessary , the Prov . G . M . having sanctioned the removal of the Tudor Lodge from one province to another , and the decision being confirmed by the G . M . The alteration now proposed was merely to attach the charter to another Lodge in the same county . The resolution was agreed to . The following Companions were elected members of the General Committee for the ensuing year : —John Hervey , John Savage , Tombleson , J . N . Tomkins , Parkinson , and Le Veau . The G . Z . nominated to the same committee Comps . Henderson , Crohn , and Pattison .
Comp . Warren then brought forward a resolution for granting a new charter to the Companions at St . Kitt ' s , on paying the fees for registering those exalted and surrendering their old charter ; but , a doubt being started as to the strict legality of the resolution , agreed to withdraw it until the next Convocation , on the understanding that Comp . Henderson would be then prepared to give his opinion regarding it . The Convocation was then duly closed .
St . James ' s Chapter ( No . 2 ) . —A convocation of this excellent Chapter , attached to the Lodge of Antiquity ( holding from time immemorial ) , was holden at the Freemasons' Tavern , on the 7 th of May . Comps . Henderson , G . Eeg ., presided as Z . ; Wheeler , as H . ; and Pulteney Scott , as J . Bro . Lambert was duly exalted , the ceremony being most ably performed . The Comps . afterwards dined together and passed a truly Masonic evening .
St . George and Corner-Stone Chapter ( No . 5 ) . —A convocation of this Chapter was holden on the 23 rd of May , at the Freemasons' Tavern . Two Brethren were exalted , and Comp . Wm . Gray Clarke , the new G . Sec , under dispensation from the M . E . Z ., installed in the three several chairs , thereby qualifying him to take the position of G . E . ^ RoYAii York Chapter of Perseverance ( No . 7 ) . —At the quarterly convocation of this nourishing Chapter , held at the Freemasons' Tavern , March 28 , Bro . De la Chaumette was exalted to the Supreme Degree of R . A . The ceremony , at all times so impressive , was most ably and beautifully rendered by Comp . Absolon , Z . who received most efficient assistance from the other principals and officers .