Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 4 of 10 →
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DISTRICT GRAND LODGED After Clause 1 , page 54 , let the following be Clause 2 ; that is to say : — 2 . In case there should be no Provincial Grand Master in any country where there is a Lodge or Lodges holding from the'Grand . Lodge of England , in such
case the Master of the Senior Lodge shall have and exercise all the rights , powers , and privileges of a Provincial Grand Master , except that of expelling members or of holding a Provincial Grand Lodge ; and all matters and questions submitted to him shall be decided by him , by and with the advice and aid of two Past Masters of his
Lodge , whom he shall be bound to nominate by writing under his hand for such purpose . ¦ .
TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS * MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Dear Sir and Brother , —The annexed copy of the Assistant Grand Secretary ' s letter , dated 3 . 1 st March , to my communication of the 2 nd February , will at once
convince you of the support that Lodges holding of the Grand Lodge of England in the West Indies may expect ; indeed , the reply is such as was fully anticipated , and consequently did not surprise us . It is plain that we must depend upon our own exertions , and not look to Grand Lodge for the slightest aid or support . The Assistant Grand Secretary states , in reference to the printed resolution or proceedings , " a copy of which has already been sent to your Lodge . " Now this I deny . I have never received until now any copy whatever , and I have no doubt
that the instructions in regard to the Mark Degree will also be forthcoming some six months hence . You cannot imagine the feelings of the Brethren here in regard to the very vague and unsatisfactory reply that has been sent out . However , I do sincerely hope that there will be found in England members of Grand Lodge who will turn their attention to the affairs of the West , as I very much fear , unless something is soon done , that the Grand Lodge will ultimately find the remedy has been administered too late . Yours ever fraternally ,
Trinidad , 8 th May , 1856 . D . Hart , W . M ., No . 585 . ( Copy . ) Freemasons' Hall , London , 3 lst March , 1856 . W . Master , —I duly received your letter of the 2 nd ultimo on the 20 th inst ., and am grieved to learn that the clergy of the Roman Gatholic Church are persecuting the Brethren of our Order in your island who are members of that Church . At the Quarterly Communication in December last , a resolution from the Grand Orient of France * was presented to the Grand Lodge on the subject , in reference
to the Brethren in the Mauritius , when it was fully discussed . As any attempt of the Grand Lodge to interfere would in all probability increase the persecutions , rather than lessen them , their resolution , therefore , merely sympathized with the Brethren , as you will see by the printed proceedings of that Grand Lodge , a copy of which has already been sent to your Lodge . I now inclose another copy . —I have the honour to be , W . M ., yours fraternally , ( Signed ) W . Farnfield , Asst . G . Sec . To the W . Bro . fcaniel Hart , Philanthropic Lodge , No . 585 , Trinidad . [ From the tenor of the above reply , it would appear that my letter has gone no further than the Grand Secretary ' s office . —D . Hart . ]
* What have we to do with tho resolution of the Grand Orient of France?—D . II
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DISTRICT GRAND LODGED After Clause 1 , page 54 , let the following be Clause 2 ; that is to say : — 2 . In case there should be no Provincial Grand Master in any country where there is a Lodge or Lodges holding from the'Grand . Lodge of England , in such
case the Master of the Senior Lodge shall have and exercise all the rights , powers , and privileges of a Provincial Grand Master , except that of expelling members or of holding a Provincial Grand Lodge ; and all matters and questions submitted to him shall be decided by him , by and with the advice and aid of two Past Masters of his
Lodge , whom he shall be bound to nominate by writing under his hand for such purpose . ¦ .
TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS * MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Dear Sir and Brother , —The annexed copy of the Assistant Grand Secretary ' s letter , dated 3 . 1 st March , to my communication of the 2 nd February , will at once
convince you of the support that Lodges holding of the Grand Lodge of England in the West Indies may expect ; indeed , the reply is such as was fully anticipated , and consequently did not surprise us . It is plain that we must depend upon our own exertions , and not look to Grand Lodge for the slightest aid or support . The Assistant Grand Secretary states , in reference to the printed resolution or proceedings , " a copy of which has already been sent to your Lodge . " Now this I deny . I have never received until now any copy whatever , and I have no doubt
that the instructions in regard to the Mark Degree will also be forthcoming some six months hence . You cannot imagine the feelings of the Brethren here in regard to the very vague and unsatisfactory reply that has been sent out . However , I do sincerely hope that there will be found in England members of Grand Lodge who will turn their attention to the affairs of the West , as I very much fear , unless something is soon done , that the Grand Lodge will ultimately find the remedy has been administered too late . Yours ever fraternally ,
Trinidad , 8 th May , 1856 . D . Hart , W . M ., No . 585 . ( Copy . ) Freemasons' Hall , London , 3 lst March , 1856 . W . Master , —I duly received your letter of the 2 nd ultimo on the 20 th inst ., and am grieved to learn that the clergy of the Roman Gatholic Church are persecuting the Brethren of our Order in your island who are members of that Church . At the Quarterly Communication in December last , a resolution from the Grand Orient of France * was presented to the Grand Lodge on the subject , in reference
to the Brethren in the Mauritius , when it was fully discussed . As any attempt of the Grand Lodge to interfere would in all probability increase the persecutions , rather than lessen them , their resolution , therefore , merely sympathized with the Brethren , as you will see by the printed proceedings of that Grand Lodge , a copy of which has already been sent to your Lodge . I now inclose another copy . —I have the honour to be , W . M ., yours fraternally , ( Signed ) W . Farnfield , Asst . G . Sec . To the W . Bro . fcaniel Hart , Philanthropic Lodge , No . 585 , Trinidad . [ From the tenor of the above reply , it would appear that my letter has gone no further than the Grand Secretary ' s office . —D . Hart . ]
* What have we to do with tho resolution of the Grand Orient of France?—D . II