Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 9 of 10 →
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( 1 . ) The unsuccessful'Brother was Bro . Bridges , who aided in promoting the movement which brought about an investigation into the financial affairs of the province . ( 2 . ) The present Prov . G . Treas . has by him , correspondence extending over nine or ten months , viz ., from April , 1853 , to Jan . 1854 , including circulars to Lodges , and replies from them , and a copy of a requisition to the Prov . G . M . for a Lodge of Emergency , for the special purpose of investigating the financial affairs of the province , which Lodge was summoned Dec . 21 , 1853 . This is what "Justitia" designates , as " coming in as it were at the death ! "
( 3 . ) If " Justitia" means by the " reward , " the appointment to the office of Prov . G . Treas ., I deny that it was obtained by " clique influence , " many Brethren recording their votes in my favour , solely on the ground of the interest which I had taken in the financial affairs of the province . ( 1 . ) The " acting P . M ., " of " Justitia ' s" Lodge , namely , Bro . Percy Wells , of the Royal Cumberland Lodge , was the very individual who proposed the investigation into the affairs of the province , ( 2 . ) and who nominated the committee .
( 1 . ) Bro . P . Wells did not propose the investigation into the affairs of the province- He proposed , Dec . 21 , 1853 , as a substantive motion , the notice placed by another individual upon the circular summoning Prov . Grand Lodge , to the effect that a committee should be appointed to examine the financial affairs of the province , which was seconded by a member of his Lodge , viz ., Bro . Haseler .
( 2 . ) Bro . P . Wells did not nominate the committee . He named , it may be , some of its members , but the names were , for the most part , proposed singly by different Brethren . I have notes of all those appointed on the committee , and of those who declined . Bro . P , Wells' name is not mentioned in them ; and if there was any merit in declining to be of that committee , the Prov . G . Treas . declined it , though subsequently he consented to be nominated .
( 1 . ) "So much , " says "Justitia , " "for the claims of the past ( present ?) G . Treas ., who did nothing but make a couple of speeches , attend about two committee meetings , and eat a good dinner , ( 2 ) all his travelling expenses being paid ; ( 3 ) the actual work being done by a Brother who is a professed accountant . " ( 1 . ) As to the " claims " of the present Prov . G . Treas ., what he did has been briefly stated above , and it may be added that he drew up the report of the committee , which was submitted to Prov . Grand Lodge ; he attended two committee meetings , and dined with the committee , ( 2 . ) all of whose dinners and travelling expenses were paid in accordance with a resolution passed at Prov . Grand Lodge , Dec . 21 , 1853 .
3 . The committee found it necessary to examine the Prov . Grand Lodge accounts for a period of ten years , viz . from 1843 to 1853 . They could not succeed in reducing them to a satisfactory state , and unanimously agreed on placing them in the hands of an accountant : Bro . Bridges either proposed Bro . Harwood , or suggested his name , and the committee appointed Bro . Harwood to do the work , which could not have been very slight or unimportant , as at the Prov . Grand Lodge , when the report of the committee and the accounts-were passed , the sum of £ 5 was voted to Bro . Harwood , over and above his fee .
I have now given as brief and as clear replies to the charges of "Justitia" as I can . It is left to the Brethren who may read the correspondence to decide , whether " Justitia" has shown proper care in investigating the circumstances on which he attempts to found assertions and insinuations , the manifest object of which is to injure the Prov . G . Treas ., and create such a feeling against him , that he may be ejected from the office he holds . Whether such a disposition as "Justitia "
exhibits will be sanctioned by the Brethren of the province ot Somerset , time , I doubt not , will decide . I remain , Sir , & c . R . Wilbiiaiiam Fa loon er , M . I ) . P . M . No . 528 , Prov . G . Treasurer , Somerset .
P . S . —L should have stated when alluding to the appointment of the committee for investigating the financial affairs of tho province , that after the names had been individually proposed in the manner described , Bro . Percy Wells proposed them in the aggregate , and was seconded by Bro . hVich .
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( 1 . ) The unsuccessful'Brother was Bro . Bridges , who aided in promoting the movement which brought about an investigation into the financial affairs of the province . ( 2 . ) The present Prov . G . Treas . has by him , correspondence extending over nine or ten months , viz ., from April , 1853 , to Jan . 1854 , including circulars to Lodges , and replies from them , and a copy of a requisition to the Prov . G . M . for a Lodge of Emergency , for the special purpose of investigating the financial affairs of the province , which Lodge was summoned Dec . 21 , 1853 . This is what "Justitia" designates , as " coming in as it were at the death ! "
( 3 . ) If " Justitia" means by the " reward , " the appointment to the office of Prov . G . Treas ., I deny that it was obtained by " clique influence , " many Brethren recording their votes in my favour , solely on the ground of the interest which I had taken in the financial affairs of the province . ( 1 . ) The " acting P . M ., " of " Justitia ' s" Lodge , namely , Bro . Percy Wells , of the Royal Cumberland Lodge , was the very individual who proposed the investigation into the affairs of the province , ( 2 . ) and who nominated the committee .
( 1 . ) Bro . P . Wells did not propose the investigation into the affairs of the province- He proposed , Dec . 21 , 1853 , as a substantive motion , the notice placed by another individual upon the circular summoning Prov . Grand Lodge , to the effect that a committee should be appointed to examine the financial affairs of the province , which was seconded by a member of his Lodge , viz ., Bro . Haseler .
( 2 . ) Bro . P . Wells did not nominate the committee . He named , it may be , some of its members , but the names were , for the most part , proposed singly by different Brethren . I have notes of all those appointed on the committee , and of those who declined . Bro . P , Wells' name is not mentioned in them ; and if there was any merit in declining to be of that committee , the Prov . G . Treas . declined it , though subsequently he consented to be nominated .
( 1 . ) "So much , " says "Justitia , " "for the claims of the past ( present ?) G . Treas ., who did nothing but make a couple of speeches , attend about two committee meetings , and eat a good dinner , ( 2 ) all his travelling expenses being paid ; ( 3 ) the actual work being done by a Brother who is a professed accountant . " ( 1 . ) As to the " claims " of the present Prov . G . Treas ., what he did has been briefly stated above , and it may be added that he drew up the report of the committee , which was submitted to Prov . Grand Lodge ; he attended two committee meetings , and dined with the committee , ( 2 . ) all of whose dinners and travelling expenses were paid in accordance with a resolution passed at Prov . Grand Lodge , Dec . 21 , 1853 .
3 . The committee found it necessary to examine the Prov . Grand Lodge accounts for a period of ten years , viz . from 1843 to 1853 . They could not succeed in reducing them to a satisfactory state , and unanimously agreed on placing them in the hands of an accountant : Bro . Bridges either proposed Bro . Harwood , or suggested his name , and the committee appointed Bro . Harwood to do the work , which could not have been very slight or unimportant , as at the Prov . Grand Lodge , when the report of the committee and the accounts-were passed , the sum of £ 5 was voted to Bro . Harwood , over and above his fee .
I have now given as brief and as clear replies to the charges of "Justitia" as I can . It is left to the Brethren who may read the correspondence to decide , whether " Justitia" has shown proper care in investigating the circumstances on which he attempts to found assertions and insinuations , the manifest object of which is to injure the Prov . G . Treas ., and create such a feeling against him , that he may be ejected from the office he holds . Whether such a disposition as "Justitia "
exhibits will be sanctioned by the Brethren of the province ot Somerset , time , I doubt not , will decide . I remain , Sir , & c . R . Wilbiiaiiam Fa loon er , M . I ) . P . M . No . 528 , Prov . G . Treasurer , Somerset .
P . S . —L should have stated when alluding to the appointment of the committee for investigating the financial affairs of tho province , that after the names had been individually proposed in the manner described , Bro . Percy Wells proposed them in the aggregate , and was seconded by Bro . hVich .