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W . M ., presiding , when a Brother was duly passed to the 2 nd degree . About a dozen of the Brethren afterwards adjourned to the Nell Gwynne Tavern , Strand , to dine with their respected P . M ., Bro . Frampton . St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 196 ) . —This Lodge held its second meeting for the season on the 10 th May , Bro . Samuel Aldrich , W . M ., when Bro . A spinal was
raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason , Bros . Stopher , Douglas , and Birebmore , passed to the 2 nd Degree , and Messrs . Thos . W . Purkiss and John Phillips initiated into the Order . No banquet was provided on this occasion , iu order that , by limiting their expenditure , the Lodge might be able to render a more generous support to the Masonic institutions generally , and to the Benevolent Fund in particular , —an example which we trust will be emulated by every Lodge .
St . James ' s Union Lodge ( No . 211 ) . —The members of this Lodge met , on a summons of emergency , at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Friday , June 13 th . The W . M ., Bro . John Grurton , assisted by his officers and Past Master , raised two Brethren and passed two to the second degree , in that excellent manner for which this Lodge is now so much distinguished .
Jordan Lodge ( No . 237 ) . —This Lodge held its last meeting for the season at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Friday , May 30 th . In the absence of the W . M ., Bro . Spooner , P . M ., officiated in his usual able and efficient manner , by raising Bro . Dyer to the third degree . Labour being ended , the Brethren retired to refreshment ; and to a repast which reflected great credit on the establishment , succeeded a most pleasant evening . The only visitor present was Bro . Burton , W . M . ( No . 202 ) . We may remark , en passant , that the newly-established Lodge of Instruction , held under the warrant of this Lodge , met for the first time at Bro . Sheen ' s , Sussex Stores , Upper St . Martin ' sdane , on Friday , June 6 th , when about thirty Brethren were present . We make no doubt but this Lodge of Instruction , being held in the summer months ( when most others are closed ) , will be numerously attended . We can confidently say it is conducted under the most favourable auspices , and heartily wish it success .
Polish Lodge ( No . 778 ) . —The annual meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on the 12 th June , when Bro . Charles Duve' was raised to the 3 rd degree ; Bro . Wm . Watson then proceeded to install Bro . Johnston as W . M . for the ensuing year . The new Master invested his officers as follows : — Bro . Samuels , S . W . ; Lord Raynham , J . W . ; Lemanski , P . M ., Treas . ; Detkins , P . M ., Sec . ; Arnold , S . D . ; Ionides , J . D . ; Louringer , I . G . Mr . Stanislaus Nowakowski was initiated into the Lodge , and Bro . Truss , of No . 671 , elected a joining member . The Brethren afterwards adjourned to supper , and spent a very pleasant evening .
Canonbury Lodge ( No . 955 ) . —A full attendance of the Brothers of this Lodge took place at Bro . Todd ' s , Canonbury Tavern , on the 10 th of June . Amongst the Brothers present we observed A . J . Duff Filer , Samuel Hill , Wm . Harrison , Alfred Wilson , H . Friend , H . G . Buss , T . Bohn , J . Cutts , W . Halston , H . Salt , R . Sanderson , W . Underwood , J . Smith , D . Bishopp . The Lodge was opened with solemn prayer , and Bros . Cutts , Halston , and Salt were most effectively raised to the Sublime Degree of M . Ms . At the conclusion of the labour of the
evening , the Brethren adjourned to one of Bro . Todd ' s excellent repasts : good speeches and choice singing illustrated the refreshment . Tho speeches of the evening were by Bros . Filer and Bohn ; Bro . Filer having taken the opportunity of proposing the health of Brother Thomas Bohn , the founder of the Lodge , whom he characteristically denominated " Everybody , " inasmuch as he was open to do a , ny duty in the Lodge . Bro . Bohn made a most excellent speech in reply . The remembrance of those excellent speeches served as our lullaby that night .
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W . M ., presiding , when a Brother was duly passed to the 2 nd degree . About a dozen of the Brethren afterwards adjourned to the Nell Gwynne Tavern , Strand , to dine with their respected P . M ., Bro . Frampton . St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 196 ) . —This Lodge held its second meeting for the season on the 10 th May , Bro . Samuel Aldrich , W . M ., when Bro . A spinal was
raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason , Bros . Stopher , Douglas , and Birebmore , passed to the 2 nd Degree , and Messrs . Thos . W . Purkiss and John Phillips initiated into the Order . No banquet was provided on this occasion , iu order that , by limiting their expenditure , the Lodge might be able to render a more generous support to the Masonic institutions generally , and to the Benevolent Fund in particular , —an example which we trust will be emulated by every Lodge .
St . James ' s Union Lodge ( No . 211 ) . —The members of this Lodge met , on a summons of emergency , at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Friday , June 13 th . The W . M ., Bro . John Grurton , assisted by his officers and Past Master , raised two Brethren and passed two to the second degree , in that excellent manner for which this Lodge is now so much distinguished .
Jordan Lodge ( No . 237 ) . —This Lodge held its last meeting for the season at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Friday , May 30 th . In the absence of the W . M ., Bro . Spooner , P . M ., officiated in his usual able and efficient manner , by raising Bro . Dyer to the third degree . Labour being ended , the Brethren retired to refreshment ; and to a repast which reflected great credit on the establishment , succeeded a most pleasant evening . The only visitor present was Bro . Burton , W . M . ( No . 202 ) . We may remark , en passant , that the newly-established Lodge of Instruction , held under the warrant of this Lodge , met for the first time at Bro . Sheen ' s , Sussex Stores , Upper St . Martin ' sdane , on Friday , June 6 th , when about thirty Brethren were present . We make no doubt but this Lodge of Instruction , being held in the summer months ( when most others are closed ) , will be numerously attended . We can confidently say it is conducted under the most favourable auspices , and heartily wish it success .
Polish Lodge ( No . 778 ) . —The annual meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on the 12 th June , when Bro . Charles Duve' was raised to the 3 rd degree ; Bro . Wm . Watson then proceeded to install Bro . Johnston as W . M . for the ensuing year . The new Master invested his officers as follows : — Bro . Samuels , S . W . ; Lord Raynham , J . W . ; Lemanski , P . M ., Treas . ; Detkins , P . M ., Sec . ; Arnold , S . D . ; Ionides , J . D . ; Louringer , I . G . Mr . Stanislaus Nowakowski was initiated into the Lodge , and Bro . Truss , of No . 671 , elected a joining member . The Brethren afterwards adjourned to supper , and spent a very pleasant evening .
Canonbury Lodge ( No . 955 ) . —A full attendance of the Brothers of this Lodge took place at Bro . Todd ' s , Canonbury Tavern , on the 10 th of June . Amongst the Brothers present we observed A . J . Duff Filer , Samuel Hill , Wm . Harrison , Alfred Wilson , H . Friend , H . G . Buss , T . Bohn , J . Cutts , W . Halston , H . Salt , R . Sanderson , W . Underwood , J . Smith , D . Bishopp . The Lodge was opened with solemn prayer , and Bros . Cutts , Halston , and Salt were most effectively raised to the Sublime Degree of M . Ms . At the conclusion of the labour of the
evening , the Brethren adjourned to one of Bro . Todd ' s excellent repasts : good speeches and choice singing illustrated the refreshment . Tho speeches of the evening were by Bros . Filer and Bohn ; Bro . Filer having taken the opportunity of proposing the health of Brother Thomas Bohn , the founder of the Lodge , whom he characteristically denominated " Everybody , " inasmuch as he was open to do a , ny duty in the Lodge . Bro . Bohn made a most excellent speech in reply . The remembrance of those excellent speeches served as our lullaby that night .