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St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 196 ) . — -The third anniversary of the establishment of the above Lodge was held at the Holly-bush Tavern , Harnpstead , on , the 18 th June , Bro . Thomas A . Adams , P . M ., No . 196 and 206 , in the chair . M . Leivenson , S . W . ; J . Leivenson , J . W . ; H . Arless , S . D . ; J . Thomas , J . D . ; ¦—Grey , I . G . ; R . Hazard , Treas . ; and S . Aid rich , Hon . Sec .
The sections of the first lecture were most efficiently and eloquently worked by the following Brethren : — H . Baker , John Thomas , Joseph Smith ( who was initiated by Bro . Aldrich , W . M ., No . 196 , in October last , and under whose instruction be has acquired a perfect knowledge of the Three Degrees ) , R . Armstrong , J . Lowenstark , M . Leivenson , and R . Collard . The second by Bros . Le Gassick , Allen , Tyrrell , Collard , and Armstrong .
The third by Bros . M , Leivenson , Tyrrell , and W . Shury . The several Brethren were warmly applauded by the whole body present . Thirty-three visiting Brethren were severally elected members of the Lodge of Instruction . The Lodge having been closed eighty-six Brethren adjourned to the banquetin g-room , Bro . Adams presiding , supported on his right by Bro . Joseph Smith , Grand Pursuivant ; Aldrich , W . M ., No . 196 ; Hazard , S . W . and Treas ., & c . ; and on the left by Bro . O . TJ . Thiselton , Secretary to the Boys' School ; Geo . Barrett , P . M ., No . 188 : Muggridge , & c . Among other Brethren we noticed T . W . J .
Goldworthy , Kennedy , Gingall , Lambert , Wenham , McEntire , Glover , Cotterrell , Speer , C . Huser , Pritchard , Hamilton , Jones , Spooner , Skifhngton , Frampton , Pennington , Cornick , Johnson , Galloway , Carpenter , Waterhouse , Thomas Barton , Dearth , Perkins , Douglas , Rowe , Ware , & c . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were severally proposed from the chair ; Bro . Joseph Smith returned thanks on the part of the Grand Officers , and in doing so applauded the excellent and most able way in which the , several lectures had been worked .
" The health of the presiding Master , Bro . Thomas Adams , " was proposed in a neat speech by Bro . Joseph Smith , who warmly eulogized the many Masonic and private virtues of that excellent Brother , whom he had had the privilege to initiate into the Order , and who was not only entirely master of all the ceremonies of Craft Masonry and of the fifteen sections , but of every portion of the Royal Arch . Bro , Adams was not one of those who thought it too much trouble to impart instruction to all who required it , there not being a Lodge of Instruction from east to west of the metropolis , or between north and south , that he did not
attend , or a Brother within that circle who had not received instruction from him , either in the Lodge or in private . He could not close his remarks without expressing his admiration for the many Masonic and personal qualifications of their respected Bro . Aldrich , W . M ., of the Mother Lodge , No . 496 , and Hon . Sec . of their Lodge of Instruction . He not only spoke his own sentiments but those of a numerous body of the Masonic world . Ilis correct knowledge of the several Degrees , and the impressive way in which he performed all the ceremonies , were universally known and appreciated . There were not two more efficient Brethren in the Graft than Bros . Adams and Aldrich . He , therefore ,
called upon the Brethren to respond to the toast in a truly Masonic manner . The W . M ., in returning thanks , said that from the bottom of his heart he thanked Bro . Smith for the kind way in which he had introduced his name to the notice of the Brethren , and the Brethren for the cordial and hearty manner in . which they had received it , which , believe him , he should never cease to remember with gratitude . It was true that Bro . Smith had initiated him into
the excellent principles of the Order , of all the duties of which , he would state , and trusted he should not be deemed egotistical , he was entirely master—from the initiation to every degree in the Royal Arch , it was a pleasure to him—and ho did so almost daily—to afford instruction to Brethren at his own house . He did not care where a Lodge of Instruction was established , it was his greatest pride to be present and to render assistance when called upon to do so ; and to every VOL . 11 . y T
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St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 196 ) . — -The third anniversary of the establishment of the above Lodge was held at the Holly-bush Tavern , Harnpstead , on , the 18 th June , Bro . Thomas A . Adams , P . M ., No . 196 and 206 , in the chair . M . Leivenson , S . W . ; J . Leivenson , J . W . ; H . Arless , S . D . ; J . Thomas , J . D . ; ¦—Grey , I . G . ; R . Hazard , Treas . ; and S . Aid rich , Hon . Sec .
The sections of the first lecture were most efficiently and eloquently worked by the following Brethren : — H . Baker , John Thomas , Joseph Smith ( who was initiated by Bro . Aldrich , W . M ., No . 196 , in October last , and under whose instruction be has acquired a perfect knowledge of the Three Degrees ) , R . Armstrong , J . Lowenstark , M . Leivenson , and R . Collard . The second by Bros . Le Gassick , Allen , Tyrrell , Collard , and Armstrong .
The third by Bros . M , Leivenson , Tyrrell , and W . Shury . The several Brethren were warmly applauded by the whole body present . Thirty-three visiting Brethren were severally elected members of the Lodge of Instruction . The Lodge having been closed eighty-six Brethren adjourned to the banquetin g-room , Bro . Adams presiding , supported on his right by Bro . Joseph Smith , Grand Pursuivant ; Aldrich , W . M ., No . 196 ; Hazard , S . W . and Treas ., & c . ; and on the left by Bro . O . TJ . Thiselton , Secretary to the Boys' School ; Geo . Barrett , P . M ., No . 188 : Muggridge , & c . Among other Brethren we noticed T . W . J .
Goldworthy , Kennedy , Gingall , Lambert , Wenham , McEntire , Glover , Cotterrell , Speer , C . Huser , Pritchard , Hamilton , Jones , Spooner , Skifhngton , Frampton , Pennington , Cornick , Johnson , Galloway , Carpenter , Waterhouse , Thomas Barton , Dearth , Perkins , Douglas , Rowe , Ware , & c . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were severally proposed from the chair ; Bro . Joseph Smith returned thanks on the part of the Grand Officers , and in doing so applauded the excellent and most able way in which the , several lectures had been worked .
" The health of the presiding Master , Bro . Thomas Adams , " was proposed in a neat speech by Bro . Joseph Smith , who warmly eulogized the many Masonic and private virtues of that excellent Brother , whom he had had the privilege to initiate into the Order , and who was not only entirely master of all the ceremonies of Craft Masonry and of the fifteen sections , but of every portion of the Royal Arch . Bro , Adams was not one of those who thought it too much trouble to impart instruction to all who required it , there not being a Lodge of Instruction from east to west of the metropolis , or between north and south , that he did not
attend , or a Brother within that circle who had not received instruction from him , either in the Lodge or in private . He could not close his remarks without expressing his admiration for the many Masonic and personal qualifications of their respected Bro . Aldrich , W . M ., of the Mother Lodge , No . 496 , and Hon . Sec . of their Lodge of Instruction . He not only spoke his own sentiments but those of a numerous body of the Masonic world . Ilis correct knowledge of the several Degrees , and the impressive way in which he performed all the ceremonies , were universally known and appreciated . There were not two more efficient Brethren in the Graft than Bros . Adams and Aldrich . He , therefore ,
called upon the Brethren to respond to the toast in a truly Masonic manner . The W . M ., in returning thanks , said that from the bottom of his heart he thanked Bro . Smith for the kind way in which he had introduced his name to the notice of the Brethren , and the Brethren for the cordial and hearty manner in . which they had received it , which , believe him , he should never cease to remember with gratitude . It was true that Bro . Smith had initiated him into
the excellent principles of the Order , of all the duties of which , he would state , and trusted he should not be deemed egotistical , he was entirely master—from the initiation to every degree in the Royal Arch , it was a pleasure to him—and ho did so almost daily—to afford instruction to Brethren at his own house . He did not care where a Lodge of Instruction was established , it was his greatest pride to be present and to render assistance when called upon to do so ; and to every VOL . 11 . y T