Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 15 →
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man is starving , there is no time to debate of what country or parish he is a native : when a man is in a ditch , it is not the minute to consider to what church he belongs . The Universality of Brotherhood , which is the leading feature of our Institution , does that which has never yet been effected by any other means ; difference of clime or sect is unknown ; the certainty of good offices to a Brother in the hour of distress is equally awarded , whether he is a Mahometan , a
Jew , or a Christian ; for Masonry is a kind of telegraphic wire , by force of which we affect men by their predilections , disarming their prejudices , and becoming a bond of union which is never broken . Objections are started to Freemasonry by some , who fancy we are going to supplant Christianity ; if so , why are we here to-day % Undoubtedly , if Christianity were universal , there would be no need for such an institution as ours . We all know that the chief object of our Institution is charity—that great scheme which Christ came into the world to
establish . To the external world it might be said , the design-of Masonry was to keep out the knave and the fool ; for its entire system of teaching consists of powerful morality , universal virtue , enlarged charity , and comprehensive knowledge . With regard to what our predecessors have done for Christianity , look to all the great Christian temples , and see the marks of the Guilders Like the sun , Masonry gilds the horizon , and lights man ' s path through the shadows which error casts in his journeyings ; and if we choose to see the real issues of the types
in the highest Masonic orders , we should clearly perceive that they all point to Christianity as the only perfect remedy for a fallen world . Masons are exhorted to the practice of Christian love and Christian duty , and by the purity of their own lives to set an example to others . As a further illustration of Masonry being the assistant of Christianity , instead of ignoring it , we enforce the great truth of the impartial and unerring justice of the Most High , who , having defined the limits of good and evil , will reward or punish us as we have obeyed or disregarded
His law . . This involves the great points of man ' s personal responsibility , the resurrection , and a future state . Knowledge was the parent of Masonry . Let knowledge increase , but , above all , soul-knowledge , and we may in this crooked and perverse world walk as lights , and by acting thus , make Masonry a handmaid to Christianity until that perfect time appear when , in the Great Lodge above , we shall for ever witness , as well as experience , joy without remorse—purity spotless—hope passionless—intellect exhaustless—obedience faultless !
The Brethren , at the conclusion of Bivine Service , returned in the same order to the Lodge-room . The Grand Lodge being re-formed , the R . W . the G . M . proposed that the thanks of the Prov . Grand Lodge be given to the Vicar and Churchwardens for the use of the church , and also to the Rev . Bro . Owen for his very excellent sermon ; these votes being duly put , were carried unanimously . Bro . Harvey Boys then moved that the thanks of the Prov . Grand Lodge bo tendered to the Prov . Grand Master for his courteous conduct at all times , but
especially on the present occasion , which being seconded by the P . D . Prov . G . M ., was carried unanimously . The Prov . Grand Lodge was then duly closed with prayer , and the Brethren , at four o ' clock , in regular order , moved to the Bull Hotel , where the refreshments were spread in the saloon in the centre of the building , which , having a glass roof of considerable height and the gallery of the upper chambers of the Hotel running round it , was tastefully decorated with banners , evergreens and flowers ; and anionor the most attractive of the latter ornaments , were the beauties of Kent , a
county proverbial for lovely faces . BANQUET , which was laid out with commendable taste , was admirable , and the attendance most praiseworthy ; in fact , we cannot find words of eulogy sufficient for what is due to Bro . Landale , the W . M . of No . b 7 (> , and Bro . Bray , " tho landlord of the Hotel , for the arranoy . nients and general excellence of the feast . Grace having been said by Bro . Owen , and the cloth removed , The Prov . G . M . rose , and in proposing the health of her M " . ajeHty , alluded to her father and uncles' patronage of our institution , and the early princes of the land
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man is starving , there is no time to debate of what country or parish he is a native : when a man is in a ditch , it is not the minute to consider to what church he belongs . The Universality of Brotherhood , which is the leading feature of our Institution , does that which has never yet been effected by any other means ; difference of clime or sect is unknown ; the certainty of good offices to a Brother in the hour of distress is equally awarded , whether he is a Mahometan , a
Jew , or a Christian ; for Masonry is a kind of telegraphic wire , by force of which we affect men by their predilections , disarming their prejudices , and becoming a bond of union which is never broken . Objections are started to Freemasonry by some , who fancy we are going to supplant Christianity ; if so , why are we here to-day % Undoubtedly , if Christianity were universal , there would be no need for such an institution as ours . We all know that the chief object of our Institution is charity—that great scheme which Christ came into the world to
establish . To the external world it might be said , the design-of Masonry was to keep out the knave and the fool ; for its entire system of teaching consists of powerful morality , universal virtue , enlarged charity , and comprehensive knowledge . With regard to what our predecessors have done for Christianity , look to all the great Christian temples , and see the marks of the Guilders Like the sun , Masonry gilds the horizon , and lights man ' s path through the shadows which error casts in his journeyings ; and if we choose to see the real issues of the types
in the highest Masonic orders , we should clearly perceive that they all point to Christianity as the only perfect remedy for a fallen world . Masons are exhorted to the practice of Christian love and Christian duty , and by the purity of their own lives to set an example to others . As a further illustration of Masonry being the assistant of Christianity , instead of ignoring it , we enforce the great truth of the impartial and unerring justice of the Most High , who , having defined the limits of good and evil , will reward or punish us as we have obeyed or disregarded
His law . . This involves the great points of man ' s personal responsibility , the resurrection , and a future state . Knowledge was the parent of Masonry . Let knowledge increase , but , above all , soul-knowledge , and we may in this crooked and perverse world walk as lights , and by acting thus , make Masonry a handmaid to Christianity until that perfect time appear when , in the Great Lodge above , we shall for ever witness , as well as experience , joy without remorse—purity spotless—hope passionless—intellect exhaustless—obedience faultless !
The Brethren , at the conclusion of Bivine Service , returned in the same order to the Lodge-room . The Grand Lodge being re-formed , the R . W . the G . M . proposed that the thanks of the Prov . Grand Lodge be given to the Vicar and Churchwardens for the use of the church , and also to the Rev . Bro . Owen for his very excellent sermon ; these votes being duly put , were carried unanimously . Bro . Harvey Boys then moved that the thanks of the Prov . Grand Lodge bo tendered to the Prov . Grand Master for his courteous conduct at all times , but
especially on the present occasion , which being seconded by the P . D . Prov . G . M ., was carried unanimously . The Prov . Grand Lodge was then duly closed with prayer , and the Brethren , at four o ' clock , in regular order , moved to the Bull Hotel , where the refreshments were spread in the saloon in the centre of the building , which , having a glass roof of considerable height and the gallery of the upper chambers of the Hotel running round it , was tastefully decorated with banners , evergreens and flowers ; and anionor the most attractive of the latter ornaments , were the beauties of Kent , a
county proverbial for lovely faces . BANQUET , which was laid out with commendable taste , was admirable , and the attendance most praiseworthy ; in fact , we cannot find words of eulogy sufficient for what is due to Bro . Landale , the W . M . of No . b 7 (> , and Bro . Bray , " tho landlord of the Hotel , for the arranoy . nients and general excellence of the feast . Grace having been said by Bro . Owen , and the cloth removed , The Prov . G . M . rose , and in proposing the health of her M " . ajeHty , alluded to her father and uncles' patronage of our institution , and the early princes of the land