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The Editor requests that all communications may be sent to him , at 74-5 , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-Inn Fields , by the 20 th of each month at latest , to insure their insertion .
To Coeeespondents.
" W . M ., " Lodge of Harmony . —The portrait of the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , M . W . G . M ., will be delivered to subscribers in the course of this month , vide Advertisement . " P . M . "—The new edition , long promised , of Dr . Oliver ' s '" Theocratic Philosophy of Freemasonry , " in twelve lectures , considerably enlarged , is now ready , and may be had of the publisher , Bro . R . Spencer . " T . Jenkins . "— - " The case" has been received , and shall be noticed fully next number .
" The Canada Question . "—We have reason to know that had the discussion been permitted by the G . M ., it was the intention of Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon to address Grand Lodge on the occasion . "S . A . / ' Hampstead , and "W . P . "—The lines on "Sympathy * shall be
inserted as soon as we can make room for them , as also those for a " Masonic Song . " Thanks for both . " C . L ., " Leeds . —The Essay on National Greatness is unavoidably postponed for a short time . cc Madeline" is informed that though there are no lodges of female Masons in
England , there is a large secret association extant in England and America consisting of women who have signs and tokens of mutual recognition , and which signs also attract to them the aid of Master Masons . They are called Daughters of Jericho , and were publicly alluded to by the Prov . Grand Chaplain for Surrey , in his speech at Dartford on Monday last . The rev . gentleman expressed his approbation of the society , and his willingness to initiate any Master Mason , who might initiate his female relatives .
" B * * *"—The Lodge having been opened in the three degrees , it is customary to resume them in the various degrees as circumstances may require , without going through the ceremony each time . Two candidates may be passed at the same time , but it would be better to take them separately until after the obligation . " Essex . "—The Prov . Grand Lodge was held on the 20 th , but press of matter necessitates the postponement of our report until next month . The whole of the proceedings were of the most satisfactory description .
" An old Friend . "—Bro . Coggin , late of the Freemason ' s Tavern , has taken the Eagle Tavern , Battersea Park , where he will be glad to see the Brethren when opportunity offers . " P . M . "—We see no objection , under the Book of Constitutions , to a Brother only recently joining tho Order and holding no rank in the Craft , being made
Prov . G . S . B . or Prov . G . Steward ; all that is laid down being that a Prov . G . W . must be the Master or Past Master of a Lodge , and the Prov . G . D . a Warden or Past Warden . The prerogative of appointing vested in the Prov . G . M ., ought not to he interfered with by the Lodges . If a G . M . or his deputy performs his duty , he can always ascertain what Brethren are best qualified for the different offices .
" A Lover of Fair-play . " —We exercise our best judgment in the selection of the information for publication ; and it would be impossible , in anything like a reasonable or even a readable space , to publish every local communication at full length—though we do our utmost to give satisfaction to all our correspondents and the Craft at large .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Editor requests that all communications may be sent to him , at 74-5 , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-Inn Fields , by the 20 th of each month at latest , to insure their insertion .
To Coeeespondents.
" W . M ., " Lodge of Harmony . —The portrait of the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , M . W . G . M ., will be delivered to subscribers in the course of this month , vide Advertisement . " P . M . "—The new edition , long promised , of Dr . Oliver ' s '" Theocratic Philosophy of Freemasonry , " in twelve lectures , considerably enlarged , is now ready , and may be had of the publisher , Bro . R . Spencer . " T . Jenkins . "— - " The case" has been received , and shall be noticed fully next number .
" The Canada Question . "—We have reason to know that had the discussion been permitted by the G . M ., it was the intention of Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon to address Grand Lodge on the occasion . "S . A . / ' Hampstead , and "W . P . "—The lines on "Sympathy * shall be
inserted as soon as we can make room for them , as also those for a " Masonic Song . " Thanks for both . " C . L ., " Leeds . —The Essay on National Greatness is unavoidably postponed for a short time . cc Madeline" is informed that though there are no lodges of female Masons in
England , there is a large secret association extant in England and America consisting of women who have signs and tokens of mutual recognition , and which signs also attract to them the aid of Master Masons . They are called Daughters of Jericho , and were publicly alluded to by the Prov . Grand Chaplain for Surrey , in his speech at Dartford on Monday last . The rev . gentleman expressed his approbation of the society , and his willingness to initiate any Master Mason , who might initiate his female relatives .
" B * * *"—The Lodge having been opened in the three degrees , it is customary to resume them in the various degrees as circumstances may require , without going through the ceremony each time . Two candidates may be passed at the same time , but it would be better to take them separately until after the obligation . " Essex . "—The Prov . Grand Lodge was held on the 20 th , but press of matter necessitates the postponement of our report until next month . The whole of the proceedings were of the most satisfactory description .
" An old Friend . "—Bro . Coggin , late of the Freemason ' s Tavern , has taken the Eagle Tavern , Battersea Park , where he will be glad to see the Brethren when opportunity offers . " P . M . "—We see no objection , under the Book of Constitutions , to a Brother only recently joining tho Order and holding no rank in the Craft , being made
Prov . G . S . B . or Prov . G . Steward ; all that is laid down being that a Prov . G . W . must be the Master or Past Master of a Lodge , and the Prov . G . D . a Warden or Past Warden . The prerogative of appointing vested in the Prov . G . M ., ought not to he interfered with by the Lodges . If a G . M . or his deputy performs his duty , he can always ascertain what Brethren are best qualified for the different offices .
" A Lover of Fair-play . " —We exercise our best judgment in the selection of the information for publication ; and it would be impossible , in anything like a reasonable or even a readable space , to publish every local communication at full length—though we do our utmost to give satisfaction to all our correspondents and the Craft at large .