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: v On . ; plause 1 ^—^^ - ^ ' v ' ^^^^ Brov Ari ^ a ^ brought forward hi Q-rand Lodge when the Lodges were hot meeting I Bro . I > obie said the phcuiars ^ w ; y- ; In ^ replyfe-B ro ^ Sro ^ 35 bbi ^ sa , id th %
der ^ d ^ hnhedessa ry i ' ... The clause was then ^ reed to . : ;¦ ¦ : .: " T ^ General Purposes , with instructions to carry it into efe The report as a whole was then agree P *^
the credit of the Fund of Bene vSlehee ^ oh the 2 lhd of May ,, was ^ 1 > 60 ^ . Ohi of thesi baliahces feere havebeen btoered to beinvested in the S per ^ ehts . £ 50 ^; for the Ben Idcbtiht , and € 500 for the General Purposes Ace that account £ 6 , S & d . Ordered to be entered on the minutes .
THE CH & KITY JEWEL * i yBro . ; Bev ^ ff That the resolution , con ^ Jewel , berescinded ^ serving the Stewardship of the Pestival of the Benevolent In Freemjisbns and their Widows , in addition to those of Charities , be entitled to wear a clasp on the ribbott by whidh thei Charity Medal is suspended -such clasp approved by the Board of Qeheral Phrhoses . ''
The Beverend Brother in support of his motion , said that he agreed that there ought to bei np distinction between the three charitie ^ j but the principle u ^ which that object was sought to be attained was faulty , and it would be well to rScbhsider it . The medal bore hpon the face of it the statement that the wearer had served—not the Annuity Fund , bu ^ posed to allow Brethren who had served the Annuity Fund as well as thei Boys ' and Girls' School , to wear a clasp to show that they had servedthe third charity . He admitted that this would oblige Brethren to serve the Boys' and Girls * School before they served the Annuity Fund , if they wanted to wear the medal . The forrri of the clasp would of course be determined by the M . W . the G . M
Bro . Hervey seconded the motion , and expressed a hope that it would be carried unanimously . b Bro . Henry G . Warren said : — -M . W . G . M ., before the question is put , t should like to say a few words . My resolution , which has been agreed to , proposes really to place the charities upon an equal footing ; but Bro . Portal ' s keeps up what I
have often complained of—it puts the Annuity Fund the third on the list . I shall therefore move an amendment in the following words : —" "'That the resolution relative to the Charity Jewel , approved by Grand Lodge in December , be rescinded , and that the M . W . the G . M . be respectfully requested to take into his consideration the propriety of granting some honorary badge for serving the office of Steward in support of the Benevolent Fund . "
Bro . Jones seconded the motion , and suggested that a General Charity Jewel should be worn by thosewho had served all three of the Institutions . r Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon said it was objected that the medal was given to those who served the Boys' and Girls' School , and that this placed the Annuity Fund in an inferior position ; but what was the remedy proposed by the amendment ? Why , it was that the Annuity Fund should have a Jewel of its own , while the Boys and Girls had only one between them . This was placing the Annuity Fund above both the Boys and the Girls . ( Hear , hear . )
The question was then put for rescinding the resolution of December , arid agreed to . The M . W . the G . M . said he would do his best to carry out the resolution ..
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
: v On . ; plause 1 ^—^^ - ^ ' v ' ^^^^ Brov Ari ^ a ^ brought forward hi Q-rand Lodge when the Lodges were hot meeting I Bro . I > obie said the phcuiars ^ w ; y- ; In ^ replyfe-B ro ^ Sro ^ 35 bbi ^ sa , id th %
der ^ d ^ hnhedessa ry i ' ... The clause was then ^ reed to . : ;¦ ¦ : .: " T ^ General Purposes , with instructions to carry it into efe The report as a whole was then agree P *^
the credit of the Fund of Bene vSlehee ^ oh the 2 lhd of May ,, was ^ 1 > 60 ^ . Ohi of thesi baliahces feere havebeen btoered to beinvested in the S per ^ ehts . £ 50 ^; for the Ben Idcbtiht , and € 500 for the General Purposes Ace that account £ 6 , S & d . Ordered to be entered on the minutes .
THE CH & KITY JEWEL * i yBro . ; Bev ^ ff That the resolution , con ^ Jewel , berescinded ^ serving the Stewardship of the Pestival of the Benevolent In Freemjisbns and their Widows , in addition to those of Charities , be entitled to wear a clasp on the ribbott by whidh thei Charity Medal is suspended -such clasp approved by the Board of Qeheral Phrhoses . ''
The Beverend Brother in support of his motion , said that he agreed that there ought to bei np distinction between the three charitie ^ j but the principle u ^ which that object was sought to be attained was faulty , and it would be well to rScbhsider it . The medal bore hpon the face of it the statement that the wearer had served—not the Annuity Fund , bu ^ posed to allow Brethren who had served the Annuity Fund as well as thei Boys ' and Girls' School , to wear a clasp to show that they had servedthe third charity . He admitted that this would oblige Brethren to serve the Boys' and Girls * School before they served the Annuity Fund , if they wanted to wear the medal . The forrri of the clasp would of course be determined by the M . W . the G . M
Bro . Hervey seconded the motion , and expressed a hope that it would be carried unanimously . b Bro . Henry G . Warren said : — -M . W . G . M ., before the question is put , t should like to say a few words . My resolution , which has been agreed to , proposes really to place the charities upon an equal footing ; but Bro . Portal ' s keeps up what I
have often complained of—it puts the Annuity Fund the third on the list . I shall therefore move an amendment in the following words : —" "'That the resolution relative to the Charity Jewel , approved by Grand Lodge in December , be rescinded , and that the M . W . the G . M . be respectfully requested to take into his consideration the propriety of granting some honorary badge for serving the office of Steward in support of the Benevolent Fund . "
Bro . Jones seconded the motion , and suggested that a General Charity Jewel should be worn by thosewho had served all three of the Institutions . r Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon said it was objected that the medal was given to those who served the Boys' and Girls' School , and that this placed the Annuity Fund in an inferior position ; but what was the remedy proposed by the amendment ? Why , it was that the Annuity Fund should have a Jewel of its own , while the Boys and Girls had only one between them . This was placing the Annuity Fund above both the Boys and the Girls . ( Hear , hear . )
The question was then put for rescinding the resolution of December , arid agreed to . The M . W . the G . M . said he would do his best to carry out the resolution ..