Article jilt^jK^feiS^KS ← Page 2 of 5 →
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Loro ^ was gone through ; ^ perforhie ^ by Bros ; P , manner that called forth great praise ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^^^^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^ ^ ^^^^ ^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^
LpbG ^ ^ ^ of the season was hejd on Thursday / itn of June , at R Wardj ther W ^ Chantler , Robihsph , Fishj and South gate , P . Ms . y and others . A ballot was taken forthe admission of Messrs : T tbose gentlemen , being in kttendah being gone through by the W . M . in a way that the more noticeable / as it was the first instance of bis having this duty to perform since his installation in April . Some Brethren were proposed for joining ,
and altogether the Lodge a ^ Brethren adjourned to baoquet , and an evening of tm most satisfactory season the Lodge has known . The visitors present were Bros . Caipenter , ^ PrbVi Gr ; I ) irv bf C proposing -Thp Officers , " w ^ and all / and Sr ^ , in response , assu red hi s chief that the' same ear nest desire to discharge ^ ^ their attention that evening was but an earnest of tlieir efforts for the future .
St . Andbew ' s L June 4 , when the W . M Degree . Other business was disposed of , v ^ hen the Lodge was closed , and the Brethren retired to an excellent supper . French Lodge , La Tolerance ( No . 784 ) . —The last monthly meeting of this Lodge was h eld at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday , June 2 , when Bro , Daley , to
P . M . of the Zetland Lodge , Kensihgtony most efficiently raised Bro ^ White the Sublime Degree of a M . M . At the conclusion of the ceremony the Lodge was duly closed , and the Brethren retired to a substantial supper , provided in good style , presided over by the W . M ., Bro . Gratia , who was also supported by Bro . Dr . Caplin , the founder of the Lodge . Bro . Waite , of St . Luke ' s Lodge , was among the visitors .
Polish National Lodge ( No . 778 ) . — On Thursday , June 11 , a very large gathering of this highly popular Lodge was held at the Freemasons ' Tavern , Bro . E . Johnstone , W . M . ' , in the chair , who , in an efficient manner , initiated Bro . Robert Metcalfe into the secrets of the Order ( previous to his departure for New Zealand ) , at the conclusion of which some further business was transacted , and the W . M . having vacated the chair , Bro . P . M . Louis Lemanski proceeded to install the S . W ., Bro . Horatio Samuel , W . M . for the year ensuing . The ceremony was most beautifully performed , and reflected the highest credit upon this
excellent and worthy Brother , who is the Treasurer to the Lodge . The installation brought to a close , the new W . M , invested the following Brethren with the collars of their respective offices ; viz ., Bros . Yiscount Raynbam , M . P ., S . W . ; Punchaud , J . W . ; " Arnold , S . D . ; Levinger , J . J > . ; St . Clare , I . Gr . ; J . Beckett , Tyler . Bros . C , Hooper , No . 169 , and Owen Bowen , No . 32 , were unanimously elected joining members . The report from the Audit Committee was also tendered . The whole of the business being over , the
Lodge was closed , and the Brethren retired to the Great Hall , where a dinner , including every delicacy of the season , was provided . The tables were graced with rich costly plate and magnificent vases of flowers . The W . M . presided , supported by about 100 Brethren from various Lodges in the metropolis and country ; amongst whom we observed Bro . the ftev . Dr . Bowles , Prov . G . M . for Hereford , accompanied by his deputy , Bros , Westmacott , F . Roxburgh , S . G . D . ; J . Biggs , P . G . S . B . ; Brandon , P . M . No , 23 ; Bottesini , No . 4 ; Montemerli , No . 4 j Dr . Piplock , No . 4 ; George Genge , No . 30 ; Ganz , & c
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Loro ^ was gone through ; ^ perforhie ^ by Bros ; P , manner that called forth great praise ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^^^^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^ ^ ^^^^ ^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^
LpbG ^ ^ ^ of the season was hejd on Thursday / itn of June , at R Wardj ther W ^ Chantler , Robihsph , Fishj and South gate , P . Ms . y and others . A ballot was taken forthe admission of Messrs : T tbose gentlemen , being in kttendah being gone through by the W . M . in a way that the more noticeable / as it was the first instance of bis having this duty to perform since his installation in April . Some Brethren were proposed for joining ,
and altogether the Lodge a ^ Brethren adjourned to baoquet , and an evening of tm most satisfactory season the Lodge has known . The visitors present were Bros . Caipenter , ^ PrbVi Gr ; I ) irv bf C proposing -Thp Officers , " w ^ and all / and Sr ^ , in response , assu red hi s chief that the' same ear nest desire to discharge ^ ^ their attention that evening was but an earnest of tlieir efforts for the future .
St . Andbew ' s L June 4 , when the W . M Degree . Other business was disposed of , v ^ hen the Lodge was closed , and the Brethren retired to an excellent supper . French Lodge , La Tolerance ( No . 784 ) . —The last monthly meeting of this Lodge was h eld at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday , June 2 , when Bro , Daley , to
P . M . of the Zetland Lodge , Kensihgtony most efficiently raised Bro ^ White the Sublime Degree of a M . M . At the conclusion of the ceremony the Lodge was duly closed , and the Brethren retired to a substantial supper , provided in good style , presided over by the W . M ., Bro . Gratia , who was also supported by Bro . Dr . Caplin , the founder of the Lodge . Bro . Waite , of St . Luke ' s Lodge , was among the visitors .
Polish National Lodge ( No . 778 ) . — On Thursday , June 11 , a very large gathering of this highly popular Lodge was held at the Freemasons ' Tavern , Bro . E . Johnstone , W . M . ' , in the chair , who , in an efficient manner , initiated Bro . Robert Metcalfe into the secrets of the Order ( previous to his departure for New Zealand ) , at the conclusion of which some further business was transacted , and the W . M . having vacated the chair , Bro . P . M . Louis Lemanski proceeded to install the S . W ., Bro . Horatio Samuel , W . M . for the year ensuing . The ceremony was most beautifully performed , and reflected the highest credit upon this
excellent and worthy Brother , who is the Treasurer to the Lodge . The installation brought to a close , the new W . M , invested the following Brethren with the collars of their respective offices ; viz ., Bros . Yiscount Raynbam , M . P ., S . W . ; Punchaud , J . W . ; " Arnold , S . D . ; Levinger , J . J > . ; St . Clare , I . Gr . ; J . Beckett , Tyler . Bros . C , Hooper , No . 169 , and Owen Bowen , No . 32 , were unanimously elected joining members . The report from the Audit Committee was also tendered . The whole of the business being over , the
Lodge was closed , and the Brethren retired to the Great Hall , where a dinner , including every delicacy of the season , was provided . The tables were graced with rich costly plate and magnificent vases of flowers . The W . M . presided , supported by about 100 Brethren from various Lodges in the metropolis and country ; amongst whom we observed Bro . the ftev . Dr . Bowles , Prov . G . M . for Hereford , accompanied by his deputy , Bros , Westmacott , F . Roxburgh , S . G . D . ; J . Biggs , P . G . S . B . ; Brandon , P . M . No , 23 ; Bottesini , No . 4 ; Montemerli , No . 4 j Dr . Piplock , No . 4 ; George Genge , No . 30 ; Ganz , & c