Article PROVINCIAL ← Page 4 of 13 →
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TheProv ^ < to ; liandiw <^ i " The procession was ^ ^^ Lodge in the same order as before .
Upon the proposition of the Prov . G . ^ ec ., Bro . penis Moore , a sumof £ 5 was unanimously yote ^^ ^^ deceased Mason > whose case was well known to many Brethren present . - ;' % TiiS Lodge was afterwards c ^ the Brethren adjourned to
^ vMchftfcopk place in th ^ U nion H ample dimensions , elegantly decorated with flowers , arid ehibellishe ^ ^ of the Prov . G . M ., the P . Prov . G , M ^ and of the various L Brethren stood ranged on each side of several long tables ^ dressed in the various badges und jewel $ of t ^ magnificent appearance . The pragoon pan & w
The B ; Prov . G . M P . Prov / G . JiW . and Prov . G ; Secretary ; Bev ; J £ . ; . F . BMngton , Chaplain of the Bri ^ hani Lodge ; Bro . Dix , Prov . G . Swordbearer ; Gapk Russell , P . Prov . & peacdn ; Jenkin Thomas , Prov . G . Superintendent of Works ; : '¦/¦¦ ¦>'¦ Pollard , P . Prov ; G . treasurer ; G . J "; Laidmah , Prov . G . pir . of per ; ; J . Killing lej ^ Prov . Gn Asst . pir . GW PM | . . Turner , .. ; and on the left hand , by Bros ; the Bev . W . 4 & Hadow , Jf . 4 ,, Prov . Gv
Ch % ) laiu ; B Bucknill , P . Prov . Gv Supt . of Works , porset ; L . Tripe , P , Prov . G * Deacon ; —7- Collins , Prov . G . Registrar ^ Wiltshire ; P . T ^ fordshire , and W . M . of the Toro ^ iay Lodge ; Pr . Bla ^ Appletoii ( the architect ) , J . W ; of the Torquay Lodge ; Gv W . Webber , P . Mt , and S . Cash p . G . Stewards ; J ^ ^ ^ ^^ S Bros . Col . Morris , Prov . S . W ., and Capt . Woods , Prov . J . W ., discharged the duties of Vice-Presidents .
On the removal of the cloth , The "R . W . D . Prov . G . M . called upon the Brethren to drink with all due honours the health of " The Queen , " whom no man , he was quite certain , honoured more than the " free and accepted Mason / ' ( Cheers . ) The toast was drunk with much enthusiasm ; the band following the cheering with the ^ National Anthem . " Prince Albert , Prince of Wales , and the rest of the Boyal Family " having been drunk ,
The K . W . Chairman , in proposing " The Army and Navy , " observed that , independently of its claims upon their good feeling and patriotism , arising out of the brilliant deeds of both branches of her Majesty ' s service during the late war , the toast was one of peculiar interest to . Freemasons , when they recollected the great number of members of their Craft who were officially attached to the Army and Navy . Many honourable and distinguished Masons , whose names he could enumerate , were thus situated ; and he asked them , therefore , to give a toastsalways demanding their enthusiasm as Englishmen—a warm and hearty reception . ( Cheers . )
Bro . Colonel Morris , Prov . G . S . W ., returned thanks on behalf of the army . He was fully sensible of the cordiality with which the nation had acknowledged its services to their country ; and he rejoiced to say that Freemasonry was ih nowise dishonoured by that department of her Majesty ' s forces . ( Hear , hear . ) During the late war in the Crimea , many a gallant fellow had , in the intervals of that struggle , for the first time seen the light of true Freemasonry , and often was
the Master ' s order stayed , and the stroke of the gavil interrupted , by the roar of cannon . Balaclava had a Lodge of its own , and many a brave Brother was suddenly summoned from his labour there to attend in the Grand Lodge above . Masonry even during that sanguinary struggle was not neglected . Bro . Lieut . Phipps , of Chichester , responded for the Navy . YOL . III . 4 D
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TheProv ^ < to ; liandiw <^ i " The procession was ^ ^^ Lodge in the same order as before .
Upon the proposition of the Prov . G . ^ ec ., Bro . penis Moore , a sumof £ 5 was unanimously yote ^^ ^^ deceased Mason > whose case was well known to many Brethren present . - ;' % TiiS Lodge was afterwards c ^ the Brethren adjourned to
^ vMchftfcopk place in th ^ U nion H ample dimensions , elegantly decorated with flowers , arid ehibellishe ^ ^ of the Prov . G . M ., the P . Prov . G , M ^ and of the various L Brethren stood ranged on each side of several long tables ^ dressed in the various badges und jewel $ of t ^ magnificent appearance . The pragoon pan & w
The B ; Prov . G . M P . Prov / G . JiW . and Prov . G ; Secretary ; Bev ; J £ . ; . F . BMngton , Chaplain of the Bri ^ hani Lodge ; Bro . Dix , Prov . G . Swordbearer ; Gapk Russell , P . Prov . & peacdn ; Jenkin Thomas , Prov . G . Superintendent of Works ; : '¦/¦¦ ¦>'¦ Pollard , P . Prov ; G . treasurer ; G . J "; Laidmah , Prov . G . pir . of per ; ; J . Killing lej ^ Prov . Gn Asst . pir . GW PM | . . Turner , .. ; and on the left hand , by Bros ; the Bev . W . 4 & Hadow , Jf . 4 ,, Prov . Gv
Ch % ) laiu ; B Bucknill , P . Prov . Gv Supt . of Works , porset ; L . Tripe , P , Prov . G * Deacon ; —7- Collins , Prov . G . Registrar ^ Wiltshire ; P . T ^ fordshire , and W . M . of the Toro ^ iay Lodge ; Pr . Bla ^ Appletoii ( the architect ) , J . W ; of the Torquay Lodge ; Gv W . Webber , P . Mt , and S . Cash p . G . Stewards ; J ^ ^ ^ ^^ S Bros . Col . Morris , Prov . S . W ., and Capt . Woods , Prov . J . W ., discharged the duties of Vice-Presidents .
On the removal of the cloth , The "R . W . D . Prov . G . M . called upon the Brethren to drink with all due honours the health of " The Queen , " whom no man , he was quite certain , honoured more than the " free and accepted Mason / ' ( Cheers . ) The toast was drunk with much enthusiasm ; the band following the cheering with the ^ National Anthem . " Prince Albert , Prince of Wales , and the rest of the Boyal Family " having been drunk ,
The K . W . Chairman , in proposing " The Army and Navy , " observed that , independently of its claims upon their good feeling and patriotism , arising out of the brilliant deeds of both branches of her Majesty ' s service during the late war , the toast was one of peculiar interest to . Freemasons , when they recollected the great number of members of their Craft who were officially attached to the Army and Navy . Many honourable and distinguished Masons , whose names he could enumerate , were thus situated ; and he asked them , therefore , to give a toastsalways demanding their enthusiasm as Englishmen—a warm and hearty reception . ( Cheers . )
Bro . Colonel Morris , Prov . G . S . W ., returned thanks on behalf of the army . He was fully sensible of the cordiality with which the nation had acknowledged its services to their country ; and he rejoiced to say that Freemasonry was ih nowise dishonoured by that department of her Majesty ' s forces . ( Hear , hear . ) During the late war in the Crimea , many a gallant fellow had , in the intervals of that struggle , for the first time seen the light of true Freemasonry , and often was
the Master ' s order stayed , and the stroke of the gavil interrupted , by the roar of cannon . Balaclava had a Lodge of its own , and many a brave Brother was suddenly summoned from his labour there to attend in the Grand Lodge above . Masonry even during that sanguinary struggle was not neglected . Bro . Lieut . Phipps , of Chichester , responded for the Navy . YOL . III . 4 D