Article ' ;- - : : :i:' : ^ ← Page 6 of 17 →
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' ;- - : : :I:' : ^
¦ £ ; ¥ ¦ ¦ : "'¦' : ¦ ; : 7-7 :: " .: ' J , * ' ? . / ' " " v ' r ' v 7 ' . 7 ^ ; ¦ ¦ " ' 777 / ¦" ' "¦¦ : ¦ ^ 7 / V ' - " " ^? - ' r : /\ when listening to the elpo ^ ent discO $ ?^ er ^ might indeed be regarded asf 0 tt ^; o £ rt ] tqsehumanizing influences of life whmh rendered it ^ vvitri his M its Twatchword was charity , it appeared to him in ffie attn froth his brow and diamonds froth hisTwihgs . (^ called upon Tth ^ m all to drink with him —Health and long lifo BrOv ^ GM ^ ^
The B ^^ ^ that if it pleased the G . A . G . T . p ^ to spar ^ the next grand festival Tat Maidstone , and he trusted that on that occasion : 'Breeniasphry would be ashereditably illustrated as ^ rnehts of the Brethren of * ffie Cahter ^ u ^^ This had certai nly ifeehone of Ijhef most successful celebratio the office of Prov , G . M ., an d he trusted the ineefi ng at M-aidstone next J year
would not be inferior . ( Cheers . ) Que of the great prihoiples 76 f : ^ ' ^ 0 ^ 0 ^ that its duties should be performed ^ <^ cers . No ^ I > . Proy : G . M * ., "who had ^ ^ did all the work himself He w being supported by inost excelleht Grand Gffice rs , ahd he sh 0 uld 7 therefore ask them to drink to fhe health of ffi Bisgobd * who he hoped mi ^ t enjoy a long and happy ^^ U
Bro ; Ksgood said there wa sincere thanlcs for the kindnes the Brethren of Kent , whenever he had had the honour ^^ t G . M ; had told them he did nothing ; and he could assurei theni he wishedtl | e Qpife ; ivould give him a littleto do . j tp support the Fro G * M ; T ^ nd ^ as $ ist > hi ^ with Lis suggestions in th e ^ performance of his duties . Perhaps the G . M ; might call that nothing , because he did hot require any suggestions from him , ( Laughter . ) I £ however , he should at any time obtain the opportunity , he would show them how well he could perform the
duties of the chair ¦;¦ arid it was his most fervent hope that he might have to preside over them at Maidstone next year , in consequence of his friend the VB . WV Prov . G . M . haying been honoured with the discharge of other and higher dutm in ^ the State by Her Majesty ' s Govbrnmenti ( Cheers . ) The B . W . G . M . then gave " Bro . Ashley > P . Prov . D . G . M ., and the rest of the P . Prov . G . / ' officers ' . " They could not be too grateful for past benefits , and at no time had there been a Brother to whom they were more deeply indebted for his services . He had held the office of D . Prov . G . M . for thirteen or fourteen years , wjth equal advantage to the Craft and honour to himself . ( Cheers . )
Bro . Ashley returned thanks . He lamented that Past G . Officers paid the G . M . so poor a compliment as not to attend in greater numbers whenever the Grand Lodge was . held . That was in fact their duty , and they ought not to accept the honours of office without they intended to perform its duties . ( Cheers . ) The B . W . Prov . G . M . then proposed the health of their excellent Brother , the Prov . G . Chaplain , to whom they were so deeply indebted for his eloquent and truly Masonic sermon . He only regretted he was not in a position to do so , or he should have great pleasure in making Bro . Kingsford a bishop . ( Cheers and laughter . )
Bro . the Bev . M . Kingsford briefly responded , assuring the company that , as a member of Lodge No . 34 , he was always happy to meet them , and that he was deeply grateful to the B . W Prov . G . M . for having raised him . to the dignity of Prov . G . Chap . He was as yet but an humble curate ; but whatever position he might hereafter hold , he should never forget the kindness he had received from their hands . The G . M . said the next toast was one which he really ought to call the toast of the evening— -he meant " The health of the Brethren whose hospitality they were then enjoying—the W . M . and Brethren of the Canterbury Lodge . " ( Loud cheers . ) It was nearly fifty years since a Grand Lodge had been held in that ancient city .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
' ;- - : : :I:' : ^
¦ £ ; ¥ ¦ ¦ : "'¦' : ¦ ; : 7-7 :: " .: ' J , * ' ? . / ' " " v ' r ' v 7 ' . 7 ^ ; ¦ ¦ " ' 777 / ¦" ' "¦¦ : ¦ ^ 7 / V ' - " " ^? - ' r : /\ when listening to the elpo ^ ent discO $ ?^ er ^ might indeed be regarded asf 0 tt ^; o £ rt ] tqsehumanizing influences of life whmh rendered it ^ vvitri his M its Twatchword was charity , it appeared to him in ffie attn froth his brow and diamonds froth hisTwihgs . (^ called upon Tth ^ m all to drink with him —Health and long lifo BrOv ^ GM ^ ^
The B ^^ ^ that if it pleased the G . A . G . T . p ^ to spar ^ the next grand festival Tat Maidstone , and he trusted that on that occasion : 'Breeniasphry would be ashereditably illustrated as ^ rnehts of the Brethren of * ffie Cahter ^ u ^^ This had certai nly ifeehone of Ijhef most successful celebratio the office of Prov , G . M ., an d he trusted the ineefi ng at M-aidstone next J year
would not be inferior . ( Cheers . ) Que of the great prihoiples 76 f : ^ ' ^ 0 ^ 0 ^ that its duties should be performed ^ <^ cers . No ^ I > . Proy : G . M * ., "who had ^ ^ did all the work himself He w being supported by inost excelleht Grand Gffice rs , ahd he sh 0 uld 7 therefore ask them to drink to fhe health of ffi Bisgobd * who he hoped mi ^ t enjoy a long and happy ^^ U
Bro ; Ksgood said there wa sincere thanlcs for the kindnes the Brethren of Kent , whenever he had had the honour ^^ t G . M ; had told them he did nothing ; and he could assurei theni he wishedtl | e Qpife ; ivould give him a littleto do . j tp support the Fro G * M ; T ^ nd ^ as $ ist > hi ^ with Lis suggestions in th e ^ performance of his duties . Perhaps the G . M ; might call that nothing , because he did hot require any suggestions from him , ( Laughter . ) I £ however , he should at any time obtain the opportunity , he would show them how well he could perform the
duties of the chair ¦;¦ arid it was his most fervent hope that he might have to preside over them at Maidstone next year , in consequence of his friend the VB . WV Prov . G . M . haying been honoured with the discharge of other and higher dutm in ^ the State by Her Majesty ' s Govbrnmenti ( Cheers . ) The B . W . G . M . then gave " Bro . Ashley > P . Prov . D . G . M ., and the rest of the P . Prov . G . / ' officers ' . " They could not be too grateful for past benefits , and at no time had there been a Brother to whom they were more deeply indebted for his services . He had held the office of D . Prov . G . M . for thirteen or fourteen years , wjth equal advantage to the Craft and honour to himself . ( Cheers . )
Bro . Ashley returned thanks . He lamented that Past G . Officers paid the G . M . so poor a compliment as not to attend in greater numbers whenever the Grand Lodge was . held . That was in fact their duty , and they ought not to accept the honours of office without they intended to perform its duties . ( Cheers . ) The B . W . Prov . G . M . then proposed the health of their excellent Brother , the Prov . G . Chaplain , to whom they were so deeply indebted for his eloquent and truly Masonic sermon . He only regretted he was not in a position to do so , or he should have great pleasure in making Bro . Kingsford a bishop . ( Cheers and laughter . )
Bro . the Bev . M . Kingsford briefly responded , assuring the company that , as a member of Lodge No . 34 , he was always happy to meet them , and that he was deeply grateful to the B . W Prov . G . M . for having raised him . to the dignity of Prov . G . Chap . He was as yet but an humble curate ; but whatever position he might hereafter hold , he should never forget the kindness he had received from their hands . The G . M . said the next toast was one which he really ought to call the toast of the evening— -he meant " The health of the Brethren whose hospitality they were then enjoying—the W . M . and Brethren of the Canterbury Lodge . " ( Loud cheers . ) It was nearly fifty years since a Grand Lodge had been held in that ancient city .