Article ' ;- - : : :i:' : ^ ← Page 8 of 17 →
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having taken $ e chai ^ ( $ Ib ^ u e ^ spleniid banquet ; |*^ ^ MyBro . Lan ^ vices , coupled with the flourishing state of the Lodge , during his yearof office ; Tliis Lo 4 g ; e ; ^ ' e & if i ^
Sand ^ of this Lodge was hold the Dulse of York Btotel , on Tuesday , the 9 th of June , for the purpose of opening the Lodge and ^ m future government . Bros fihilhps M ^^ ^ ethr ^ n of the Prince ^ E
Nb . 818 , Folkestone , were in a ^ usual business was of the Craft who had been proposed were unanimously elected . Srom the circumstance of the Lodge being uhd ^ Bro * " &• B ; Wilson ) w ^^^ m Cooper oh the e v ^ nt , as it cannot fail to become one of the best-eondueted and best-working Lodges in the province and an ornament to the ^^ G
yr : y : y ; On Wednesday ^ June 3 roly a Quarterly CpmmunicatiOn of this Provincial Grand Lodge wasi held at the Masonic Hall , Bell Hotel , Leicester , fe Bro * JCelly , in the chai W who read O ^ pr ^ sing his Lordship ' s regret that he was unable to leave town to ato ^ mating . Between twenty and thirty members were present .
^ report was presented by a committee appointed at the last Provincial Grand Lodge accompanving and recommending for adoption ^ Province ) which had been previously approved by the Prov . G . M . The proposed laws , haying been read seriatim , were unanimously adopted , after some discussion , and were ordered to be printed and distributed among the meiubers . Among the laws are two which we think mighfc be profi tably adopted in other Provinces ; viz ., " That the W * M . of every Lodge in the iProvince shallj at the cost of the Lodge , furnish to every present and future member a copy of the ¦
latest edition of the . ' Book of Constitutions ;'" and " That at three of the Quarterly Communications members of all the Lodges in the Province shall work some portion bf the Lectures of the Grder , and original Lectures on the History or Symbols of the Grder may also be delivered under the sanction of the Prov . G . M . or bis Deputy ; " thus insuring a uniformity of working in the Province , and affording a means of imparting intellectual instructions in Masonry to the Craft , for which there is seldom opportunity at the regular meetings of private Lodges .
The fourth Quarterly Communication , at which the annual appointment of Officers will take place and the ordinary business of the Province be transacted , is fixed for the month of Gctober . Leicestee . —Jo 7 m of Oaunt Lodge ( No . 766 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday , May 28 th , when Bro . Bithrey was passed to the 2 nd Degree , and Bros . Beattie and Barnard Lee raised to the Sublime Degree
Of M . M . A ballot was taken for Bro . J . B . Sowtee , as a joining member , who was duly elected , and Bro . W . Napier Beeve was also proposed to join the Lodge . This being the period for the choice of W , M . for the ensuing year , the ballot took place , and resulted in the unanimous election of the S . W ., Bro . George Bankart , who was absent on his wedding tour . This Lodge is in a very flourishing state , and has had a large accession of valuable members under the efficient rule of the present W . M ., Bro William Milliqan , who has performed the various
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
' ;- - : : :I:' : ^
having taken $ e chai ^ ( $ Ib ^ u e ^ spleniid banquet ; |*^ ^ MyBro . Lan ^ vices , coupled with the flourishing state of the Lodge , during his yearof office ; Tliis Lo 4 g ; e ; ^ ' e & if i ^
Sand ^ of this Lodge was hold the Dulse of York Btotel , on Tuesday , the 9 th of June , for the purpose of opening the Lodge and ^ m future government . Bros fihilhps M ^^ ^ ethr ^ n of the Prince ^ E
Nb . 818 , Folkestone , were in a ^ usual business was of the Craft who had been proposed were unanimously elected . Srom the circumstance of the Lodge being uhd ^ Bro * " &• B ; Wilson ) w ^^^ m Cooper oh the e v ^ nt , as it cannot fail to become one of the best-eondueted and best-working Lodges in the province and an ornament to the ^^ G
yr : y : y ; On Wednesday ^ June 3 roly a Quarterly CpmmunicatiOn of this Provincial Grand Lodge wasi held at the Masonic Hall , Bell Hotel , Leicester , fe Bro * JCelly , in the chai W who read O ^ pr ^ sing his Lordship ' s regret that he was unable to leave town to ato ^ mating . Between twenty and thirty members were present .
^ report was presented by a committee appointed at the last Provincial Grand Lodge accompanving and recommending for adoption ^ Province ) which had been previously approved by the Prov . G . M . The proposed laws , haying been read seriatim , were unanimously adopted , after some discussion , and were ordered to be printed and distributed among the meiubers . Among the laws are two which we think mighfc be profi tably adopted in other Provinces ; viz ., " That the W * M . of every Lodge in the iProvince shallj at the cost of the Lodge , furnish to every present and future member a copy of the ¦
latest edition of the . ' Book of Constitutions ;'" and " That at three of the Quarterly Communications members of all the Lodges in the Province shall work some portion bf the Lectures of the Grder , and original Lectures on the History or Symbols of the Grder may also be delivered under the sanction of the Prov . G . M . or bis Deputy ; " thus insuring a uniformity of working in the Province , and affording a means of imparting intellectual instructions in Masonry to the Craft , for which there is seldom opportunity at the regular meetings of private Lodges .
The fourth Quarterly Communication , at which the annual appointment of Officers will take place and the ordinary business of the Province be transacted , is fixed for the month of Gctober . Leicestee . —Jo 7 m of Oaunt Lodge ( No . 766 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday , May 28 th , when Bro . Bithrey was passed to the 2 nd Degree , and Bros . Beattie and Barnard Lee raised to the Sublime Degree
Of M . M . A ballot was taken for Bro . J . B . Sowtee , as a joining member , who was duly elected , and Bro . W . Napier Beeve was also proposed to join the Lodge . This being the period for the choice of W , M . for the ensuing year , the ballot took place , and resulted in the unanimous election of the S . W ., Bro . George Bankart , who was absent on his wedding tour . This Lodge is in a very flourishing state , and has had a large accession of valuable members under the efficient rule of the present W . M ., Bro William Milliqan , who has performed the various