Article ' ;- - : : :i:' : ^ ← Page 14 of 17 →
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auji glory Of th ^ arispiciou ^ y cbm ^ ; - ^ V ^ . / :: ^ -: ' ^ Lady Emily Fble ^ Vicarv and Church wardens of Great Maiyern the con veyabce from the late Lady Lambert and myself of the Mte for the proposed scW fltphe has just been laid , I b ^
Charles Morris , Bs ( j M ^ Mrvi M ^ aie also due to the Bev . G ^ and perseyerahce in bringing this undertaking so Mr to a prosperous issue ; and I thahk mo ^ t cordially all those wh ^ h ^ ta this good object > asi well as the Oom otherinstrurhehtspr ^ me for th e ( performsmce of the ceremony , ahdforail in
the trouble they h ^ ve taken the a ^ Worcestershire ^ 1 ^ have had the kindness to for the honour which they have conferred oh the proceedings by giving the sanction of M ^ r pre seh have kindly rehdere ( l in tiie Almighty will bless this work through Jesus Christy to H ^ both spiritual and tempo schbols . '
Theprov ; G . M . > a irn possible to over-estimate the- importance of this day ' scereinony . ^ Wh en men build schools ^ the most far-sighted cannot see th which the la-bohrer , & few instances lead to results we may not like to contemplate >¦;; but in ; thegreat majority of instances the result is most encouraging ; H prornote thetrue design and prosperity of t ^
Heaven , whieh ^ we have this day invoked on Our undertakings Th is has been ht > common day with me > beginning and ending merely with the usual ceremonies of life ., ; no greater honour could have been conferred upon myself and those other members of the noble Order over which T rule in this province ^ than that of being intrusted with the laying of this ^ fo ^^ ably enhanced that honour is the kind and courteous terms in which my ofier of ^ ssistanco w ? is accepted / One of the great prin ciples of our Order is ¦ ' to do good
to all men , V and surely we have to-day assisted in one of the noblest and greatest works of man , in making preparation for the education of the child . By education I do not mean merely reading and writing , for these are only instruments of education , and may be used against it , but I mean that sound religious arid moral training based on the volume of God ' s word , which will enable the child to grow up into the man of good sound principles , wherewith to meet the sneers and scoffs of the sceptic and the infidel . That the children of this parish are well trained
up in these principles who can doubt ? Who can question this , looking at the antecedents of our beloved vicar ? Who amongst us but must feel assured of this , seeing his staff of well-tried " , zealous , and efficient curates , and such able and willing teachers ? We may also feel satisfied that ' common things' will not be overlooked ; that the girls will be taught something more profitable than working crochet , making lace collars and edging ; that they will know how to cut out ,
make , and wash their fathers' and brothers' smockfrocks , and darn their stockings . ay , and not be too proud to do it . That the boys will be taught something more adapted to ordinary capacities than crossing the Asses ' Bridge , and taking a sight of the moon when they ought to be taking their rest . I trust they will be able to plant potatoes , sow pease and beans , in the soil most suited to their culture , to fibrow up a ridge at such an angle as that the ridge and furrow shall have an
equal amount of sun and air , and that they will be taught practically that knowledge of common things best adapted to thteir future stations in life . And now , haying trespassed so long on your patience , I will detain you but little longer ; but I feel sure you would consider it an omission on my part did I not saya word or two to our kind patroness , Lady Emily Foley . May you , my lady , long be spared to add to those acts < of philanthropy and charity for which you have ever been justly
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
' ;- - : : :I:' : ^
auji glory Of th ^ arispiciou ^ y cbm ^ ; - ^ V ^ . / :: ^ -: ' ^ Lady Emily Fble ^ Vicarv and Church wardens of Great Maiyern the con veyabce from the late Lady Lambert and myself of the Mte for the proposed scW fltphe has just been laid , I b ^
Charles Morris , Bs ( j M ^ Mrvi M ^ aie also due to the Bev . G ^ and perseyerahce in bringing this undertaking so Mr to a prosperous issue ; and I thahk mo ^ t cordially all those wh ^ h ^ ta this good object > asi well as the Oom otherinstrurhehtspr ^ me for th e ( performsmce of the ceremony , ahdforail in
the trouble they h ^ ve taken the a ^ Worcestershire ^ 1 ^ have had the kindness to for the honour which they have conferred oh the proceedings by giving the sanction of M ^ r pre seh have kindly rehdere ( l in tiie Almighty will bless this work through Jesus Christy to H ^ both spiritual and tempo schbols . '
Theprov ; G . M . > a irn possible to over-estimate the- importance of this day ' scereinony . ^ Wh en men build schools ^ the most far-sighted cannot see th which the la-bohrer , & few instances lead to results we may not like to contemplate >¦;; but in ; thegreat majority of instances the result is most encouraging ; H prornote thetrue design and prosperity of t ^
Heaven , whieh ^ we have this day invoked on Our undertakings Th is has been ht > common day with me > beginning and ending merely with the usual ceremonies of life ., ; no greater honour could have been conferred upon myself and those other members of the noble Order over which T rule in this province ^ than that of being intrusted with the laying of this ^ fo ^^ ably enhanced that honour is the kind and courteous terms in which my ofier of ^ ssistanco w ? is accepted / One of the great prin ciples of our Order is ¦ ' to do good
to all men , V and surely we have to-day assisted in one of the noblest and greatest works of man , in making preparation for the education of the child . By education I do not mean merely reading and writing , for these are only instruments of education , and may be used against it , but I mean that sound religious arid moral training based on the volume of God ' s word , which will enable the child to grow up into the man of good sound principles , wherewith to meet the sneers and scoffs of the sceptic and the infidel . That the children of this parish are well trained
up in these principles who can doubt ? Who can question this , looking at the antecedents of our beloved vicar ? Who amongst us but must feel assured of this , seeing his staff of well-tried " , zealous , and efficient curates , and such able and willing teachers ? We may also feel satisfied that ' common things' will not be overlooked ; that the girls will be taught something more profitable than working crochet , making lace collars and edging ; that they will know how to cut out ,
make , and wash their fathers' and brothers' smockfrocks , and darn their stockings . ay , and not be too proud to do it . That the boys will be taught something more adapted to ordinary capacities than crossing the Asses ' Bridge , and taking a sight of the moon when they ought to be taking their rest . I trust they will be able to plant potatoes , sow pease and beans , in the soil most suited to their culture , to fibrow up a ridge at such an angle as that the ridge and furrow shall have an
equal amount of sun and air , and that they will be taught practically that knowledge of common things best adapted to thteir future stations in life . And now , haying trespassed so long on your patience , I will detain you but little longer ; but I feel sure you would consider it an omission on my part did I not saya word or two to our kind patroness , Lady Emily Foley . May you , my lady , long be spared to add to those acts < of philanthropy and charity for which you have ever been justly