Article ' ;- - : : :i:' : ^ ← Page 15 of 17 →
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celebrated , & n < i v ey ^ r c ^ ntin ^ e tb receiye , as queefi of Malyerh , the true ^ ani unit ^ allegiance of y ^ ant town * N ^ ro ^ her of the G provincial Gr ^ d Lod ge * w ^
occasion we have dey ^ the ^ oramenoement of a f uri d for the re pairs of this school , i n # hich I trust niany aMasoh hiay be educated ^ r eonjinueyom : works of useful of wiinessihg the fulfilmbnt Of that gracious promisO , ' Train up a child in the wiiy he should go , and when ^^
jBtrO . Fisk , ^ said that th ^ would give him ^^ that Was positively the happiest day of * his relation with the parish ; | or not pnly did h < eftiel that he ha % ttiihgy but he f e ^ eyei * there had existed the slightest ^ ended ; all variance had me that day by their M
of that day w > s a lab ^ when Malverm having becohie a large ahd populous nlace , otheir labours of thesame kind would be required ; a ^ he wanting ; but that it might please Go labours * so that that parish might never perish for lack of k ^ entirely agreed with the Pro v ^ G * My in regard to the necessity of rendering Chris tian education for
daughters of the ^ Op letrainM up in a practical wiiich they were to be surrounded in actual life . He would have the daughters of even the comparatively wealthy and even to scour a room , that they might be the better able to appreciate the condition of those beneaththem in rank . Bro . Bisk next referred to the cheque for £ 20 just handed to himby the Brov . G JVL > and he esteemed the gift not only as a contribution / to the funds / but a token of the estimation in which he was held by his fellow Craftsmen .
The addresses of the Lady Emily Foley , the Prov . G . M ., arid Bro . Fisk , were received with much applause . The Doxology was then sung , and afterwards the national anthem , led by Bro . Jabez Jones , was joined in by the general company . Three lusty cheers were given for the Queen , and the proceedings terminated , the Masons returning in procession by the short route to their Lodge-room . Here the Masonic business was concluded , the Lodge was closed in due form , and the Brethren retired to refreshment . The Prov . G . M , presided , the Grand Wardens occupied their usual positions , and the festivity was brought to a close about ten o ' clock .
The situation Of the site is very pleasant , and commands a good view of the Malvern range of hills On the west , and of very extended landscapes in other directions . The land for the schools , residence , and playground is three furlongs in extent . Something less than half of the area will be occupied by the buildings and yards ; the rest will form an open space in front . The principal elevation will have a southern aspect . The building will be 160 feet from end to end . The plan contains a large school in the centre , which may either be used as a mixed school for children of both sexes or divided into separate schools . This apartment is 83 feet in length by 40 feet in width ; but the parallelogram is broken in upon
by two class-rooms , each of 18 feet by 14 feet , which form part of that area . The west end of the building is occupied by the infant school , which has an area of 55 feet by 28 feet , and a class-room of 18 feet by 14 feet . The school-rooms and class-rooms have open roofs . At the west end are residences for a married couple , as teachers of the mixed school , and for a single person who is to teach the infant school . Each of these residences has a parlour , a kitchen , and a scullery ; the larger has three bed-rooms , the other only one . The floors will be boarded , and 'the school-rooms will be fitted in the best style recommended by the Committee TOL . ill . 4 G
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
' ;- - : : :I:' : ^
celebrated , & n < i v ey ^ r c ^ ntin ^ e tb receiye , as queefi of Malyerh , the true ^ ani unit ^ allegiance of y ^ ant town * N ^ ro ^ her of the G provincial Gr ^ d Lod ge * w ^
occasion we have dey ^ the ^ oramenoement of a f uri d for the re pairs of this school , i n # hich I trust niany aMasoh hiay be educated ^ r eonjinueyom : works of useful of wiinessihg the fulfilmbnt Of that gracious promisO , ' Train up a child in the wiiy he should go , and when ^^
jBtrO . Fisk , ^ said that th ^ would give him ^^ that Was positively the happiest day of * his relation with the parish ; | or not pnly did h < eftiel that he ha % ttiihgy but he f e ^ eyei * there had existed the slightest ^ ended ; all variance had me that day by their M
of that day w > s a lab ^ when Malverm having becohie a large ahd populous nlace , otheir labours of thesame kind would be required ; a ^ he wanting ; but that it might please Go labours * so that that parish might never perish for lack of k ^ entirely agreed with the Pro v ^ G * My in regard to the necessity of rendering Chris tian education for
daughters of the ^ Op letrainM up in a practical wiiich they were to be surrounded in actual life . He would have the daughters of even the comparatively wealthy and even to scour a room , that they might be the better able to appreciate the condition of those beneaththem in rank . Bro . Bisk next referred to the cheque for £ 20 just handed to himby the Brov . G JVL > and he esteemed the gift not only as a contribution / to the funds / but a token of the estimation in which he was held by his fellow Craftsmen .
The addresses of the Lady Emily Foley , the Prov . G . M ., arid Bro . Fisk , were received with much applause . The Doxology was then sung , and afterwards the national anthem , led by Bro . Jabez Jones , was joined in by the general company . Three lusty cheers were given for the Queen , and the proceedings terminated , the Masons returning in procession by the short route to their Lodge-room . Here the Masonic business was concluded , the Lodge was closed in due form , and the Brethren retired to refreshment . The Prov . G . M , presided , the Grand Wardens occupied their usual positions , and the festivity was brought to a close about ten o ' clock .
The situation Of the site is very pleasant , and commands a good view of the Malvern range of hills On the west , and of very extended landscapes in other directions . The land for the schools , residence , and playground is three furlongs in extent . Something less than half of the area will be occupied by the buildings and yards ; the rest will form an open space in front . The principal elevation will have a southern aspect . The building will be 160 feet from end to end . The plan contains a large school in the centre , which may either be used as a mixed school for children of both sexes or divided into separate schools . This apartment is 83 feet in length by 40 feet in width ; but the parallelogram is broken in upon
by two class-rooms , each of 18 feet by 14 feet , which form part of that area . The west end of the building is occupied by the infant school , which has an area of 55 feet by 28 feet , and a class-room of 18 feet by 14 feet . The school-rooms and class-rooms have open roofs . At the west end are residences for a married couple , as teachers of the mixed school , and for a single person who is to teach the infant school . Each of these residences has a parlour , a kitchen , and a scullery ; the larger has three bed-rooms , the other only one . The floors will be boarded , and 'the school-rooms will be fitted in the best style recommended by the Committee TOL . ill . 4 G