Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 9 →
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for the present . The chief business transacted Avas the discussion of a proposition made bvBro . Pocklington , and seconded by Bro . the Rev . B . J . Wood ( W . M . Lindsey Lod ^ e Louth ) , for the establishment of a Fund of Benevolence for this province , which ' Avas carried , and a Committee appointed to settle the rules , which previous to being brought into operation , are to be submitted to the several Lodges in f . hfi nrovince . . .. _
The Brethren Avent in procession to the beautiful old church of St . Bocolpii , which was filled by a very large congregation . The Rev . B . J . Wood , Prov . G . Chap . ( Rector of Ruekland , near Louth ) , preached a sermon , abounding in fervid eloquence , from the first epistle of St John , 1 st chapter , 3 rd verse—" That , which we haA ^ e seen and heard , declare we unto you , that ye also may have fellowship Avith us ; and truly our fellowship is with the Father , and with his Son , Jesus Christ . " The Rev . preacher introduced his subject by referring to the custom of
the Brethren to assemble together in the House of God , to adore His goodness and wisdom , and heartily congratulated those present on-the benefits that would accrue from their thus assembling together in a body to pay their adoration to the Most High in His holy temple . The days which had elapsed since last they met had added another thread to life , and the lesson on the improvement of time was obvious . Going back to his text , the preacher said that which the Apostle had had revealed to them , and which in the words he had selected " he declared /'—was
the wisdom , strength , and beauty to be found in Christ , who , by His life and precept ever inculcated those principles embodied in the Order to which they themselves belonged—brotherly love , and its natural fruits / relief and truth ; which must follow if their lives were guided by that grand principle united with Chanty—that highest jeAvel of the Order—blessing alike the giver and the receiver . The preacher also dwelt in a marked manner upon the objections raised
by some to the Order of Freemasonry- —objections made in ignorance of the Order . These he combated at length , especially the one often made that many men known to be Masons , were bad men , and therefore holding the institution as ^ faulty , and to blame for it ; He urged that Christianity itself might as well be objected to , on the ground that all its professors did not act in accordance with its doctrines and precepts . The origin of Masonry Avas also adverted to—the fall of our first parents rendering it necessary for mutual contrivance , and the need of the
industry of all , in order to supply the wants of each other—thus awakening invention , and bringing about the liberal arts , in the protection and fostering of Avhich the Order had for ages occupied a prominent position . After urging upon his hearers the duty of daily study in the Sacred Law , as therein they would see the foundation of the principles of the Order of Freemasonry , the preacher concluded by dwelling upon the advantages which would accrue to tlie Craft from the brethren acting in strict obedience to the Laws of the Great Architect , and regulating their lives by the precepts contained therein . Thus they might expect
to realise the blessings of sound morality and social virtue , and be Avorthy followers of the many Illustrious Brethren whose memory Avas consecrated loj their good deeds on earth . Wo may add that , in the course of his sermon , the preacher alluded in feeling terms to the death of the lamented Bro . Pricker , an allusion which had a marked effect upon the brethren . At the conclusion of divine service the Brethren returned to the Assembly Rooms , and thence repaired to banquet at the Peacock Hotel , where the utmost possible harmony reigned throughout the evening .
Lou Jii . —Lindsay Lodge ( No . 1014 . )—At the 'Lodge Meeting on Wednesday hist , Bro . Watt , S . W ., presiding , in the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., 'M r . James Fowler , architect ( who had been previously elected ) , was duly initiated . We are glad to hear that this recently-revived Lodge continues to prosper , undei the able guidance of the ' zealous W . M ., the Rev . B . J . Wood .
NORFOLK . \>^ v ** v ^ mm ^ . ~ Pnwincial Crund Kodgc— Friday , July Kith , Priory School lU > om , Ureal am cmth , at 111 , Lodge . —Tuesday , J uly 13 tli , Social ( 110 ) , Royal Hotel , Norwich , at 8 . NonwiGij . —Perseverance Lodge ( No . 258 ) .- The usual monthly meeting of thh ¦ ''Wge was held at the Lamb Inn , on Thursday , June H 0 i , Bro . William 11 . Uox
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for the present . The chief business transacted Avas the discussion of a proposition made bvBro . Pocklington , and seconded by Bro . the Rev . B . J . Wood ( W . M . Lindsey Lod ^ e Louth ) , for the establishment of a Fund of Benevolence for this province , which ' Avas carried , and a Committee appointed to settle the rules , which previous to being brought into operation , are to be submitted to the several Lodges in f . hfi nrovince . . .. _
The Brethren Avent in procession to the beautiful old church of St . Bocolpii , which was filled by a very large congregation . The Rev . B . J . Wood , Prov . G . Chap . ( Rector of Ruekland , near Louth ) , preached a sermon , abounding in fervid eloquence , from the first epistle of St John , 1 st chapter , 3 rd verse—" That , which we haA ^ e seen and heard , declare we unto you , that ye also may have fellowship Avith us ; and truly our fellowship is with the Father , and with his Son , Jesus Christ . " The Rev . preacher introduced his subject by referring to the custom of
the Brethren to assemble together in the House of God , to adore His goodness and wisdom , and heartily congratulated those present on-the benefits that would accrue from their thus assembling together in a body to pay their adoration to the Most High in His holy temple . The days which had elapsed since last they met had added another thread to life , and the lesson on the improvement of time was obvious . Going back to his text , the preacher said that which the Apostle had had revealed to them , and which in the words he had selected " he declared /'—was
the wisdom , strength , and beauty to be found in Christ , who , by His life and precept ever inculcated those principles embodied in the Order to which they themselves belonged—brotherly love , and its natural fruits / relief and truth ; which must follow if their lives were guided by that grand principle united with Chanty—that highest jeAvel of the Order—blessing alike the giver and the receiver . The preacher also dwelt in a marked manner upon the objections raised
by some to the Order of Freemasonry- —objections made in ignorance of the Order . These he combated at length , especially the one often made that many men known to be Masons , were bad men , and therefore holding the institution as ^ faulty , and to blame for it ; He urged that Christianity itself might as well be objected to , on the ground that all its professors did not act in accordance with its doctrines and precepts . The origin of Masonry Avas also adverted to—the fall of our first parents rendering it necessary for mutual contrivance , and the need of the
industry of all , in order to supply the wants of each other—thus awakening invention , and bringing about the liberal arts , in the protection and fostering of Avhich the Order had for ages occupied a prominent position . After urging upon his hearers the duty of daily study in the Sacred Law , as therein they would see the foundation of the principles of the Order of Freemasonry , the preacher concluded by dwelling upon the advantages which would accrue to tlie Craft from the brethren acting in strict obedience to the Laws of the Great Architect , and regulating their lives by the precepts contained therein . Thus they might expect
to realise the blessings of sound morality and social virtue , and be Avorthy followers of the many Illustrious Brethren whose memory Avas consecrated loj their good deeds on earth . Wo may add that , in the course of his sermon , the preacher alluded in feeling terms to the death of the lamented Bro . Pricker , an allusion which had a marked effect upon the brethren . At the conclusion of divine service the Brethren returned to the Assembly Rooms , and thence repaired to banquet at the Peacock Hotel , where the utmost possible harmony reigned throughout the evening .
Lou Jii . —Lindsay Lodge ( No . 1014 . )—At the 'Lodge Meeting on Wednesday hist , Bro . Watt , S . W ., presiding , in the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., 'M r . James Fowler , architect ( who had been previously elected ) , was duly initiated . We are glad to hear that this recently-revived Lodge continues to prosper , undei the able guidance of the ' zealous W . M ., the Rev . B . J . Wood .
NORFOLK . \>^ v ** v ^ mm ^ . ~ Pnwincial Crund Kodgc— Friday , July Kith , Priory School lU > om , Ureal am cmth , at 111 , Lodge . —Tuesday , J uly 13 tli , Social ( 110 ) , Royal Hotel , Norwich , at 8 . NonwiGij . —Perseverance Lodge ( No . 258 ) .- The usual monthly meeting of thh ¦ ''Wge was held at the Lamb Inn , on Thursday , June H 0 i , Bro . William 11 . Uox