Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 9 →
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W . M ., in the chair . Bros . George H . Simpson , Sam . C . Woolsey , Joseph Casper , and Reuben Slack , were passed to , the . second degree by . Bro . Henry J . Mason , P . M It was intimated by the W . M . that , he had receiveda communication from the
Prov . G . Sec . Bro . William Leedes Fox , that the Prov . Grand Master Bro . Benjamin Bond Cabbell , i ? J ? . & , would hold his next Grand Lodge in the Priory School Room , Great Yarmouth , on Friday , July 16 th , at eleven o'clock , a . m ., and that the Brethren ivho intended to be present should signify the same to , the Secretary , which was responded to by nearly all the Brethren present . A large . muster of the Brethren of the province is anticipated .
NORTHUMBERLAND . ApPOUTTArENTS . —/ , of / Y /^ . —Monday , July 12 th , St . Peter ' s ( 706 ) , Cathrich Buildings , at 7 ; Tuesday , 13 th , "De Ogle , Masonic Rooms , Morpeth , at 7 ; Wednesday , 14 < th , Blagden ( 957 ) , Ridley Arms , Blyth , at 7 ; Friday , 16 th , De Loraine ( 793 ) , Preemasons' Hail , Blackett Street , Newcastle , at 7 .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The folloAving is a list of the Provincial Grand Officers for 1857—8 , Bros . E . C . Ogle , Prov . G . M . ; Richard Medcalf / D . Prov . G . M . ; Edwd . Dean Davi * , ProAv S . G . W . ; Jno . Hopper , Prov . J . G . W . ; Jno . F . Bigge , Prov . G . Chaplain ; Jno . Barker , Prov . G . Treasurer ; Thos . Fenwiok , Prov . G . Registrar ; Wm . Berkley z
Prov . G . Sect ; Stephen Oavcu , Prov . S . G . D . ; Jno . T . Harrison , Prov . J . G . D ; Hy . Pattison , Prov . G . Sup . Works ; Wm . Dalziel , Prov . G . Dir . of Cer . ; Alex . Dalziel , Asst . Prov . G . Dir . of Cer . ; Thos . HasAvell , Prov ., G , Org . ; Sept . Bell , Prov . G . S . B . ; James D . BroAvn , ProA . G . Std . Br . ; W / Richardson , Prov . Gr . P . ; Alex . Dickson , Prov . G . Tyler ; Bros . James Grieve , Jos . Robertson , Jos . S . Cook , Thos . Alexander , Jno . Gorham Claikson , and 11 / G . Ludwig , Stewards .
SOMERSET . Appointment . — Chapter . —Wednesday , July 14 th , Royal Sussex ( 01 ) , Amery ' s Hotel , Bath , at 7 J . Hottspill . —Mural Philanfliropie lodge ( No . 367 ) . —Friday , the 25 th June , "being the day appointed for the election of W . Master and Treasurer for the ensuing year , a large number of the Brethren attended , and unanimously elected the late Treasurer and worthy Bro . C . Halliday to the post of honour . Bro . Burnett Avas also unanimously elected Treasurer . P . M . Bro . W . Harwood
reported that he had attended the Prov . G . L . meeting held on the previous day at Bath , accompanied by the J . W . Bro . Saunders , and explained the result of the inquiry Avith respect to the alleged irregularity on the part of the w orthy Secretary in forwarding the cash and returns to the Prov . S . Secretary , instead of the Prov . G . Treasurer . He spoke in the highest possible terms of the exceedingly kind and fraternal manner in which the very Avorthy and esteemed Prov . G . M . Col . Tynte dealt with the matter . His report was met with loud and
repeated Masonic cheers . The Brethren thanked Bro . Sharwood for his kind attention to the interests of the Lodge . A letter from Bro . Dr . Pope was then read , expressing his wish to resign , this Avas ultimately accepted , but with regret . Bros . Wade and Truelock were examined , and , having been found duly cpialifiecl , passed the degree of Fellow Craft . Bros . Rolton and Hennett , Avere raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . The ceremonies were most impressively and beautifully performed by our esteemed P . M . Bro . Wm . Harwood .
The banquet was numerously attended . The health of the R . W . Prov , G . M ... Col . Tynte , and officers past and present , having been proposed and responded to most cordially , Bro . Wm . Oakley , P . Prov . J . G . Warden & P . M . of 327 , Taunton , returned thanks in a veiy neat and effective speech ; he reverted to the proceedings of the previous day and expressed his great satisfaction and pleasure at the result of the debate , and assured the Brethren that the R . W . G . Master and officers of the Prov . Lodge exceedingllad to hear the gentlemanland satisfactory lan
G . Avere y g y expation of Bro . Harwood . He hoped that all dissension had ceaned , and that the hand of good felloAvship and friendship given to Bro . Harwood by the Avorthy Prov . G . M . Avould also be extended to the entire Lodge . He thanked the brethren for the cordial reception they had given him , and invited them to take an early opportunity of visiting their Taunton Brethren , assuring them they Avould meet with the same kind and hearty reception which he that day had experienced , The R . W . Bro *
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W . M ., in the chair . Bros . George H . Simpson , Sam . C . Woolsey , Joseph Casper , and Reuben Slack , were passed to , the . second degree by . Bro . Henry J . Mason , P . M It was intimated by the W . M . that , he had receiveda communication from the
Prov . G . Sec . Bro . William Leedes Fox , that the Prov . Grand Master Bro . Benjamin Bond Cabbell , i ? J ? . & , would hold his next Grand Lodge in the Priory School Room , Great Yarmouth , on Friday , July 16 th , at eleven o'clock , a . m ., and that the Brethren ivho intended to be present should signify the same to , the Secretary , which was responded to by nearly all the Brethren present . A large . muster of the Brethren of the province is anticipated .
NORTHUMBERLAND . ApPOUTTArENTS . —/ , of / Y /^ . —Monday , July 12 th , St . Peter ' s ( 706 ) , Cathrich Buildings , at 7 ; Tuesday , 13 th , "De Ogle , Masonic Rooms , Morpeth , at 7 ; Wednesday , 14 < th , Blagden ( 957 ) , Ridley Arms , Blyth , at 7 ; Friday , 16 th , De Loraine ( 793 ) , Preemasons' Hail , Blackett Street , Newcastle , at 7 .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The folloAving is a list of the Provincial Grand Officers for 1857—8 , Bros . E . C . Ogle , Prov . G . M . ; Richard Medcalf / D . Prov . G . M . ; Edwd . Dean Davi * , ProAv S . G . W . ; Jno . Hopper , Prov . J . G . W . ; Jno . F . Bigge , Prov . G . Chaplain ; Jno . Barker , Prov . G . Treasurer ; Thos . Fenwiok , Prov . G . Registrar ; Wm . Berkley z
Prov . G . Sect ; Stephen Oavcu , Prov . S . G . D . ; Jno . T . Harrison , Prov . J . G . D ; Hy . Pattison , Prov . G . Sup . Works ; Wm . Dalziel , Prov . G . Dir . of Cer . ; Alex . Dalziel , Asst . Prov . G . Dir . of Cer . ; Thos . HasAvell , Prov ., G , Org . ; Sept . Bell , Prov . G . S . B . ; James D . BroAvn , ProA . G . Std . Br . ; W / Richardson , Prov . Gr . P . ; Alex . Dickson , Prov . G . Tyler ; Bros . James Grieve , Jos . Robertson , Jos . S . Cook , Thos . Alexander , Jno . Gorham Claikson , and 11 / G . Ludwig , Stewards .
SOMERSET . Appointment . — Chapter . —Wednesday , July 14 th , Royal Sussex ( 01 ) , Amery ' s Hotel , Bath , at 7 J . Hottspill . —Mural Philanfliropie lodge ( No . 367 ) . —Friday , the 25 th June , "being the day appointed for the election of W . Master and Treasurer for the ensuing year , a large number of the Brethren attended , and unanimously elected the late Treasurer and worthy Bro . C . Halliday to the post of honour . Bro . Burnett Avas also unanimously elected Treasurer . P . M . Bro . W . Harwood
reported that he had attended the Prov . G . L . meeting held on the previous day at Bath , accompanied by the J . W . Bro . Saunders , and explained the result of the inquiry Avith respect to the alleged irregularity on the part of the w orthy Secretary in forwarding the cash and returns to the Prov . S . Secretary , instead of the Prov . G . Treasurer . He spoke in the highest possible terms of the exceedingly kind and fraternal manner in which the very Avorthy and esteemed Prov . G . M . Col . Tynte dealt with the matter . His report was met with loud and
repeated Masonic cheers . The Brethren thanked Bro . Sharwood for his kind attention to the interests of the Lodge . A letter from Bro . Dr . Pope was then read , expressing his wish to resign , this Avas ultimately accepted , but with regret . Bros . Wade and Truelock were examined , and , having been found duly cpialifiecl , passed the degree of Fellow Craft . Bros . Rolton and Hennett , Avere raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . The ceremonies were most impressively and beautifully performed by our esteemed P . M . Bro . Wm . Harwood .
The banquet was numerously attended . The health of the R . W . Prov , G . M ... Col . Tynte , and officers past and present , having been proposed and responded to most cordially , Bro . Wm . Oakley , P . Prov . J . G . Warden & P . M . of 327 , Taunton , returned thanks in a veiy neat and effective speech ; he reverted to the proceedings of the previous day and expressed his great satisfaction and pleasure at the result of the debate , and assured the Brethren that the R . W . G . Master and officers of the Prov . Lodge exceedingllad to hear the gentlemanland satisfactory lan
G . Avere y g y expation of Bro . Harwood . He hoped that all dissension had ceaned , and that the hand of good felloAvship and friendship given to Bro . Harwood by the Avorthy Prov . G . M . Avould also be extended to the entire Lodge . He thanked the brethren for the cordial reception they had given him , and invited them to take an early opportunity of visiting their Taunton Brethren , assuring them they Avould meet with the same kind and hearty reception which he that day had experienced , The R . W . Bro *