Article THE MASOIIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Masoiic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . We understand that the Brethren of the Royal York Lodge ( No . 394 ) , Brighton , propose to invite the children of the Girls' School to visit Brighton in the early part of August , when the whole expenses of the day will be defrayed by the Brethren of the Lodge . "Eight hours by the sea side" will indeed be a novelty to our interesting ^ of the committee of the school and their friends will embrace the opportunity of being present .
The Camden Lodge have opened a Lodge of Instruction which meets each Tuesday throughout the year ( excepting the third from May to October , which are regular Lodge nights ) at the Assembly House , Kentish Town . The lUustrated Neivs of the World has published a large engraving of the scene in the Theatre Royal , Edinburgh , on occasion of a performance under Masonic patronage , the evening before the laying the foundation stone of the neAV hall . It is extremely well executed .
A Quarterly Court of the Governors of this School was held at the offices in Great Queen Street on Thursday , July 8 th , when seven children ( the whole of the candidates ) were admitted into the school—six coming from the country , and one from London . The Report of the Committee on Education was brought up , and , after some discussion , adopted , with the addition of a proviso that the friends of the children to be taught music should pay 10 s . 6 d a quarter , to pay the expense of new music and other incidentals .
A proposition Avas made to increase the salary of Bro . Crew , the excellent Sccre * tary , by £ 50 a year—thus making it , £ 150 . On this an amendment Avas moved to increase it to ^ € 200 . The amendment was carried . Some formal business was then transacted , and the meeting adjourned .
APPOINTMENTS . iVednesday , Jidi J lltrft . —Lodges , Union of AVaterloo ( 13 ) , King ' s Arms , Woolwich ; justice ( 172 ) , Royal Albert , New Cross ; Caveae ( 205 ) , Star and Garter , Kew Bridgd ; Zetland ( 752 ) , Adam and Eve , Kensington . Committee of Itoyal Benevolent Institution , at 3 . Thursday , l & li . —Clwpler , Yarborough ( 812 ) , George Tavern , CommtJrcial-road East . Friday , 10 th . —Lodge , Prosperity ( 78 ) , White Hart , Bishopsgate-street , Saturday , nth . —Lodge , Pauifture ( 1017 ) , Pembury Tavern , Lower Clapton . Monday , 19 * 7 * . —Lodge , Pantmire ( 1022 ) , Bwan Tavern , Stockwell . Quarterly Meeting of Boys ' School .
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The Masoiic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . We understand that the Brethren of the Royal York Lodge ( No . 394 ) , Brighton , propose to invite the children of the Girls' School to visit Brighton in the early part of August , when the whole expenses of the day will be defrayed by the Brethren of the Lodge . "Eight hours by the sea side" will indeed be a novelty to our interesting ^ of the committee of the school and their friends will embrace the opportunity of being present .
The Camden Lodge have opened a Lodge of Instruction which meets each Tuesday throughout the year ( excepting the third from May to October , which are regular Lodge nights ) at the Assembly House , Kentish Town . The lUustrated Neivs of the World has published a large engraving of the scene in the Theatre Royal , Edinburgh , on occasion of a performance under Masonic patronage , the evening before the laying the foundation stone of the neAV hall . It is extremely well executed .
A Quarterly Court of the Governors of this School was held at the offices in Great Queen Street on Thursday , July 8 th , when seven children ( the whole of the candidates ) were admitted into the school—six coming from the country , and one from London . The Report of the Committee on Education was brought up , and , after some discussion , adopted , with the addition of a proviso that the friends of the children to be taught music should pay 10 s . 6 d a quarter , to pay the expense of new music and other incidentals .
A proposition Avas made to increase the salary of Bro . Crew , the excellent Sccre * tary , by £ 50 a year—thus making it , £ 150 . On this an amendment Avas moved to increase it to ^ € 200 . The amendment was carried . Some formal business was then transacted , and the meeting adjourned .
APPOINTMENTS . iVednesday , Jidi J lltrft . —Lodges , Union of AVaterloo ( 13 ) , King ' s Arms , Woolwich ; justice ( 172 ) , Royal Albert , New Cross ; Caveae ( 205 ) , Star and Garter , Kew Bridgd ; Zetland ( 752 ) , Adam and Eve , Kensington . Committee of Itoyal Benevolent Institution , at 3 . Thursday , l & li . —Clwpler , Yarborough ( 812 ) , George Tavern , CommtJrcial-road East . Friday , 10 th . —Lodge , Prosperity ( 78 ) , White Hart , Bishopsgate-street , Saturday , nth . —Lodge , Pauifture ( 1017 ) , Pembury Tavern , Lower Clapton . Monday , 19 * 7 * . —Lodge , Pantmire ( 1022 ) , Bwan Tavern , Stockwell . Quarterly Meeting of Boys ' School .